Seeing that Leighton and his son finished eating, they got up to chat with Harrison and went out. McGonagall put down his iron spoon and was ready to stop them from talking about their life and ideals and help them realize their dreams.

"They seem to have gone to buy mutton. When I was just passing by, I heard Harrison say that he wanted to try the stewed mutton made by the ORC." Mia came into the door with the plate, seemed to see McGonagall's attention to the father and son, and volunteered.

"Stewed mutton?" McGonagall was slightly stunned, and missed the best time to go out and stop them. It would leave a restaurant guest to run out and stop them, but it seemed a little strange.

But now that Harrison and their father and son are connected, there's no need to worry about not finding them.

Anyway, Harrison has to come to the store to eat every day, basically three meals a day.

"Well." Mia nodded and looked at MEG curiously. "What's the matter, boss? Do they have any questions?"

"Nothing, just a little curious." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. He seems to care too much, so he picks up the spoon again and continues to cook.


Harrison took Leighton and his son to his carriage, then took them to the vegetable market directly, selected half a sheep, and let Leighton choose some side dishes and ingredients, discussed with him about the site for mutton, and took him directly to his factory.

There is another open space at the gate of his factory, which is usually used for stacking goods. Because the road is blocked by heavy snow, this period is just the off-season of the factory, so it is empty. According to Leighton's request, it is very suitable to build a stove with stone.

When they got there, Harrison and Jill got out of the car. He asked the orcs to go to the canteen, brought some wood, tied Leiden, and built the stove.

"Brother, don't you think so?" Harrison rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Leighton nodded with a smile.

"That's OK. You can do it openly. This place is mine. You can do whatever you want." Harrison said with a smile.

Leighton took off the big pot tied to his luggage and put it on the stove. There was a fire under it. Then he shoveled a pot of snow into the pot and let it melt. On the other side, he began to process the mutton.

Half a sheep, he soon cut into pieces, the same is to use snow directly wash the blood on the mutton.

When the snow water in the pot boils, throw the mutton into the pot, and then throw all kinds of spices he bought into the pot. Another branch comes out of his luggage, cuts two small pieces with a knife, and throws them into the pot. When the lid of the pot is covered on the net, it begins to stew.

"That's it?" Harrison looked at Leighton a little surprised. It seemed a little too simple than he thought.

"It looks like that." Geerjee nodded slightly. As a person who occasionally went back to the kitchen to watch the cook cook, stew seemed to be throwing all kinds of things into the pot and then covering it.

"It takes two hours to stew mutton. If the two bosses feel cold or bored, they can go to the carriage and sit there first. We father and son are here to watch." Leighton said with a little restraint.

"Well, I'll go round the factory and come out to eat mutton later." Harrison nodded and took jergi toward the factory.

"Do you think it can be done?" Entering the factory, Harrison whispered.

"It's hard to say. Some people say that cooking is a delicate thing, while others say that cooking is a simple thing." Jergi shook his head.

"It's Mr. Mai who can make the most complicated food like Fotiao wall, and let us experience the hot pot of fool style cooking." Harrison rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "but I'm really looking forward to what kind of mutton stew the father and son can make."

"But why do you suddenly want to help them open a mutton restaurant?" Jergi looked at Harrison with some puzzlement. Although his best friend is kind-hearted, he usually helps his father and son order mutton soup.

"Dream, what a simple word, but I haven't heard it from others for a long time. It seems that I don't deserve to have a dream as an adult. It's really puzzling." Harrison laughed and shook his head.

"Who doesn't have a dream? It's just to be carefully hidden by yourself. Didn't you want to be a writer back then? Your handwritten autobiography is still under the pillow?"

"That's not true." Harrison blushed, stepped up a little, and said, "it's just a small thing for me, but for their father and son, it may be a livelihood. If they really have the ability to move me, why don't I help them?"

"I love to hear that." Jergi also said with a smile.


"Father, will they really help us open a mutton restaurant?" Moore rubbed his hands and looked excitedly at Leiden.

Leighton threw the wood in his hand into the stove, looked at Moore and said, "Moore, you must always remember that there is no free dinner in the world. If our mutton can't get into the mouth of the two bosses, they won't help us open a mutton restaurant. What's more, this is an excessive demand. "

"Well." Moore nodded and then said with a smile, "father, the mutton you make is so delicious. There must be no problem."

"I hope so." Leighton looked at the flames under the stove, and his eyes were also shining.

Two hours later, the fragrance broke through the lid and began to release.

"It smells good." Harrison came out of the factory, smelling the fragrance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his pace could not help but quicken a bit.

"Yes, the mutton is very fragrant." Geerjee's eyes are bright, but it's a bit more than expected.

Hearing their praise, Leighton's nervous mood slowed down a little, but he didn't completely relax. When they came to him, he opened the lid of the pot.

A strong smell of mutton rose up along with the heat. The soup was almost finished. The color of mutton was bright and red, which made people full of appetite.

However, close to Harrison and jergi is coincidentally walked under the eyebrow.

"Boss, the mutton has been stewed. Try it." Leighton took two earthenware bowls, put a few pieces of mutton into each bowl, and handed them to Harrison and jergi expectantly.

"Well, let's try it." Harrison took the bowl with a smile and held a piece of it with a wooden chopstick. The mutton was cut to the size of a baby's palm. Compared with the mutton in the mutton soup in the morning, it was the existence of bold and unconstrained style. The color was quite attractive, but the smell still could not hide the unique smell of mutton.

Harrison took a bite of mutton. The mutton stewed is soft but not rotten. The taste is very wonderful. All kinds of spices added make the mutton delicious. It is much better than other mutton stewed in the past.


The smell of the mutton was like a magic spell, and it didn't go away. Even though Harrison had tried very hard to force himself to ignore the smell of the mutton, he still couldn't let himself sink into the mutton.

Geerji's expression is almost the same. For a qualified eater, slight flaws can be ignored, but the taste that affects the user experience can't be ignored.

They still finished the mutton in the bowl.

"How are you, boss? Can I open a mutton restaurant? " Moore looked at them expectantly and asked, since the two bosses have finished the mutton in the bowl, it means that they should also like the mutton made by their father.

Leighton also looked nervous with a trace of expectation.

"Mutton is very delicious. It's more delicious than the stewed mutton I've ever eaten before. The color of mutton is very good, and the taste of mutton is also excellent. The proportion of spices is very good, and the saltiness is appropriate, which makes the freshness of mutton get the maximum play. But... "Harrison looked at the two people who were looking forward to it, and considered the words:" the smell of mutton doesn't seem to be handled very well. It will offset all the advantages of mutton. If it is to this extent, even if you open a mutton restaurant, it will be difficult to accumulate customers. "

"How can..." Moore's expression broke down in a moment, looking at the hot mutton in the pot.

"Sorry, I'm not good enough." Leighton, though somewhat frustrated, soon apologized.

"I'm sorry. I have to say what I have to say." Harrison was a little embarrassed, but a little helpless.

"Why don't we go to ask boss Mai?" Said jergi.

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