At the end of business at noon, MEG went upstairs to change his clothes and pushed his bike to go out.

"Father, where are you going?" Amy sat behind the counter with the duckling in her arms and looked at MEG.

"Go to a mutton restaurant, do you want to join Xiaomi?" McGonagall said with a smile. In the morning, because Connie said she would come back, McGonagall didn't go to Leighton and his son's mutton restaurant. The meeting was over at noon, and Connie had MIA to chat with them. He just went there and finished the task, which might be a high-level task of physical fitness.

"Good!" Amy's eyes brightened and she jumped off the high stool with the ugly duckling in her arms. "I like mutton!"

"Then you can try the mutton made by the orc uncle. It's said that it tastes good." MEG takes Amy to the west of the city by bike, and finds a mutton restaurant named "lamb restaurant" in a prominent position at the gate of the city.

"Lyme? The combination of Leighton's and Moore's names? But why not Lyme? " MEG raised his eyebrows and felt a slot stuck in his throat.

Chengxifang is the largest wholesale market in the city of chaos. It gathers goods transported from all over the mainland. It is a shopping center for retailers. People and cars come and go every day.

Where people gather, restaurants are indispensable. Almost all the stalls with good location at the gate are occupied by catering shops. The shops are expensive, but they can't afford to rent. Harrison and jergi are really careful to find such a good shop for Leighton and his son.

"It smells good!"

Before we got to the door of the store, a strong smell of mutton stew came slowly, making MEG and Amy's eyes bright at the same time.

The smell of mutton has been thoroughly removed. The flavor of mutton is mixed with the flavor of spices, which makes people intoxicated.

MEG and Amy come to the mutton restaurant. The front of the mutton restaurant is not small. When you look inside, it's about 200 square meters. There are two big pots near the door. The heat rises from the top of the pot, and the attractive fragrance comes from here.

It's past dinner, but there are still many guests in the mutton restaurant. Leighton is in front of two big pots, Moore is busy entertaining guests in the restaurant, Harrison and jergi are wearing aprons to help collect the dishes. It seems that these two partners are also acting as temporary waiters.

Many merchants with big and small bags pass by, and they can't help but stop and look around to see what gives off such an attractive fragrance. Then they can't help but be attracted by the two mysterious big pots. After some entanglement, they still carry things into the restaurant.

"Although I've just had enough, I think I can have another bowl of mutton." Amy said, licking her lips.

"That's a good idea." MEG stops the car with a smile and leads Amy into the restaurant.

"Welcome..." Leighton said subconsciously. He looked up and saw McGonagall. He was stunned and said with a smile, "Mr. McGonagall, you're here."

"Yes, on the first day of opening, come and hold a show." McGonagall nodded with a smile and said, "but I think the first day's business is very good. It's really a good start."

McGonagall is the envy of the real name system. When the Maimi restaurant opened, it was not easy to wait for the first guest to come. It was like Leiden's mutton restaurant, which was so popular on the first day of opening.

"It's all your improved prescription. Only in this way can you attract so many guests." Leighton said gratefully, but his eyes and smile could not be hidden.

But he never dreamed that a month ago, he was just a herdsman who lost his ranch and wandered on the grassland. When he turned around, he owned his own mutton restaurant in the chaotic city.

Today, he heard more praise than he ever heard in his life. Looking at the satisfied smiles on the faces of the guests, he felt the meaning of life for the first time.

And all of this is given by two noble people, Harrison and geerjee, as well as McGonagall, who is generous in sharing.

"Mr. Mai, I thought you were busy today and forgot that our restaurant is open. We are all crazy at noon today." Harrison came forward with some bitterness. When he saw Amy's face, he immediately began to smile again. "The little boss is here, too. It's really rare, rare."

"Hello, uncle LAN Pangpang." Amy nodded politely, but her eyes were attracted by the two pots of stewed mutton. I'm afraid only the dragon's stomach could finish them all.

"I'm sorry, there was a delay this morning." McGonagall apologized. It's really his problem.

"Hey, what else can we do with this set of things? Let's go for a walk and sit inside. Boss Mai is a professional. Take a look at the restaurants built by our three amateurs. What needs to be improved." Harrison smiles and leads MEG inside.

The decoration of the mutton hall is quite simple, but it is not rough. The wall decoration has many elements of ORC tribe, and the wooden tables, chairs and benches are full of heart.

Once inside, a simple price list was pasted on the wall: Stewed Mutton: 30 copper coin bowl; A bowl of 50 copper coins!

Take the vegetables and sugar water by yourself!

The menu is very simple. The mutton restaurant only sells stewed mutton.

The price setting is very close to the people. For merchants who come to take delivery of goods in Fangshi, the price of thirty or fifty copper coins is a very conscientious price to eat around Fangshi, not to mention meat.

Next to the price list, there was a wooden board with the words "lamb restaurant dining rules" on it

"1. Our mutton restaurant receives guests of all races!"

"2. The guests in the store accept the table sharing by default, and they can take their seats and order as long as they have a vacancy!"

"3. Please have a meal in a civilized way. When the passenger flow is too high, please queue up and have a first come first served meal!"

"4. To be continued..."

Meg's eyes brightened and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Haha, I discussed with geerjee and thought that the rules set by boss Mai were very good, so I moved here directly. Should it be no problem?" Harrison scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Of course, it's no problem. I'm glad to see that this guideline can be promoted." McGonagall looked at Harrison and geerjee and said sincerely that he really felt inexplicable that he could see these rules outside the McMillan restaurant.

It's like something that you've always insisted on, and one day you find that it's beginning to change others. It's really very special.

"Thank you." Moore also came forward and bowed deeply to MEG.

"Don't mention it. I've just done something trivial." MEG picked up Leighton, took Amy to a random seat, and said with a smile, "we've already had lunch. Let's have two small bowls of mutton."

"No! I'll have a big bowl! " Amy sat down beside MEG and said firmly, "and a bowl of rice!"

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