The style and atmosphere of the tavern make him feel very comfortable. There are not many people and they sit scattered. Maybe the wine is too delicious, or the amount of wine they drink is not enough. There are already a few dizzy guests in the tavern, which is not as noisy as ordinary taverns.

Abraham chose a corner, facing the wall, and sat alone, without fear of being recognized or disturbed.

He just wants to have a quiet drink, nothing, get drunk and go back to sleep, other things will wait until tomorrow to wake up.

Before long, MEG put three plates of wine and vegetables and a bottle of Maotai in front of Abraham.

"Thank you." Abraham said thanks casually, but his eyes were attracted by the three dishes of food and wine in front of him.

Peanut peeled fried, wrapped with pepper and sugar, a variety of spices have penetrated into the peanut, crisp smell clear.

"It looks good. How about trying the drunkard peanuts first." Abraham took a peanut and threw it into his mouth.


Crisp taste, a bite, peanuts crisp fragrance will crack in the mouth.

And already soaked with the spicy flavor of peanuts and spices, it also blooms.

It's amazing that a small peanut contains so many tastes and changes. The more you chew, the more fragrant it is.

"It's incredible that a small peanut can be fried so delicately. Moreover, it's really drunk." The spicy taste blooms on his lips. While he marvels at the delicious taste of the drunkard peanuts, he unconsciously opens the wine at hand.

The clear liquor is poured into the crystal glass, and the strong wine aroma is penetrated into the nostrils.

Even if Abraham was not a good drinker, he couldn't help saying, "good wine!"

To taste wine, Abraham knew something about it. He didn't take up his glass and drank it in one gulp. Instead, he took a deep breath of the wine, let the strong aroma hover in his mind, and then took a small sip.

Warm and delicate wine infiltrates the lips, and then slides into the mouth. It is mellow and fragrant. The mouth is soft and soft, and the taste is crisp and sweet. It complements the drunkard peanuts. After swallowing, it leaves fragrance on the lips and teeth.

"There is still such a long time to wait in the world. Even the fine wine from all over the world is much worse than this." Abraham looked surprised.

Over the years, many of the fine wines presented to the king by various places have been drunk by him, but none of them has the great shock brought to him by Maotai.

He couldn't help but take another sip. This time, he closed his eyes and savored the various flavors of the wine. There was no sweet and greasy taste of fruit wine, and it was not as bitter and astringent as ordinary grain wine. He didn't know what craft the winemaker used and what things he added to make the wine taste so charming that people wanted to indulge in it.

Then he could not help but think of some of the past events. How bloody the terrible fight for the right of marriage and fraternity were. Now, Joe and Sean are on the same road, and Joe is on the wrong road, stepping into the abyss that may never end.

"This kid, how can he be so stupid..." tears flashed in Abraham's eyes, and the appearance of several little guys when they were young seemed to be still in front of him.

"Alas." Abraham sighed, sniffed, controlled his mood, put down his glass, and his eyes fell on the ear and tongue of the cold pig.

To tell you the truth, the first time he saw these two dishes, he thought of the Maimi restaurant and the same bright red salad: husband and wife lung slice.

The familiar spicy flavor, and the ingredients that ordinary people dare not take to the table: pig ears and pig tongue.

If it's a new dish that boss Mai has just retired, he won't doubt it at all.

But in a newly opened pub like Luodu, he was surprised to find such two strange dishes.

"Did the boss go to the Maimi restaurant to get scriptures?" Abraham looked back suspiciously in the direction of the bar. The owner of the bar was sitting behind the counter, reading calmly.

"It's impossible for boss Mai to be so leisurely in his life." Abraham looked back, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a pig's tongue.

After the reshaping of the Macy's restaurant, the food view of Aberdeen has been extremely inclusive of these strange foods.

After all, he can cook pig's eyes one by one, chew all over his mouth and burst the pulp. The pig's tongue and ears just sprinkle water.

When you pick up a pig tongue wrapped in red oil, you feel like lean meat when you pass it back from chopsticks. After slicing it, it looks unexpected. It doesn't feel nauseous at all. It's like sliced beef. It's wrapped in red oil and dotted with cooked sesame seeds. On the contrary, it's quite tempting.

Abraham couldn't help but feed the pig's tongue into his mouth and bite it off.

The spicy red oil first burst in the mouth, and the strong fragrance and spicy bloomed on the tip of the tongue.

Then the taste of pig tongue, the flavor of stewed meat, coupled with the unique taste of pig tongue, is more elastic than beef. When you chew, the meat juice is abundant. The bittern aroma has been completely soaked, spicy and delicious. The taste buds are in the thrill and madness that have not been seen for a long time!


Abraham felt that his clothes had suddenly burst open for a long time, and the innermost warm clothes were directly cracked.



"This is his meow... It's stealing boss Mai's chili sauce bag, isn't it?"

"How can it be so delicious!"

Abraham was numb, looking at the plate of cold pork tongue in front of him.

Compared with wine tasting, food is his real professional field.

In this lonely street, in a newly opened pub, he had a delicious food comparable to that of Maimi restaurant!

My god!

The boss would have been a genius if he had not gone to learn from boss Mai!

Abraham took a sip of the wine to suppress the shock in his heart and turned his eyes to the ear of the cold pig.

Pig ears are also wrapped in red oil, bright red, sprinkled with cooked sesame seeds, it looks very appetizing.

Without hesitation, he picked up a pig's ear and fed it to his mouth. The spicy taste is still the same. However, the crispy bone of pig's ear brings him a wonderful chewing taste. The soft and glutinous pig's ear meat is sandwiched with thin crispy bone. When chewing, you can still hear the crisp sound.

"That's too much!"

Abraham raised his eyebrows and felt that his whole state of mind had relaxed a lot.

Sure enough, good food is the most healing.

However, good wine is a perfect match.

A small mouthful of wine, a dish, a person drink alone, but also ziyouwei.

At this time, a group of middle-aged men in official clothes came into the pub, found a table for eight people, sat down, and ordered a few bottles of wine and some dishes.

"That kid, come and pour wine for the old man." A middle-aged official with a big stomach pointed to Amy sitting behind the counter.

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