"Great! I have a master, too! Elder sister, do you think I can become as powerful as you in the future? " Abelmia, with a ring in her hand and a gold necklace around her neck, said happily, holding Elizabeth in her arms, her face full of longing.

Louis and Mia agreed to teach her practice in a few days, and then they left with kinks.

"Your master is one of the strongest beings on Dragon Island, and also the top strong man in Nolan. With his personal training and unlimited supply of natural resources and treasures, you will become more powerful than me in the future." Elizabeth looked at abelmia with some indulgence, "the future is promising."

"Wow, that sounds great." Abelmia's eyes sparkled. "In this way, I can protect you."

Elizabeth stopped, looked at abelmia, and said with a smile, "we will all become very strong. Whether it is the golden throne or the frost throne, we can also get back what our father could get."

"The golden throne?" Abelmia frowned slightly.

"Shh, don't say anything later." At this moment, Elizabeth suddenly let go of MIA's hand, and at the same time protect her behind, looking at the empty street in front of her with a dignified look.

"Well?" Abelmia some puzzled looking at the front, long street nothing, why Elizabeth so nervous.

"Come out, elder." Said Elizabeth, coldly.

A piece of hexagonal snowflake appeared on the ground in front of them, and a figure wearing an ice blue robe also appeared.

"Elizabeth, why are you so wary of me?" Douglas sighed.

"My father said that you must always be on guard against your enemies and those who can watch you die." Elizabeth said quietly.

"Frankster's words are always a wake-up call." Douglas nodded slightly.

Elizabeth was silent, still watching him warily.

Douglas's eyes passed her and fell on abelmia. Then he asked, "little girl, who are you from Louis?"

Abelmia looked at Elizabeth, thought of her advice, and hid her figure behind her better, and did not answer.

"She's Louis's new apprentice." Elizabeth answered for her.

"New apprentice?" Douglas was a little surprised. He had known Louis for thousands of years. He had never heard of his apprenticeship, but he had a new apprentice in the city of chaos?

But the smell of Louis on the little girl can't be wrong. It should be that she got some of his keepsake, in order to wake them up. This is the man he's covering.

Abelmia did not reply. Douglas's eyes fell on Elizabeth again, and his voice murmured: "go back, you still have a chance to sit on the ice throne."

"A chance?" Elizabeth's cold face showed a sneer smile, "such a handout, do you think I should appreciate the acceptance of tears?"

Douglas looked at Elizabeth with the same cold voice and said, "frankster's daughter doesn't need alms, and the ice dragon clan won't give alms to a clan. Since you don't want to go back now, I'll wait for you to ascend the ice throne again with your own strength, just like your father used to."

As soon as the voice fell, the frost dissipated, and Douglas also disappeared.

"He... Seems to have left." Abelmia stepped forward and gently grasped Elizabeth's hand. She found that her fingertips were cold, but her palms were wet.

"Let's go." Elizabeth's look soon returned to nature and led abelmia by the hand.

"Is he the villain who nearly killed his sister?" Abelmia asked carefully.

"No Elizabeth shook her head slightly. "But it's not a good person."

"Then when MIA becomes strong, beat this guy!" Abelmia is holding fist.

"Good." There was a smile on Elizabeth's lips.

The moonlight elongated their figures into two slender shadows, holding hands and walking forward.


"There was an accident on the way, so the arrival time was delayed. Please say hello to Lord Michael for me. I will visit him tomorrow." At the gate of the Lord's mansion, Joe got down from the carriage, looked at Dix and other people, and said.

"Prince Qiao Xiu is very kind. Later, some staff will take you and Princess Vanessa to stay in the other garden. The itinerary for tomorrow is also in this guide. Prince Qiao Xiu can check it by himself." Dix took out a stamping guide and gave it to Michael, smiling.

"I'm so hungry..." Vanessa stood behind Joe, covering her stomach with an aggrieved face, looking at Dix and said, "excuse me, is there any dinner in the Lord's mansion?"

"After you are settled, the city Lord's house will prepare food and send it to your other garden." Dix nodded slightly.

"I want to eat mcmillas..." winnissa stopped in the middle of her words and thought helplessly: "I'm thinking about farting... Boss mcmillas must close the door now to coax Amy to sleep, so she won't cook for me."

"As long as it's food, thank you." Vanessa changed her tongue.

"This way, please." A staff member led the delegation of the Los empire into the city hall.

"Brother Joshua, who are the guys who ambushed us today? Why did they ambush us? " Back in bieyuan, while waiting for dinner, Vanessa comes to Joe's room and looks at Joe who is drinking tea at the table. She asks suspiciously, with a look of fear on her face.

"We can't confirm which force they belong to yet, but I've sent someone to report this matter to my father and Emperor. I believe we can investigate it very soon." Joe, calm down.

"It's too hateful to dare to ambush us. Fortunately, there are many of us, and President Richard also came with us." Vanessa clenched her fist and said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Joe looked at Vanessa and said with a smile.

"Well." Vanessa nodded, then looked at Joe with a smile and said, "we've arrived at the city of chaos. I'll be free from tomorrow, right? I haven't seen uncle Abraham for a long time. I want to visit him

"Yes, I'll send someone to see you over tomorrow." Joe nodded slightly, flipped over the schedule on the table and said calmly, "I think the schedule for tomorrow is a meeting at the McMillan restaurant."

"Meeting at McMillan's?" As soon as Vanessa's eyes lit up, she immediately came forward. In the first column of her itinerary, she really went to McMillan's for breakfast and a meeting, which lasted for one day.

"Emmm... I think it's OK for me to see Uncle Abraham later. As an important member of the delegation of the Los Empire, I think it's very necessary for me to attend the first day's meeting to show the style of the Los empire." Vanessa said solemnly, "yes, that's it."

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