"Yes, because there are nine rows and nine columns, it's called the 99 multiplication table. Xiaomi already has some basis for addition and subtraction. It won't be too difficult to learn this." McGonagall looked at the neatly arranged ladder multiplication table, which was neat and clear. He put down his pen and said with a smile.

"What's that little fork in the middle?" Amy asked, pointing at the "X" in a puzzled way.

"This is a multiplication sign. It has the same meaning as multiplication. It's more concise." MEG explained with a smile. Let Amy sit down in the chair beside him and push the multiplication table a little bit. "Only my father can do this multiplication table. I just need to remember eighty-one items, and then learn the decimal system well, and I can solve most of the arithmetic in my life."

"Wow, my father is so powerful. Last time Luna told Xiaomi to recite the multiplication table, he needed to recite 1770 items. Xiaomi only remembered about 100." Amy looked at MEG admiringly. She didn't expect that her father not only had good handwriting, but also had a simpler way of calculating than teacher Luna. It was so powerful.

Although standing on the shoulders of ancient Chinese sages, he was not very good, but the feeling of being worshipped by his own girls really made MEG feel very happy. He pointed to the first item in the upper left corner with a smile and said, "let's learn the first column today. The numbers on both sides of the multiplier sign are the multiplier sign, followed by the product, which is the result of calculation..."

MEG explained the composition of the multiplication table to Amy in detail. Under the teaching of teacher Luna, Amy did have some mathematical foundation. At least she understood the meaning of every number and had a certain concept of number addition and subtraction. However, mathematics in this world has no base, so he spent a lot of time to let Amy understand the meaning of base.

The most gratifying thing for McGonagall was that Amy didn't doubt everything he said. Even if she completely subverted what teacher Luna taught her, she also unconditionally chose to listen to him and soon accepted the concept of decimal multiplication.

"One by one, one by two..." Amy read after MEG. The little girl's memory was pretty good. She read after MEG more than ten times, and the first column was remembered.

MEG struck while the iron was hot and took her through the table of multiplication formulas twice. First, he gave her a whole feeling.

"But father, what's the use of remembering this?" Amy read it several times, looking up at MEG in a puzzled way.

"This is very useful." McGonagall pointed to the multiplication table with a smile. "You see, our Yangzhou fried rice now sells 600 copper coins, that is, 6 gold coins. Just like grandfather Mobai ate four, that is 4x6 = 24. You know the result directly, and you don't need to count them one by one. Is it very convenient?"

"It's really 24 gold coins!" Amy's eyes suddenly lit up. Just now, she added the 2400 copper coins in her heart for a long time. But her father got it by using this formula table. The multiplication table is so easy to use. She said with enthusiasm: "father, I want to learn, I want to learn this multiplication table! If you learn Amy well, you can really help your father. "

"Well, let's learn three columns today and the rest tomorrow." McGonagall nodded with a smile. The most important thing in learning is initiative and enthusiasm. Amy has both of them. I believe she will soon master the multiplication formula table.

The noon time passed in Amy's recitation of multiplication formula table. Except for Mobai, there was no second guest entering the restaurant. It can be seen that this corner of Aden square is so cold.

However, after selling four portions of fried rice, McGonagall felt at ease. At least, he didn't have to worry that Yangzhou fried rice was not suitable for people in this world. From Mo Bai's reaction, the effect of fried rice on relieving muscle fatigue is also effective for him. Maybe he will be a regular customer in the future, which is good news.

"Three forty-two, three fifty-five, three six... Three six... Three six... Three six is too difficult..." Amy looked up at MEG wrongly. This was the fifth time that she couldn't carry on her back here. Tears were rolling in her eyes.

"Well, let's recite it to 35 or 55 today. Xiaomi is already great. Most children can recite the first column for the first time. I'll recite it tomorrow, and step by step is the best. " McGonagall put away the multiplication table and rubbed Amy's hair with a smile. This reminds him of a little video of a girl crying on her back. It's really the same age and worry.

"Really?" Amy, who thought she was going to be lectured, heard McGonagall's words and her eyes lit up again. Her father said that she was more powerful than other children.

"Of course it's true. When did father cheat you?" MEG looked into Amy's eyes and nodded seriously.

"Well, my father won't cheat Xiaomi. Xiaomi will have a good back tomorrow." Amy nodded, with a bright smile on her face, a little more confident.

McGonagall put the multiplication table behind the counter. After dinner, no one would come to eat. Looking at Amy's messy hair, he went to the door, turned over the sign that was in business, locked the door from inside, and then took Amy's little hand and said, "come on, father, wash your hair and take a bath, and become a clean fairy."

"Would you like to heat up the hot water and take the bucket first?" Amy asked, looking up at MEG.

"No, there are hot water pipes and bathtubs upstairs." MEG laughed and shook his head.

"Like a kitchen tap?" Amy was surprised and said that the thing called faucet by her father was so magical. As long as it was turned, clear and sweet water would come out, just like magic.

"Well, yes." MEG nodded and led her little hand upstairs. Amy's understanding of the world was just beginning, so she was just curious about the modern things in her home, and didn't have much entanglement.

Amy, who had seen the bathtub for the first time, quickly adapted to sitting in the bathtub, fluttering his feet, giggling with white bubbles in his hands. He looked at McGonagall happily and said, "father, this bathtub is great fun, and these bubbles are delicious."

"Well, this is a shower gel for bathing. Now I have shampoo in my hand, which is used to wash my hair. After washing, my hair will be very clean and fragrant." McGonagall said with a smile. He put the shampoo on Amy's hair clumsily with his hands. He said softly, "close your eyes. It will be very uncomfortable if the shampoo runs into your eyes."

"Well, Xiaomi will become as fragrant as his father." Amy obediently closed her eyes.

MEG gently rubs Amy's hair. Although it's a bit clumsy, it's better to carefully separate the bonded hair. In fact, Amy's hair is very smooth.

It's really a technical job to bathe and wash the children's hair. Anyway, McGonagall's clothes are almost wet after helping the children to bathe and wash their hair. However, looking at the little guy wrapped in bath towel and the little skirt that he put aside to wear, McGonagall was a little distressed again and asked tentatively, "system, do you still sell clothes?"

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