
What is that?

Can I have it?

And where are you?

Why can't I see you?

Amy got up from the bed, looked for everything in and out of the room, and said, "if you don't come out again, I'll tell my father to catch you."

Life experience system

"I'll count to three." Amy put her hands on her hips. "Three!"

"Wait, you don't follow the routine."

"I like to start counting from three. You're outnumbered!" Amy snorted.


"Are you in my head?" Amy reached out and patted herself on the head, shaking it again.

"Little Lord, please calm down. Didn't you make a wish last night? I came to realize it for you." There's a flattering sound in the system.

For this unstable state, the Three Outlooks have not yet fully shaped a successful host, unable to communicate normally, he can only change his attitude.

"So, are you here to deliver food for me?" Amy's eyes brightened, full of anticipation, and said, "never finish eating delicious food, never get tired of eating it!"

"No, I'm here to help you fulfill your wish. Of course, I will also help you to make your life better." The system replied.

"So... You don't eat, and you don't cook?" Amy tilted her head.

"I'm a life experience system, a system that aims to improve the life experience of the little Lord. What I do is beyond the requirements of the outline." The system is serious.

"What do I want you to do? It's not as good as ugly duckling, at least it can be eaten. " Amy dislikes Tao.

Life experience system

As a system, he didn't expect to be rejected by the host as soon as he appeared.

According to the system manual, the system is aloof for the host, generally can enjoy the treatment of being licked.

Why does its host not only dislike it, but also compare it with lower carbon based organisms?


Why is his random host a four-year-old girl?

For a system, this is the beginning of hell mode!

Although... He's just a system without feelings.

But at this moment, he still felt the malice of the world.

Where there's a system, you can bring a baby.

"Novice task release: please get 10 life experience points! After the task is completed, you will get the novice gift bag! "

The system tries to release the first task of the students.

"What is the value of life experience?" Amy is attracted by the general setting of the game. Recently, she occasionally plays games with her father.

"Life is a period of practice. We will have positive or negative emotions such as joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear and shock because of external objects. Emotion is a very important measure of life experience.

This system describes the fluctuation of emotion digitally, which is called life experience value.

All other people's emotional fluctuations caused by the small master will be transformed into life experience value accumulated in your body. " The system explained quickly.

Amy listened carefully. After a long time, she said, "so? What am I going to do? "


I said so much.

You heard a lonely?

"Therefore, in order to complete the novice task, formally step into the main task stage, please actively participate in life, get more life experience value." The system tries to be gentle.

"Is the new gift bag a snack gift bag? What's in it? " Amy asked again.

"In order to maintain the sense of mystery and the enthusiasm of the small master, we do not disclose the rewards of the system, and even use the big turntable to keep the randomness." The system explains.

"If it wasn't for delicious food, I would ignore you in the future." Amy snorted.


There is a word in the human vocabulary -- "Crazy", which is very suitable to describe its mood at the moment.

He's a system.

A high-level auxiliary presence that a day selected jumper has a chance to get.

But in her eyes, is it a snack warehouse?

Amy lay back on the bed and looked left and right to make sure there was no one. Then she said in her heart, "you're in my head. How do you talk? Why do I have no voice when I talk to you? "

"This system is hosted in the mind of the little master. Our communication is carried out by brain waves, so it will not make any sound and will not be noticed by other people."

"Then if I die, do you also die?"

"In theory, it is."

"Then you should be careful. Your life is in my hands." Amy said with a smile.

"Negative emotions from life experience system + 1!"

"Why? Look at that number! Do I have an experience value now? " Amy's eyes widened, surprised.


As a system, it's really a shame of the system that it's being robbed by the host!


Really angry!

"Xiaozhu, according to the binding rules between the system and the host, Xiaozhu keeps my existence secret, that is, he cannot tell anyone about my existence, otherwise he will be punished."

"My father said that life and death are all trivial matters. Killing me is suicidal. What will you do to punish me?" Amy tilted her head and asked with a smile.

System: "MMP!"

"Negative emotions from life experience system + 1 + 1..."

If it wasn't for insufficient permissions.

The system doesn't mind publishing a series of Patricide mainline tasks.

Therefore, before getting up, Amy successfully brushes 5 points of life experience value from the system.

"That's it? Isn't that easy? " Amy looked at the five experience points and went on to explore the so-called system.

An interface appeared in her mind, similar to the game interface that her father usually played.

The main interface displays:

Host: Amy

Grade: 0 (0100)

Life experience value: 5

Skill: None

Task system: novice task - get 10 points of life experience value( (in progress)

Task reward: novice gift bag.

Lottery system: not yet open

(for more functions, please explore by yourself...)

If you are an ordinary four-year-old, I am afraid it is difficult to understand this property panel.

But for Amy, it was very easy to understand.

Just like the brush monster, you can get the life experience value, and then use it to upgrade.

"System, are you there?"

Amy folded up the property panel and asked with a smile.

"The novice guide starts, and the branch line task is released: please make a delicious breakfast for your family. Interaction with family members can quickly gain life experience value and deepen feelings. If the task is successful, you will get an extra reward. " The system quickly released the regional task.

As a system.

If other systems know that the novice tasks of their hosts are done by themselves, it's really a shame.

It's the kind that gets kicked out of group chat.

It's like some old gourmet system.

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