This episode did not delay too much time. MEG continued to cook. His mood was not greatly affected, and he did not worry about the Revenge of gudinia.

Can a director of a chamber of commerce make any big waves? I'm afraid many of the guests in the restaurant now are from the Aden chamber of Commerce. Even the guests wearing the grey Temple badge have been here several times.

Seize the stomach of these people, in the city of chaos enough to face the vast majority of the storm.

And Julian and Krasu are the ultimate moves. If they work together, no one in the whole continent can beat them.

In fact, he is also setting up the signboard and store rules of the restaurant. It's not how strong he wants to be, but there are some bottom lines he has to tell everyone.

Amy is his bottom line and counter scale, no one is allowed to touch.

But it doesn't matter. He can blacklist and write it down in his notebook.

For food, not to eat is probably worse than a meal.

As for the Aden chamber of Commerce, which has banned semi racial waiters, MEG doesn't mind pushing it if he has a chance.

Of course, McGonagall is not so simple as to think that he can overthrow a large chamber of commerce with his current ability, and the two sides are not even qualified for dialogue.

But it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, this kind of drama was seen too much by MEG in his previous life. The ups and downs of businessmen were common things.

No matter how strong the building is, it will decay and collapse one day.

Especially when science and technology reform occurs, the inherent business model will be greatly impacted, and a new bourgeoisie will rise.

"If the ruling class of the world is still so decadent, I don't mind taking them into the era of industrial revolution and changing the ruling class." Meg said to himself, looking up at the bike under the counter outside.

Although he spent most of his time in the University, he got his diploma from the top ten mechanical design major in the world. As long as he has money, it's not a dream.


"Honey! Did the scar on my face really fade? Really? Ah, ah, ah!!! I love you so much, husband

"No! It's light! It's really light! "

"Wuwuwuwu, mother... The scar on my forehead is gone at last..." the girl said

From time to time, there are all kinds of surprise sounds in the restaurant, and even people crying with joy. Most of them are guests who get a lot of effect after eating bean curd.

"Just one bowl! Should be... Should be... Not much less? " In the corner, Joel looked down at the scar on his chest, looked at the bowl of salted bean curd in front of him, and fell into a deep tangle.

"No matter. I can't help it. Eat first! When it's too big, draw some up! " The tangle only lasted for a while, and the faint smell of beans still made him pick up the spoon to eat, and the tangle on his face was replaced by the pleasant enjoyment.

After a while, a bowl of bean curd was all over. Joel put down the spoon in his hand, suddenly opened his clothes, looked down, put down his clothes with a dejected face, sighed and said to himself, "sure enough, two more badges from more than 20 years ago are missing. If you go on like this, you'll never know what to say. Once I wanted to be 80 years old, Dream or something... "

"Let's go." Rosia gave the money to Amy and whispered to Gloria.

"Well." Gloria nodded slightly and stood up gracefully. When she came to the door, she couldn't help looking back at the direction of the kitchen. Through the glass, she could see Meg's side face of serious cooking. Sure enough, a serious man was the most attractive.

"Gloria?" As she pressed the door, Rosia looked back at Gloria with a little doubt. She also looked at the direction of the kitchen along the direction she was looking at. There was a smile on her face. Yes, this man really has a fatal attraction to women.

Whether it's appearance, cooking or character, maybe every woman once dreamed of marrying such a perfect man?

Unfortunately, he already has a daughter.

"Well." Gloria quickly drew back her eyes, her face behind the black veil turned slightly red, and quickly followed Lucia up and out with her head down.

A luxurious carriage quickly stopped at the door, two people have on the carriage, the carriage slowly away.

"Take off the veil and I'll show you." As soon as she sat down, she looked at Gloria and said, looking nervous and expectant.

"Well." Gloria hesitated for a while. Looking at her encouraging eyes, she slowly untied the rope and took it down.

Luoxiya's eyes are bright a few minutes, how amazing appearance, to let the same woman she felt in front of a bright.

The thick pale gold long curly hair was tied up with purple hair rope at will, and it almost dropped to the ground close to the seat. The delicate facial features seemed to be pinched out with the most delicate technique. The long eyelashes, the big lavender eyes, the small cherry mouth, and the snow-white and crystal clear skin could be broken by blowing.

Thin limbs, but the chest is quite considerable, wearing a black skirt still can not cover the proud figure.

If it wasn't for the brown spot the size of the thumb on the left face, it would definitely be a beauty who could attract onlookers on the street, and the spot was like a stone falling from a pot of tofu, which destroyed a perfect and exquisite work of art.

"It's really faded! The black has turned brown. It really works Luoxiya looked at the spot, but she suddenly took Geluoliya's hand and was surprised.

"Really... Really?" Gloria's pretty face was also full of surprise and incredible color. Her slender fingers touched her cheek gently. Originally, she thought it would be enough surprise if she only ate one portion and the black could be lightened a little, but now she turned to brown directly, which was an obvious and intuitive change.

"Of course it's true. When did your sister cheat you, you'll find out when you go home and look in the mirror." Rosiya nodded with a smile, then reached out and rolled up her sleeve, pointed to the scar on it and said, "look, is it a little smaller than when I came here?"

"Really As soon as Gloria's eyes brightened, her voice became a little lighter unconsciously. The burn scar on Lucia's hand really became smaller. The skin where she had not recovered also began to become smooth. It seemed that she could recover in a few days.

"Believe me, in a short time, the spot on your face will be as well as my scar, and it will heal slowly." Rosia gently touched Gloria's head and said with a smile, "then you can put on your beautiful clothes and go out. Those men's eyes will not be willing to move away from you."

"He... Probably won't?" Gloria's heart suddenly appeared a figure, in the heart asked himself.

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