After taking a bath for Amy, he also took a bath for the ugly duckling. Then he told a little story to the little guy by the bed, and the little guy fell asleep.

McGonagall leaned over and gently kissed Amy's hair on the forehead. He looked at the ugly duckling in his arms, and the sweet little guy was asleep with a smile on his face. Sure enough, it was the most pleasant thing to play with Amy, singing and dancing.

"The first day of class tomorrow is another magic class. You should wear a wizard's robe." MEG turns off the light and lies on the bed. Tomorrow is Amy's first day of class. He is also a little excited and nervous.

McGonagall certainly wants Amy to be around all the time, but children still need to learn and grow up. As Krasu said, only by controlling their strength can they protect themselves and the people they want to protect.

He hopes that Amy will have the strength to protect himself one day, because he will grow old.

"System, I want to customize a wizard's robe." McGonagall said directly.

"Host, can we not be so natural? I am a serious Kitchen God cultivation system, please don't use this system as a treasure chest at will The system is a little annoyed.

"It's as if you don't sell it..." McGonagall turned his mouth, but he didn't say it. Instead, he said with a smile: "system, this is Amy's first time to go to school, so I want a low-key and meaningful wizard's robe, which looks unusual and doesn't blind other people's eyes, but also makes people's eyes stay unconsciously. It's a little close and loose, You can see if you have a suitable design. The price is easy to discuss. "

The system fell into a deep silence. After a long time, it almost roared: "why don't you ask for a square circle? A little bigger and a little smaller? Here's the pen! You design it! I don't want any money! "

"Is it too much to ask?" McGonagall raised eyebrows. It's rare that the system doesn't even need money. After thinking about it, he said, "OK, you can give me the picture directly, and I'll choose it myself."

The system didn't say a word, but the speed of drawing was not slow at all. As soon as the picture flashed, McGonagall's mind was filled with many patterns of the little mage's robe.

There are various styles of MAGE robes, such as the long mage robes that cover the whole body like Krasu and Julian, the short mage robes that separate the upper and lower parts of the robes with the mobile combat style, and of course, there are various kinds of dress mage robes, pink, blue and white, which look quite lovely.

"But the system, what the hell are you putting this robe and cassock in? Who's the magician wearing that? " When the picture moved to the middle, MEG looked at the two rows of bright yellow robes and make complaints about Tucao.

"In a sense, the really powerful Taoists and monks are also magicians." The system ponders.

"Can they rub fireballs?" McGonagall asked earnestly.

Then the two rows of pictures disappeared in silence.

McGonagall carefully looked at each picture, and finally chose a slim blue purple magic skirt, with black socks, black boots, and a big hat with a black cape.

"It should be cute, right?" Although the total cost was nearly 30 gold coins, MEG bought two sets without blinking an eye, and the other one was all black. The darkness was Lolita style, so Amy was usually dressed as a school uniform.

"The deduction is successful, the customization is in progress, and all the goods can be delivered in five minutes." The cheerful voice of the system rings out, and there is no unpleasant emotion at all.

"It's in the closet, the system. If there's another error this time, I won't buy anything from you any more." McGonagall gave a stern warning and muttered, "dog logistics."

"Host please rest assured that it will be automatically delivered in five minutes. Receiving address: host wardrobe." McGonagall, who was automatically ignored by the system, said with a good service attitude.

MEG set a five o'clock, sat up and looked at the bed. Amy didn't kick the quilt, reached for the bedside light and went to sleep.

"Father, get up! I'm going to be late for school! " The next morning, before the alarm clock went off, MEG was woken up by Amy. He opened his eyes a little vaguely. Amy didn't know what had climbed onto his bed. He jumped and cried happily: "school! School! Amy is going to school

"Meow, meow," the duckling screamed under the bed, lying on the edge of the bed, trying to climb up. Most of them were kicked out of bed by Amy.

The little foot slapped on McGonagall's hand. McGonagall, who was still a little confused, suddenly woke up and quietly took back his hand. It didn't hurt, but it was a little numb.

"It's still early. Won't Xiaomi sleep for a while?" McGonagall turned to look at the alarm clock. It was only 4:50. Looking at the excited Amy on the bed, he couldn't laugh or cry. But after all, it was the first day of formal school. The kid's excitement was understandable, and his enthusiasm for learning was beyond his expectation.

"No, father, we'd better get up early. Xiaomi should wear a beautiful skirt and tie a beautiful hair." Amy shook her head. Her face was red. She didn't feel sleepy at all. She looked at MEG and said, "by the way, father, where are we going to class today?"

"I'm going to take master Krasu's class today. It's in chaos school." McGonagall said with a smile. He also lifted the quilt to get up.

"Chaos School Park!" Amy's mouth was wide open and full of surprise.

"Yes, in the school of magic." MEG touched the little guy's head, got up and went to the wardrobe.

"Great! Then I can play with Daphne! " Amy jumps up happily. The spring bed shakes for a while. The ugly duckling, who finally grabs the quilt and climbs to the side of the bed, barks. Then she is shaken out of the bed. She lies on her back with her feet on all sides, with her head on her side and her tongue sticking out. She looks loveless.

"Well, if you have time after class, you can go to other children to play." McGonagall nodded with a smile, opened the cupboard, looked back at Amy with a smile, and said mysteriously, "guess what father has prepared for you to go to school today?"

"Beautiful little skirt?" Amy looked at MEG expectantly.

"It's a beautiful robe." MEG laughed and took out the little skirt and the red and black cape from the closet.

"Wow, what a beautiful skirt, and what a wonderful Cape!" Amy went to the bedside, eyes full of small stars, with a small hand, said: "father, I want to try it on."

"Good." MEG nodded with a smile and helped Amy put it on.

The materials of the skirt and Cape are very comfortable to touch. According to the system, it adds some fireproof materials inside without affecting the touch of the clothes, which can be flame retardant to a certain extent. Of course, it is not guaranteed that it can hold Amy's fireball.

Blue and purple skirt, wrist and skirt have a little lace, black socks and black boots, red and black cape belt is tight, just down to the calf position, a lovely little magician appeared!

==============================================The second shift, today is just two shifts. There is something delayed during the day. Now I'm very sleepy. I don't want to write by force. I'm sure I'll send it to the fifth shift tomorrow to say I'm sorry.

In addition, today's editor told me that the copyright of this book may be promoted. That is to say, if the performance is better, you may have a chance to see the cartoon version, animation version and even film version of the restaurant in the future!!!

This makes light language surprised, but also a bit tangled, because the current results may be a little bit worse, people may not be able to see, and subscription data is the most important, which determines life and death.

So, here, light language appeals to readers to download a starting point reading app to support a full subscription. Maybe you can see the animated version of Amy in the near future!!!

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