Because of the old dominator event, after the negotiation between Krasu and Julian, Amy got a holiday before the chaos college holiday.

"That is to say, from today on, I can sleep in every day at home. I don't have to go to the school park or the drugstore. I just need to tease the ugly duckling at home?" Amy just woke up and sat up from the bed, looking at McGonagall in surprise.

"Yes, the holiday officially starts today." MEG looks at Amy with a smile. It seems that the little guy has been looking forward to the winter vacation for a long time.

"Great!" Amy jumped out of bed and kicked the duckling out of bed. She hopped on the bed for a while. Then she threw herself into McGonagall's arms, looked up and said, "I don't want to sleep late. I want to play with Jessica, OK?"

"Of course." McGonagall raised his hand and looked at his watch. "But if you want me to take you, you'll have to get up and wash now, and then go downstairs to eat."

"All right." Amy cleverly released the hand holding Meg's neck, jumped out of bed, opened the wardrobe, and chose a white down jacket and a pair of lovely white plush shoes for herself. Looking back at MEG, she said, "father, I'm going to wear this dress and shoes today, and I'm going to comb the hair of my two tails."

"No problem, it's on me." McGonagall nodded with a smile, a pair of horsetails and so on. For him now, it's just a hairstyle that he pinches easily.

"But, father, where is mother? Why didn't you see her in the morning? " Amy asked curiously as she combed her hair.

"She's been a little busy recently. She just ate a little breakfast and went out." MEG replied with a smile that Irina went to the devil islands yesterday and picked up a group of elves.

"Oh." Amy nodded cleverly, didn't ask any more, but talked about some interesting things that happened today.

After breakfast, MEG takes Amy to Jessica's house by bike. The two kids haven't seen each other for a long time. They can't finish talking after meeting. MEG tells Amy a few words and then goes away by bike.

"Where's my car?"

"It was still there yesterday!"

As soon as McGonagall turned out of the alley on his bicycle, he heard a sharp and inconceivable sound.

McGonagall took a side look. A middle-aged man with greasy hair was holding his hair and looking melancholy. Not far away, six or seven passers-by were watching.

"What's your car? Is it beautiful? " An elder joked.

"It's not beautiful. It's very special. It's long and square. It's not something that ordinary people can own. Its license plate number is... Yes..." the middle-aged uncle grabbed his hair anxiously and said with a sad face: "why can't I remember? I'm so sad, guilty and self reproachful!"

"Uncle, there is an ox cart in crocodile skin in the alley. Go and see if it's your car." McGonagall rode by and gave a warning.

The uncle was stunned and turned to run towards the alley. After a while, his voice of surprise came from the alley: "it's really here! Thank you, young man

MEG smiles, mostly a muddle headed drunkard.

Riding back to the restaurant, MEG was busy giving out hot porridge to the cleaners.

A bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge has become the most anticipated work welfare for the cleaners in Aden square, and also helped them survive this extremely cold winter.

Before opening in the morning, McGonagall announced on the dining table: "two days later, on the rest day of the restaurant, I promise Lord Michael to provide a venue and dining service for a meeting. If something happens on that day, I can't use it. All major races will send representatives to this meeting, and I can't use it if I need to avoid it."

"Cough... I made an appointment that day, so I won't come." Camilla gave an unnatural dry cough.

"I need to avoid it." Elizabeth said directly.

"I may not be very suitable to be there." Sheryl shook her head slightly.

"Will the forest of the wind send someone?" Asked Phyllis in a low voice, a little worried.

"You can take a rest." Meg said with a smile.

"Oh." Felice nodded cleverly. She was worried that she would be involved in the restaurant.

Abemia said with a smile, "I'm fine. I can come to work."

Then Gina, Jane, Rina and Angela all said they could come to work.

"OK, let's arrange it like this. Anyway, there are not many people. They are not as busy as usual. If they are too busy, they will be arranged to eat hot pot." Meg said with a smile.

"If you eat hot pot, will you fight because you've caught someone else's fat cow?" Anna was a little worried.

McGregor thought, it is not that there is no such possibility, "it seems that we still can not eat hot pot, if a piece of fat cattle triggered a race war, we can not afford this responsibility."

"Isn't Barbara's assignment over yet? She hasn't been back to her dorm for days Mia asked.

Others, too, looked at MEG with concern.

"She was asked by the city Lord's office to do something with a higher level of confidentiality. I don't know when she will be able to come back, but there will be no problem." Meg said with a smile, Barbara is saving the world now.

"Well, let's tidy up and get ready for business." MEG got up and went to the door.

Open the door to welcome guests, the day's work officially began.

At the end of the morning, Harrison, who had been waiting outside for a while, came in and looked at McGonagall. "Boss McGonagall, I have a few words to tell you. Are you free now?"

"Let's go outside and say it's time for them to clean the restaurant." McGonagall leads Harrison out of the door again. In fact, he also wants to ask Harrison if the dream of the orc father and son has come true. His task has not been settled successfully.

"Do you remember the orc brother that jergi and I brought with us the other day?" Harrison came straight to the point and asked McGonagall what he wanted to ask.

"Yes, do they have any idea of their mutton restaurant?" MEG nodded and asked with concern.

"Jierji and I have been running for a few days. He said we can't rob you of your business in Aden square, so we found a shop for him at the gate of chengxifang. We are busy with the decoration these two days." Harrison nodded with a smile, and then took out a document from his arms. "I came to you today for this matter. The three of us set up this mutton restaurant together. Geerjee and I paid for the restaurant. Brother Leighton is responsible for cooking technology, and each holds half of the shares. However, brother Leighton said that his half scores you half. Today, I just got out the partnership contract, So I'm looking for your signature. "

"I didn't do anything. Why did I take up 20.5% of the shares?" McGonagall looked at Harrison with some doubts.

"That can't be said. If you hadn't selflessly shared the processing method of mutton, the stewed mutton would not have been made." Harrison looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "this is brother Leighton's original words. He is busy adjusting the mutton flavor in the store today. Otherwise, he must come to thank you personally. You can take the stock with ease."

McGregor thought about it, nodded and said: "I'll thank you first, but I won't accept the dividend of this share. Please help me summarize it and donate it to teacher Luna's student foundation in the name of mutton house."

"Well, I'll arrange it. I'll take my share and donate it together." Harrison nodded with a smile and said with appreciation, "I heard that the teacher is a practical person. The principle of the foundation management is that even an old dress is publicized, teaching buildings are built for children, winter clothes and food are distributed to them, which has helped a lot of children."

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