"When you feel that life is not satisfactory, don't panic. Just feel the empty purse and cry." McGonagall looked at the middle-aged man sitting at the door of his tavern, looking at the busy Titan tavern across the street. He said calmly.

The man looked back at MEG bitterly. His mouth moved and his eyes glistened with tears.

Judging from his clothes, although he is not rich, he is definitely not a tramp.

But one thing is certain. He certainly didn't have money in his pocket to buy a glass of wine, but he didn't want to go home, so he sat at the door of one pub and looked eagerly at another.

Their excitement has nothing to do with me, because I have no money.

"If a man has no money in his pocket, he just can't keep his waist strong." McGonagall sighed, took a few gold coins from his pocket and threw them in his hand.

The man's expression became more resentful. He glanced at the gold coin in Meg's hand and withdrew his eyes indignantly.

Judging from his figure, he was not sure that he could snatch those gold coins from the cheap tavern owner.

After a moment of silence, the man still looked back at MEG: "I have a story, you have wine."

"Sorry, I'm not interested." MEG shook his head slightly.

Man: π__ π…

"But since you are so interested in the pub opposite, why don't you sit at the door?" Meg said strangely.

"People are coming and going there. Don't I want face? Besides, it's quite warm to sit here. " The man glanced at him, and his resentment was still strong.

"Oh, I see." McGonagall was thoughtful and then felt offended.


You think I don't even have a picture here?

What's more, there's heating to rub?

"It's very cold outside today." McGonagall stamped his feet. Although the heating in the room made the door a little warmer, it couldn't resist the bleak wind.

"Yes, if only there was a place to sit down." The man rubbed his hands and nodded, looking expectantly at MEG.

"The steps are quite smooth. I'll leave a bigger gap for you." MEG gave a generous smile, then opened a crack in the door, and the heat blew out of the tavern.

"Thank you." The man nodded difficultly.

"You're welcome." MEG waved generously and turned into the pub.

"Alas..." Pasha sighed and wrapped her little cotton padded jacket tightly.

Men are too hard.

He is a long-distance coachman with more than 20 years of driving experience. He has been to many places for long-distance transportation, but he just lost his job today.

The boss said that there might be a war, the business road was blocked, and he didn't know when it would recover, so he let them go home.

This month's salary will take two days to get. Even if you get the salary from the boss, you have to give it to your wife as soon as possible.

Of course, he's not afraid of his wife. He's... Respecting his wife.

Yes, that's it.

There are still three children in the family, all of whom are of long body age. Relying on his salary, they can barely make ends meet.

After sitting for a while, Pasha was ready to get up and go home. He had already thought about it. He would look for a job tomorrow. Even if he could not be a coachman, he could also look for some other jobs to do. At least he could not make his wife and children hungry.

"Two drinks?" At this time, a familiar voice came from behind.

Pasa looked back at MEG with a small bench and a tray in his hand.

McGonagall put the tray on the small bench. There was a plate of drunkard peanuts in the tray, and half a bottle of Maotai left by the group just now. Because there were too many people, McGonagall didn't know who to pack it for, so he had to deal with it in this way.

McGonagall sat down on the steps between the bench and pasar, the door behind him was completely open, and the warm air came from behind, blowing away the cold.

"Bo ~"

MEG pulled the cork off the bottle and poured the wine into two glasses.

"Good wine!"

When Pasa smelled the aroma of wine, his eyes suddenly brightened. He was not good at wine, but the coachman would drink wine in winter to keep away from the cold. He had been traveling all over the world for so many years, but he had never smelled such wine.

"Good taste." MEG poured two glasses of wine, reached for one, looked at pasar and said, "here, to this shit life."

"To the bullshit life." Pasa also took the glass, gently clinked it, and drank it all.

This is a good wine that Pasha has never drunk in his life. After the good wine, a warm feeling rises from the bottom of his heart. It comes from the warmth brought by the good wine, and it also comes from a glass of wine delivered by strangers in the cold wind.

"Drunk peanuts, try it." MEG put a peanut in his mouth and chewed it crunchily.

Pasa then took a peanut and fed it to her mouth. She was surprised that the ordinary peanut had become so crisp and spicy that she couldn't help wanting another glass of wine.

McGonagall gave him another full glass, but he didn't rush to drink to him this time. It's not beer. One by one, the bottle will be gone. Moreover, if this guy is drunk, he doesn't know how to arrange it.

"I'm a coachman. I've been to many places, such as twilight forest, wind forest, chaos city... I've been to the devil islands, but I haven't been to the devil islands. I heard that the devil eats people and wants to take a boat, so I haven't gone..." Pasa and MEG chatted, but they didn't talk about their sad life. They talked about what he saw and heard when the coachman walked on the continent of Nolan these years.

McGonagall spent most of his time listening to what a coachman saw and what he thought of the world.

It was a very interesting experience, at least not often in his life.

Look at an ordinary person, serious life.

"Thank you for the wine. When I have money in my pocket, I'll come to you for a drink. Next time... I'll treat you." Pasa was slightly drunk and looked at MEG seriously.

"Well, next time, please." McGonagall nodded with a smile and hung the packaged drunkard peanuts on Pasa's waist with three sweets in it. He said there were three children in the family.

"Goodbye." Pasha waved her hand and left with a slight shake.

MEG stood at the door, watching him disappear into the street, making sure he could go home by himself. Then he turned into the restaurant and turned off the sign light.

"This guy... Is really a strange man?" At the door of Titan's tavern, Effie frowned, puzzled.

"Madame, another bottle of wine!" A cry came from the pub.

"Here we are." Effie quickly pushed the door in and continued to be busy.


"Where are you again! I don't even come back to eat. I'm good at it, right? " A woman with big arms and a round waist was standing at the door of an old house, looking at Pasa who was walking unsteadily. She raised her voice and had a wooden slipper in her hand.

Three little heads came out of the back door of the house and looked at Pasa with pity.

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