The Dragon nationality started, and the city of chaos was the host. Although the temporary advance meeting was not formal enough, it was still taken seriously by all ethnic groups, at least from the perspective of the representatives sent by all ethnic groups.

The carriages from the main mansion soon formed a long line in front of the Maimi restaurant.

The representatives of all ethnic groups came down from the carriage and looked at the restaurant with the closed door. They were all a little confused.

"What's the situation? Lord Michael asked us to come here, but he didn't let us in? " Auster came down from the carriage, a little unhappy.

"I'm sorry, chief Auster, we have five minutes to go to the entrance time we agreed with the Maimi restaurant, and now the representatives of all ethnic groups are arriving one after another. Please wait a moment." Dix came forward and explained with a smile.

"Boss Mai is a man of rules and time. He is not as shameless as some people." Connie jumped out of the side carriage and turned her lips.

"You Auster glanced coldly at Connie with a murderous look in her eyes.

"I am a beautiful young girl Connie leaned over to Rex, fearless.

Several orcs around Auster suddenly gathered around, and some of them were ready to take out their weapons. The atmosphere became tense.

"Forget it." Auster raised his hand to stop the orcs from moving on, looked at Connie coldly and said, "although there are some accidents, I can still see you in the city of chaos, but this meeting is related to the interests of all our Orc tribes. I hope you can make the right choice."

"Then I'd better advise you to give up the idea of waging war as soon as possible. Orcs don't need war, and they can't get the benefits they want from war. What they can get is just the benefits you want." Connie sneered.

"Good. I hope you can say that in front of me the next time I see you." Oster laughed angrily.

"Are you a fool? Do I have to repeat the same thing for you? " Connie had a look of surprise in her doubts.

"Hum!" Auster groaned and went in another direction.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." Rex reached out and patted Connie on the stiff shoulder.

"Hoo..." Connie just took a breath and twisted her body because she was too nervous. This was the villain boss who only dared to hide behind and peep. Now she even dared to mock him. She couldn't help saying with a little complacency, "master, am I great?"

"Not bad." Rex nodded perfunctorily.

"I'm a character now. I still have to pay attention to my image. After all, we are representatives of the orc justice alliance. We can't be looked down upon." Connie tidied up her clothes, carried her hands behind her back, and looked around like an old cadre. Seeing many legendary figures in the representatives of all ethnic groups, she could not help but marvel at them, and her aura became weaker.

Two carriages stopped at the door of the dining room. Joe came out of the carriage and looked at the closed dining room and the representatives of all ethnic groups standing at the door of the dining room. He frowned slightly and thought in his heart with some displeasure: "is this chaotic city trying to give the representatives of all ethnic groups a challenge?"

"Wow! Lord Michael is so sincere that he actually wrapped up the restaurant. It's a statutory holiday for the restaurant. I don't know how much money the Lord gave me Vanessa got out of the carriage and said with a look of surprise.

Vanessa's face was full of excitement, and she confirmed to Dix who was standing beside her: "are our three meals really provided by McMillan? Mr. McGrady made it himself? Isn't it just a venue

"Yes, today, as the organizer of the first day meeting venue, Maimi restaurant will provide venue and three meals for representatives of all ethnic groups." Dix said with a smile.

"Great!" Vanessa jumped happily in place, but soon felt the gaze from all around, and quickly restrained some of her movements and expressions. After all, she now represents the face of the Los Empire, happy and happy, but pay attention to her behavior.

"Is this the restaurant you want to eat?" Joe asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, and brother Qiao Xiu, you know the owner of this restaurant, the chef you recommended to serve his father's birthday party and get the best dishes in one fell swoop." Said Vanessa, nodding her head.

"It was him." Joe remembered MEG thoughtfully, and his cooking was really impressive.

"Yes, the dishes made by boss Mai are really delicious. Braised pork, roast beef kebabs, spicy roast fish, durian pizza, bean curd, spicy crayfish, Beijing roast duck..." winnissa is so familiar that she can't help but swallow her saliva when listening to the eavesdropping representatives around her. The resentment of being shut out is also alleviated.

"I sent two children here, and Andre really didn't pay any attention to all ethnic groups." Oster came round at some point and interrupted Vanessa with a sneer.

Qiao Xiu subconsciously blocked Vanessa behind him, looked at Auster and said with a smile, "my father is busy with state affairs, and he can't get away to attend this meeting. So his highness, his highness, Princess winnisa and President Richard came to the meeting together, which shows that the Empire of Los attaches great importance to this meeting. I don't know what chief Auster said?"

Richard and the other two ten strong men came forward to protect Joshua and Vanessa. They already held the wand and the sword.

The Empire of Los is adjacent to the twilight forest. For many years, there have been constant border wars, and the relationship is not harmonious.

On the orc side, those tribes dominated by the Ogg tribe have been constantly rubbing with the Los Empire, and their feuds have been deep. The two sides are at each other's throats, and the atmosphere is suddenly tense.

Dix can't help looking at this scene. He chose the McMillan restaurant to prevent this kind of conflict. But he didn't expect that it happened before he entered the restaurant. This situation is not something he can deal with as a civil servant.

"Why, haven't you opened the door yet? It seems that everyone is a little early. " Just then, a loud and clear voice sounded. Michael stopped on his black horse, rolled over and dismounted. He just stood between the orcs and the delegation of the Los empire. He looked at Auster with a smile and said, "chief Auster, long time no see."

"Michael, long time no see." Auster was a little cold and raised his hand to signal the orcs to come back.

"Hello, your highness Joe, Princess Vanessa and President Richard." Michael turned to look at Joe and others and said with a smile.

"Hello, Lord." Vanessa leaned slightly over her skirt, with full marks of etiquette.

"Lord Michael, my father asked me to say hello to you for him." Joe also slightly nods a way.

"Hello, Lord." Richard nodded his head blandly.

The tension between the two sides has eased. For the sake of the host, they are separated for the time being.

"Here comes the Elven delegation." At this time, three carriages came up the long street, among which the leading one was a gorgeous blue crystal carriage, and a handsome spirit came with four white winged flying horses.

"Here comes Princess Elena!" Soon someone noticed the purple Griffin flying in the sky, with a white figure standing on its back.

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