Wrapped in a solid black cloak, it's still hard to hide her graceful posture. From McGonagall's experience, this is a woman with a figure of 9 points.

There are only two possibilities for a woman to wrap herself up like this when she goes out. The first one is that she looks like she's in love with her country, and she's afraid that too much attention will cause trouble. Of course, if this is the case, wrapping herself up like this is more conspicuous. Now more than half of the eyes in the restaurant are looking at her, which can stimulate human curiosity.

Second, most of them are defective in appearance and don't want to be seen and pointed.

McGonagall noticed Lucia behind her. Yesterday, she wanted to buy a second portion of tofu at ten times the price, which made him remember deeply. It seems that they should be together.

It's not hard to guess the result, but McGonagall didn't hurry to look back. He still looked at the girl in the black cloak, with a faint smile on her face, just like he did to other guests.

"Is he encouraging me?" Gloria drew back her eyes and lowered her head slightly. She did not dare to look at MEG any more. She only felt that her face was red. She had never looked at a man like this since she understood the difference between men and women.

"I hope the girl can take off her hat and cloak one day after eating bean curd." McGonagall thought, but also withdrew his eyes, motioned abelmia to continue to receive the guests, walked toward the kitchen, took the apron hanging on one side, tied it, and began to wash her hands and cook.

Gloria raised her head again, followed the team into the dining room, looked at the direction of the kitchen, and slowly clenched her hand. There was no expression on her face covered by black blue yarn. She couldn't help smelling the fragrance floating in the air. There are bean, meat, and egg flavors. They are common ingredients, but the taste is so unique, even some attractive.

"Gloria, let's sit here." Rosia pointed to the corner with a smile.

"Well." Gloria nodded her head slightly and followed Lucia to the corner.

"This restaurant has a good business. It may have to share tables with other guests later, but don't worry. All guests will choose to enjoy delicious food in this restaurant." Rosia sat down and whispered.

"Well." Gloria would nod slightly, but her eyes under the veil looked at the restaurant curiously.

She seldom eats out, even if the occasional family dinner is in a completely independent box, and never eats in the same restaurant with so many people.

Lucia is her cousin. When she grew up, she knew that she was alone at home and had no friends, so she often came to chat with her, told her about the outside world and some interesting things, and encouraged her with her own scars.

So today, Lucia said that she had found a way to remove the spot on her face, and she believed it very much. Although it was still hard to believe that one dish could remove the black spot that baffled all the famous doctors and magicians, she wanted to have a try as long as there was a hope to remove the mask.

Such a life, she does not want to continue.

"Welcome. May I help you?" Abelmia came over, looked at them with a smile and said that although she was a little curious about Gloria, her face didn't show any difference. Her smile was sincere and full of vitality.

"Just a moment, please." Rosia and abelmia nodded, then opened the menu on the table and put it gently in front of Gloria. They said, "look what you want to eat. I think the salty bean curd is delicious, too."

Gloria looked at the menu and was a little surprised at the price. Although she didn't go out often, she read many books when she was bored at home. She had a basic understanding of the price. Six hundred copper coins was enough to order a table in an ordinary restaurant, but she could only order Yangzhou fried rice here.

However, I think of the evaluation of the magic bean curd by rosiya just now. If it is really effective, the price of 200 copper coins is actually very cheap. In order to seek medical advice for her over the years, the family has spent no less than 10000 gold coins, and still has no effect.

"A sweet bean curd." After a moment's hesitation, Gloria said softly.

"I'll have another salted bean curd and two Yangzhou fried rice." Said Lucia.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded and turned to the next table.

"Sister Rosia, have you finished eating so much?" Gloria looked at Lucia with some doubts.

"One is for you." Rosia smiles and signals the direction of Amy's sitting. She says, "you can have a look at boss Mai's daughter first. Delicious food is not deceitful."

Gloria's eyes followed her. Amy was sitting at the table in front of the counter. There were two big bowls in front of her. In her hand, she was holding a cake in a paper bag. However, she was trying to eat everything in front of her. This contrast seemed a little cute.

And to see her take a spoon to scoop a spoonful of white and tender things into her mouth, and then hold the big cake in her hands and chew it happily, Gloria could not help but swallow her saliva, which was really delicious.

Of course, she is not the only one who swallows saliva. The restaurant is waiting for the dishes, and the guests who have no place to wait in line for a while are all focused on Amy. While watching her eat, she swallows saliva. The more she looks, the more hungry she is. For a moment, the sound of tummy grunts everywhere in the restaurant.

But the good news is that Yabei Miya soon began to serve the dishes. She asked with one hand, holding the tray, and accurately put a portion of bean curd and rougamo in front of the guests, which was very efficient.

The smell of beans and stewed meat in the air overflowed and went straight to the nose.

"How fragrant Gloria's eyes lit up. She usually eats only half a bowl. After dinner, she will eat some fresh fruits and meat without touching them. There is nothing she likes to eat.

But when she smelled the smell of stewed meat floating in the air, it made her want to eat meat. The guests at the next table were holding a rougamo. She finally saw that it was not an ordinary cake, but a big white cake with full meat in the middle.

Two women sat down at their table. There was no room left in the dining room. Although Gloria was not used to sitting at the same table with strangers, it was better than the devil sitting at the next table.

"Your bean curd." Abelmia came over with two portions of bean curd and put them in front of them.

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