"Well?" McGonagall stares and looks down at Amy, who calls out daddy. He suddenly remembers that there is a theme song about where daddy is going in the music box. After thinking about it, he receives: "no way."

"Then I'll teach you?"


"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle

"You're out of tune." Meg said with a smile.

"Father, don't you say you can't sing?" Amy sat up and looked at MEG in bewilderment.

"Er..." McGonagall looked at Amy with a serious face, and suddenly felt that there was a snack jam. The girl really didn't play according to the routine!

"Hee hee, let's sing together." Amy's face soon showed a smile again, patted her little hand and sang, "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle

Amy's two pigtails are shaking from side to side. Her face is full of smiles. Her sharp ears are crystal clear in the moonlight and stars. She looks very cute. Meg's face is full of smiles, and her voice is in tune with the light. A bit of milk singing is floating on the balcony, all the way to the sky, which seems to make the starry sky more bright.

After several attempts, the ugly duckling couldn't climb on the smooth steel foot of the chair. He could only run anxiously from left to right under the chair, calling twice from time to time, trying to brush a little sense of existence, so that people remember to carry it up.

"Eh, father, look, that star is flying!" Amy suddenly stops singing and points to the starry sky with surprise.

"It's a meteor. It's said that if you make a wish to a meteor, it will come true. Does Amy want to make one?" McGonagall followed Amy's fingers, a bright star with a long tail glided slowly across the sky and flew to the East.

"Really?" Amy immediately closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and put them in front of her. She closed her eyes and made a serious wish.

"I hope Xiaomi can grow up happily every day." McGonagall looked at Amy with a sincere face and closed his eyes to make a wish.

After a long time, Amy slowly opened her eyes, eyes full of hope.

"What did Xiaomi wish for?" MEG looked at Amy and asked with a small smile.

"Teacher Luna said that making a wish can't be said with others, it's not effective, so I can't tell my father." Amy shook her head and said seriously.

"Well, let's not say that the wish made to the meteor will come true." MEG nodded. She was very grateful to Luna. She really played an important role in Amy's education. In the past two years, she has been shaping Amy's three outlooks, making her grow up in poverty, but she is still a kind child.

"Well, Xiaomi also believes it will." Amy nodded, suddenly came over and gave MEG a kiss on the cheek. Then she lay down on his chest and whispered, "father, will you always be with Amy?"

"Of course, forever, no one can take me away from you." McGonagall stroked Amy's hair, promising and responsible.

"It's very kind of you, father." With a smile, Amy sat up again and said, "father, I'll show you how to dance, the one that the mushroom elf danced."

"Good.", MEG nodded. Amy learned in the morning and at noon, and was eager to show him the performance.

"But father, what's the name of this dance? Why can't I understand what she's singing? " Amy jumped out of the chair, took the music box to one side, looked at MEG curiously and asked.

"This..." MEG pondered for a while. Of course, Amy couldn't understand Japanese, even he couldn't understand it. As for the title of the song, it's not easy for children to understand. After thinking about it, he nodded seriously and said, "this dance is called 'spring is coming.'"

"Spring is coming?" As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she patted her hands and said, "it's good that spring has come. No wonder the mushroom elves are so happy."

"Yes, spring is good." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Then I'll start." Amy squatted on the ground and gently touched the screen, and the music of the pure land of bliss began to sound. Only one day later, Amy had completely played with the touch screen of the music box. Although she didn't know the words, she could play songs and dances without pressure by reading pictures.

As soon as the music sounds, Amy's face becomes serious, her body is on her side, her hands are folded in front of her chest. With the music, her left hand is raised backward like a flower, and then she turns 360 ° back to her chest. With one hand on the top and one hand on the bottom, she appears to the left. With a beat, she immediately appears to the right, and then to the back. After a sharp turn, she crosses her legs, A series of movements all keep up with the rhythm.

If you want to do these movements with abelmia, it should be a less standard version of pure land of bliss, but instead of Amy

McGonagall looked at Amy, who was trying to hold up her short hand and make a smart move like the mushroom elf. The smile on her face couldn't stop.

The little short leg danced the cross step and almost tripped himself. When he patted his little hand and twisted his waist, almost the whole person was shaking, which completely made the dance out of his cute style.

Looking at the little short legs and hands swinging, although the movement is not standard, the beat is not enough, and the butterfly step is basically rowing, MEG feels that the apex of his heart is melting. How can there be such a lovely dance and such a lovely little guy in the world.

The ugly duckling danced with him, as if he wanted to have a dance. He didn't look like a cat at all.

As the music stopped, Amy kept her final curtain call, breathing a little. Looking at MEG, she was full of expectation and asked, "father... My Lord, is Xiaomi good at dancing?"

"It's good-looking, it's really good-looking. It's more lovely than the mushroom elf. It's also good-looking." MEG nodded heartily.

Today, on the first day of learning the pure land of bliss, Amy, who has never danced before, can completely remember the general movements of the whole dance and then jump out. McGonagall is very surprised by this talent. It will not take much time for Amy to fully learn this dance.

"I'll study harder." Amy nodded seriously and couldn't hide the happy expression on her face.

"Let's go downstairs and wash up. Tomorrow is the first day of school for Amy. We'll give Amy a bath and put on new clothes for class tomorrow." MEG got up, squatted down, picked up Amy, and said with a smile.

"Good." Amy nodded happily, put his arms around Amy's neck and let MEG carry him downstairs. The ugly duckling looked at them wrongly and had to leave by himself.


Luodu, in a main hall of the second prince's mansion, a young man with a beautiful face and elegant temperament is talking with several young magicians in the hall. His voice is warm and his speech is very extraordinary. Most of the magicians who sit down have a look of admiration.

At this time, a middle-aged housekeeper suddenly came in from the outside, ignoring so many people in the room. He went directly to the young man and whispered in his ear, "Your Highness, someone is coming over there."

============================Five o'clock!!! It's finally written before 12 o'clock!!!!

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I hope that those children's shoes that didn't pay can be updated by the efforts of light language. Come and make up a subscription! If you all come here, subscription is the driving force for updating~~

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