"Some days I didn't go to the Maimi restaurant for dinner. I don't know if Mr. McGonagall would like to wear it like this?" Gloria looked in the mirror and compared which earrings she should wear. She blushed and looked at herself in the mirror. "I just went to him to discuss the cooperation in the textile industry. Well, that's all

"The girl I love is close at hand, but she is dressing up for others. Who can understand the pain..." Camilla lies on the eaves and looks at Gloria who is talking to herself in the room, covering her chest with heartache.

"No, we can't just sit here and wait to die! I have to do something Camilla perked up, hung upside down on the eaves and walked back and forth for a few times. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she said to herself, "the gift she gave last time was too bad. This time I'll do it again! Since Miss Gloria likes to make clothes, I'll make one for her myself

"Yes, that's it!" Looking at Gloria in the room, who is ready to go out, Camilla can't help imagining her glorious and moving appearance in her own clothes. At that time, she will be very moved and captured by him.

"I'm so smart!" Camilla smiles a little complacently, looks at Gloria again, and disappears into a black fog.

"Was there anything just now?" Gloria looked back at the direction outside the window, but there was nothing outside.

"It's still early. Let's go to the factory first. The last batch of winter clothes should go online. After a while, when the weather gets warm, we have to go to spring clothes. We have to start production ahead of time." Gloria puts on her down jacket and opens the door. Mars, who is waiting at the door, takes her bag and reports to her as she walks.

After Cyril was snowed because of the previous events, Gloria has been regarded as a powerful candidate for the succession of the Molton family.

This is followed by busier work and stricter external vision.

When Cyril is no longer her rival, she compares with hill, who is also the eldest granddaughter of the family.

Similar age, the same successor, even the appearance of the same, the contrast between the two is always interesting.

"Is there any recent movement on Cyril's side?" Gloria got into the carriage and asked casually.

"Cyril is honest at home, and goes to the master every day to say hello sooner or later, which is a sign of repentance. But Mrs. Aviva and miss heti and miss Henie went to Mrs. Aviva twice because of the limited monthly allowance. " Mars replied.

"This time, he knows that he's going to make trouble with his wife and daughter. But if his grandmother dotes on them again, this time, there's no grandfather nodding his head. I'm afraid their restrictions will not be solved for a while." Gloria said with a kind of sarcastic smile that their family's subsidy was less than 5000 copper coins.

"As long as our cooperation with Mr. McGonagall goes well, you can revitalize the textile industry of the Molton family and take it under the banner like indigo. In the future, even if there is any change in the family's inheritance, you will be able to stand on your own with these two industries." Mars looked at Gloria with some admiration. Although she started much later than Miss Hill, she made several choices after she made up her mind to enter the shopping mall, which made him marvel.

The potential of Dylan is limitless, and the cooperation with Mr. McGonagall's textile factory may become a catfish disturbing the textile industry of the whole continent.

"What belongs to me, I will hold them tightly in my hands, at least, I will not let it fall into their hands." Gloria said with a smile, lifted a wisp of hair that fell in front of her eyes, lifted a corner of the car curtain and looked out, letting the cold wind blow on her face.


"What's the situation?"

McGonagall appeared in the underground palace, looking at the people who were studying the seal array.


Barbara, who is seriously drawing a picture, is surprised. She almost jumps in place and stares at MEG who doesn't know when she will appear in the cave.

"The seal is weakening. At this rate, we still have seven days left. If we can't reinforce the seal within these seven days, it is very likely to break the seal." Elena came forward with a slightly heavy look.

"Alex, there's good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?" Crassus looked at McGonagall. Before McGonagall spoke, he was already asking and answering himself with a smile. "The bad news is that we haven't figured out what this array is all about. The good news is that this little girl is quite powerful. She has helped Novak understand most of the array meanings, but it depends on luck whether she can reinforce the seal successfully in seven days. "

"Is he Alex? Irina's sister's man? It's... Pretty. " Barbara looked at McGonagall in surprise. "Don't look. I've already used your octopus beard to make iron plate Octopus beard. It tastes good." Meg said with a smile.


Octopus monster instantly angry, countless tentacles crazy toward McGonagall shot, attracted a flash of seal array, as if at any time will be shot rotten in general.


"Unknown biological test result has been generated, whether the host will receive it now!"

Just then, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded the system's tone.

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