The steaming mutton soup is fed to your mouth. When you get up in the morning, the dull and depressed taste buds are immediately scalded. However, before the pain comes out, the fresh and sweet taste of the soup has successfully ascended, making the taste buds crazy.

What kind of fairy flavor is this!

Is this really mutton soup?

He only tasted the delicacy of sheep, but not their inevitable smell.

Thick bone soup, texture is sweet and pure, there are countless marrow and essence mingled in soup, but there is no sense of sticky.

A mouthful of soup into the stomach, only feel a warm current down the throat straight to the stomach.


Harrison's whole body of fat can't help shivering. The chilly feeling that he had been waiting in line outside was cleared away by these two shivers.

Drink a few more mouthfuls of soup, warmth rises from the stomach, only feel that the whole body has become warm.

"This soup has its own merits as Buddha jumps over the wall. In the morning, it's better." Harrison couldn't help looking at the direction of the kitchen and exclaimed: "boss Mai is indeed boss Mai. Even mutton soup can be so delicious."

"This soup is really good. It's too ceremonious for Buddha to drink in the morning, but a bowl of mutton soup would be wonderful." Geerjee nodded and picked up a thin slice of mutton with his chopsticks.

The mutton doesn't look very tempting. After the soup, the flavor is not very strong. However, the mutton used for cooking soup can't be too strict with it. After all, the most important thing is the taste of a soup.

"Is this little dish for mutton? It's like eating roast duck, but it's a spicy dipping dish. " Harrison looked at the small dish at hand and said that the spicy crisp flavor was faintly audible.

"I'll try." Geerji dipped the mutton in the dipping dish, and the soft mutton was immediately filled with bright red dipping materials. The distinct grains of sesame and peanut and bright red chili noodles infused the soul into the original ordinary mutton and made it look extremely attractive.

"Wow, this dip is absolutely invincible." Jergi exclaimed, and then couldn't wait to feed the mutton to his mouth.

The spicy dipping material, coupled with soft and sweet mutton, brings great surprise to taste buds and teeth.

The fried peanuts and sesame seeds burst open in the mouth, and with a variety of spices burst out incredible crisp fragrance, while spicy gives the fresh sweet mutton a more exciting delicious experience.

"It's one of the most delicious mutton I've ever had. I don't have one." Geerjee gave a thumbs up and exclaimed.

"How delicious is it?"

Leighton and Moore listened to their praise of the mutton soup and mutton, but the smell of the mutton soup was so attractive that they couldn't help picking up the spoon and chopsticks.

Leighton first scooped up a spoonful of soup with a spoon. It took at least three hours to boil the Milky soup, and it was not a simple job to continuously add firewood to the fire during the three hours.

Even if it is his sheep, after three hours of cooking, the mutton will inevitably melt into the soup, but the soup is pure in texture. It can be seen that he is not using meat, but sheep bone soup.

As Harrison said, the soup is crisp and has no smell of mutton, but the sweetness of mutton is particularly prominent.

Leighton didn't know how the chef could do this. He had thought of many ways, but he could only weaken the mutton smell a little, but he couldn't do it unless he pressed it with another stronger spice, which was so clean and crisp.

After thinking for a while, he didn't see anything from the soup. He fed the mutton soup to his mouth.

The freshness and sweetness of mutton soup is reflected to the extreme by this soup.

As an old goat man who has raised, made and eaten sheep all his life, this kind of delicious taste is particularly prominent.

As soon as the soup came into his mouth, Leiden understood that the quality of the mutton was much higher than that of the sheep he had raised.

Even if the whole sheep he raised was chopped and cooked into this bowl of mutton soup, the taste was still far less than this bowl.

It doesn't mean how rich the flavor is. If it's too strong, it's easy to get greasy. He had thought about this for a long time.

This flavor belongs to another level of flavor, which comes from the absolute suppression of food ingredients.

He doesn't know what kind of sheep it is, but the mutton has no smell, which may have a lot to do with the mutton itself.

However, no matter what kind of sheep it is, the delicious mutton soup is really a height he can't reach in his life.

Fresh but not smelly, fragrant but not greasy, thick but not sticky, just these three points, you need to control the heat of mutton stew to the extreme, a little deviation, it will not become a perfect bowl of mutton soup.

Leighton has always been confident in his ability to stew mutton, but now he is a little ashamed. Compared with this bowl of mutton soup, his craft can only be described as vulgar.

"This mutton soup is delicious." Moore has drunk several mouthfuls of soup, and his face seems to shine. This is the most delicious mutton soup he has ever drunk!

As soon as he thought about this, Moore's hand holding the bowl suddenly froze, and his eyes looked at his father, who was deep in thought, and his heart was a bit depressed.

The mutton made by my father is really the best in the tribe, but the cooks in chaos city are so good that if they make such delicious mutton, they dare not open a mutton restaurant.

Moore put down his spoon, picked up chopsticks with a pious face and held a piece of mutton. He was already open-minded. The chef could make so many bosses wait in line in the morning. Naturally, it was not a shepherd from a small tribe who could compare with him. He should change his mind and taste the mutton soup with a learning attitude.

After the mutton is cooked in the soup, most of the meat flavor has penetrated into the soup. Although the soup is delicious, if the mutton is eaten directly, it should have no taste.

So the chef added a dry dip dish.

Leighton doesn't think it's unusual. When eating roast mutton, if they think it's tasteless, they will also grab a handful of salt and sprinkle it on the mutton. It's not much different from eating it on a plate.

Having seen geerji eat mutton before, he also learned to dip it in the red dipping dish. The mutton wrapped in the dipping material looked attractive immediately, and then he fed it directly to his mouth.


Leighton's face almost flushed. He just felt that his mouth was ignited by a fire. His tongue was numb because of the spicy feeling.

"For the first time, right? Chew it and let it release completely. " Harrison said with a smile that the first time he ate abnormal spicy food, it was worse than that.

Leighton chewed the mutton quickly. The sweet soup of mutton sputtered out, and the spicy flavor immediately decreased. After the crushed peanuts and sesame seeds were chewed, a strong fragrance immediately melted in his mouth. With the tender mutton, he just felt that the more he chewed, the more fragrant he was

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