The guests were familiar with the young man. They should all be familiar with the restaurant. Many people asked about mutton soup and roast mutton kebabs.

And the young man can also accurately call out the guests' names or nicknames, but he keeps a sense of mystery about the new dishes.

Leighton was surprised at the sophistication of the young man, and Moore was somewhat constrained to follow the team to the door of the restaurant.

"Welcome." MEG nodded to them with a warm smile, and his eyes rested on the pot the boy was carrying.

"Hello." Lyme quickly nodded with Moore, raised his feet to enter the restaurant, and then rubbed the soles of his shoes outside the door.

McGonagall's eyes rested on the orc father and son for a while. From their old clothes, they could see that they were not rich. The big pot on the boy's back and the knife hanging around his waist showed that there should be someone who could cook.

The feedback from psychic gate shows that the father and son are just ordinary Orc father and son.

Maybe they just arrived in the city of chaos and didn't know the order price of Maimi restaurant, so they mistakenly entered the restaurant.

In this way, there are many guests every day, most of them will find an excuse to leave after seeing the menu.

McGonagall didn't look down on them. After all, there are more ordinary people in the world. Even if it costs 200 copper dollars to drink a bowl of bean curd, it will be a very painful thing for most people.

Leighton and Moore found a table near the door. It would be convenient to leave the restaurant from here. They stood at the table and hesitated to sit down.

Their clothes are not very dirty. They take off their clothes when they carry their bags. They put them on after they finish their work.

It's just that the tables, chairs and benches are as clean as a mirror. They can't even see a trace of dust. If they sit down, they will have to rub a lot of dust, and the waiters will have to clean them again.

"Please sit down and look at the menu first. Someone will order for you later." Gina came up to them and put the menu in front of them with a smile.

For the first time, Moore met her beautiful and beautiful little sister. The boy's face suddenly turned red. He did not dare to look at Gina, but sat down with Leighton's sleeve.

"That's very interesting." Leighton sat uneasily. As soon as he looked up, Gina had gone to the kitchen.

"I... let's look at the menu first." Moore is also a little nervous and uneasy, but now that he has done it, he can't get up and leave immediately. They also want to see whether these guests like mutton soup or not.

"All right." Leighton nodded. Now that it's done, let's look at the menu first.

"You two, there's no place beside you. Is it OK for us to join you for a table?" A voice rang out in their ears.

Leighton looked up, with a chubby smile on his face. He asked a man who was wearing a gorgeous robe and a big gem ring on his finger. Next to him, there was a man who was similar to him in shape and the same gorgeous dress. They were the boss at first sight. They even pulled Moore up and said nervously, "boss, just sit here for you."

"Ah, ah, ah." Leighton and his son got up, but Harrison and Julian were a little flustered. They quickly reached out to hold them.

"No, if you don't want to share the table, we'll wait. You'll let me. Boss Mai thinks our brothers are fighting for positions. I'm sorry." Harrison can't laugh or cry. It must be the first time for the father and son to come to McMillan's, and they don't understand the rules of table sharing.

"Yes, there are not many places in this Maimi restaurant, but there are a lot of guests, so the boss set a rule of table sharing. As long as there is a free place, we can sit down and share a table. We don't want to grab a place, but we want to share a table." Geerjee explains with a smile that they don't want to get on boss McGrady's blacklist because of a misunderstanding.

After listening to their explanation, Leighton saw that the two bosses seemed more nervous than him. He was a little strange. He did not expect that there was another boss who was willing to sit at the table with them. After thinking about it, he was still a little uneasy and sat back with Moore, lifted his luggage to his feet, nodded and said, "sit as you please."

"All right." Harrison and jergi smile and sit down.

"Listen to your accent, unlike the local people, are you new to the chaotic city?" Harrison sat down and asked, looking curiously at Leighton.

"Well, I just came." Leighton nodded, a little restrained.

"Well, you've come to the right place. Maimi restaurant is the best restaurant in our chaotic city. You can't eat the delicious food in other places." Harrison laughed.

"Well." Leiden nodded and rubbed his hands under the table. He didn't know how to answer.

Jieerji looked at the father and son, then changed the topic and said: "boss Mai has been pigeoning for a day, and then launched two new products. This is really amazing. We have to taste this mutton soup in the morning to see what tricks boss Mai can play with this mutton soup."

"I've eaten roast mutton. There's a mutton roast restaurant in the west of the city. It's not bad, but the mutton soup. I don't know if boss Mai can give it the smell, otherwise it's not very friendly." Harrison said with a smile.

"If you don't have this ability, boss Mai won't launch this mutton soup. Don't you have this confidence?" Jergi didn't worry at all.

Leighton and his son both stood up to listen to them. They were even more curious about boss Mai. What kind of cooking skills could make such a group of big bosses wait in line in the cold early in the morning?

Moore flipped through the menu, just looked at the price, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Leighton also glanced at it, and his eyes immediately widened. The menu was full of zeros, which made him dazzle. Even the cheapest bean curd would cost 200 copper coins a bowl.

The mutton soup needs 500 copper coins, and the price of mutton kebabs is 100 copper coins, but it is not provided in the morning.

He quickly calculated that the 1000 copper coins in his pocket were not enough for him and Moore to eat two Yangzhou fried rice.

Moore looked up at Leighton and his throat rolled unconsciously. He suddenly regretted pulling his father into the restaurant, which would put them in a dilemma.

"Can I help you?" At this time, abemia came to their table and asked with a smile.

"Er..." Leighton stared at the menu in front of him, and sweat came out of his forehead. He hesitated for a while and said, "we... Want a sweet bean curd."

"Yes, a sweet bean curd. Just a moment, please." Mia smiles and nods, turning to look at Harrison and jergi.

Harrison took a look at Leighton and his son and said with a smile, "we'll have four bowls of mutton soup, and I'll have Yangzhou fried rice. I think it's a good match."

"Then I'll have another salted bean curd and a fried dough sticks." Jergi got it.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia nodded with a smile and turned to the next table.

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