McGonagall used eight words instead of eighty coppers for the meal.

As for whether the Leighton and his son can keep those eight words, it depends on their own choice.

"Father, have you learned how to make mutton stew?" Amy asked, looking expectantly at MEG in the back of the bike.

"This dish was created by Uncle Leighton. I didn't learn how to make it from him." MEG smiles and shakes his head. "If Amy still wants to eat, I'll bring you next time."

"Good!" Amy nodded her head happily.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling sticks out a small head from the car basket. Although he is carsick, he still doesn't want to lose his sense of existence.

"Without you." Amy came out of Meg's back and said decisively.

"Meow..." the ugly duckling took back his head.


"Congratulations on helping Leighton and his son achieve their dream! Get a chance to turn the wheel

At this moment, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded the sound of the system.

"The mysterious turntable? Isn't it a big gift bag? " MEG picked his eyebrows.

"The mysterious gift pack is an opportunity to extract any precious items, including high-level recipes, physical fitness points, super quality kitchenware..."

"What's the probability of getting the fitness point?" Meg's eyes were so bright that he could hardly breathe.


"Is that too low? I have made such a great contribution to the world, giving them a chance to taste the delicious mutton stew, and helping a father and son who are determined to open a restaurant to fulfill their dream. How could they have only a 1% chance to get a physical fitness point?

You know, Dad's dying now!

If the octopus comes out of the seal, the world will be ruined, and the McMillan restaurant will no longer be brilliant. My main task of becoming a kitchen god has become a bubble!

And you will become an incompetent system ridiculed by countless systems, and even be kicked out of group chat. " Meg said deeply.

"Who let the wind out?"


"Cough, according to the inference of this system, whether the host can get the physical fitness point will not directly help to re seal the old dominator. Even if you get the physical fitness point, there is no way to prevent the old dominator from destroying the world."

"Huff! If I recover my strength, at least I can run faster. If I run faster, I have a chance to make a comeback. Then you have a chance to enter the group again! " McGonagall is serious.

"Sounds reasonable? But what's wrong? " The system ponders.

"Is there a chance that this mysterious turntable can be sold? Is that the kind of card that can increase the chance of winning a certain option

"This seems to be possible."

"That's right." Meg's mouth rose slightly.

"Chance enhancement card: 1% chance of directional increase! Can be superimposed! Price: 10 million copper coins! Can be superimposed

"Ten million coppers?" McGonagall frowned, "system, you're robbing!"

"The price of temporary props is generally high. Please buy them at your discretion." The sound of the system is a bit smug.

"Yes, give me ninety-nine." MEG hardly hesitated.

"Ninety nine? "Confirm purchase?" The system seemed a little unbelievable, and soon offered a price: 990 million copper dollars!

"Yes, I want ninety-nine. I have a 100% chance to hit the fitness point." McGrady said.

Money is saved for spending.

Before, he collected and scraped a lot of wealth in Longdao and FAK tribes, with a total of about one billion. This time, he spent it all at one time.

However, in the face of a potentially chaotic world, power is far more important than money.

So he didn't even blink an eye for the money.

If he wants a 100% chance, he must break level 10 before the opening of the peace conference.


"Ninety nine million copper coins have been deducted, and the insufficient part is converted into the items owned by the host!"

"Ninety nine chance directional increase cards have been issued!"

"The mysterious turntable has been opened! Please draw as soon as possible

The system's light voice sounded, and even specially equipped with a BGM of money.

"Promising." McGonagall turned his mouth and looked at the big turntable that appeared in his mind. As the probability enhancement cards were used one by one, only 0.5 physical fitness point was left on the turntable.

"Perfect." McGonagall smiles and clicks the start button. The pointer turns symbolically a few times and finally stops.

"Congratulations to the host, you've got + 0.5 points of physical fitness!" The system's false congratulations ring.

"Good." McGonagall contentedly accepted the precious physical fitness points, this is not a simple lottery, but a lottery to change the fate.

Although money can't solve all problems, it can solve most problems, such as... Buying dog system.

"Father, are you laughing?" Amy asked curiously, looking askew at Meg's side face.

"Xiaomi, I said I was Superman, do you believe it?" MEG asked with a smile on his side.

"Of course! Father, of course, is Superman! Super, super adult Amy nodded.

"Superman is not easy to be." McGonagall's smile is full of self-confidence, he seems to have finally got the courage to carry everything, at the same time, there is a heavy responsibility.

The old feud with the royal family of the Los Empire, the future of the Maimi restaurant, the old dominator who had to face up to him, and the situation in Nolan at the crossroads were all unavoidable.

Back in the dining room, McGonagall didn't share the pleasure with anyone. He made a pot of tea for himself, went to the study on the second floor and locked himself in the study alone.

He needs to calm down.

When his strength returns to level 10, all plans will be different.

He knows that he has to undertake something and strive for something.

"The thunder of level 10 must be very wonderful, right?" McGonagall took his tea and drank it, with a smile on his lips.


"Sally, this is your first appearance in front of all the elves on behalf of the elves after you become the princess of the elves. Elena should also appear on the scene. I hope your performance will not disappoint me."

In the cavern of the wind forest, Helena looks down at Sally with a cold voice.

"I will strive to safeguard the dignity and interests of the elves." Sally nodded slightly.

Helena took a deep look at her and said, "go ahead."

"Yes." Sally turned and walked out of the cave.

"High priest, if you let Princess Sally lead the team, will you lose to Elena in the aura?" One of the elves worried.

"If I send you, can I surpass Elena in her aura?" Helena took a look at him.

The spirit shrank his neck and did not dare to speak any more.

"This is what she has to face sooner or later. This time, it's just the simplest test."

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