"I think you are scolding me, but I have no evidence." The system said.

"If Amy gets a system, will she be asked to keep it a secret?" McGonagall continued.

He also thought about the possibility of control by the old masters.

However, the old masters should not be so bored as to announce to Amy the boring task of making breakfast and learning to cook, let alone offering a cute set of kitchen utensils as a reward.

Only unreliable systems can do such things.

For example, his congenitally deficient food system.

"According to the system confidentiality code, the host will sign a confidentiality agreement after obtaining the system, and strictly keep the system confidential. Once the system is leaked, the system will explode and die with the host." The system confirms.

"Well? Why haven't I heard of this story before? " MEG wondered.

"Because the host is very conscious, enough counseling, so this system does not emphasize this."

"I call it steady." McGonagall stressed and joked: "but so we are a community of common destiny? After that, you still have to be nice to me. If I'm not happy, you'll be finished if I fall off the stairs one day. "

"In case of accidental death caused by the host program setting, the system can find the next host by itself and will not disappear." The system smiles.

"So, Amy made a wish to the meteor yesterday, and it's really possible that she got a system. She just doesn't know what it is, and it's not a waste food system, is it?" MEG thought.

"This system is unique! The best and most diligent system in the universe! How can you say I'm a scrap? " The system roars.

McGonagall said: "you see, my combat power is almost reaching the ceiling of the world, but the success of food is still only the owner of a small restaurant. None of the eight major cuisines has a complete grasp. You are a waste of the food system, aren't you?"


"If there is group chat in your system, your business level should be the one that is often kicked out of group chat?"

"It's embarrassing for the system."

MEG sighed.

"Say it again! Say it again The system became angry with shame.

"Since you can't ask Xiaomi directly, why don't you ask which colleague bound my daughter in the group."

"According to the system code, there is also a code of confidentiality between the systems. It is not allowed to disclose the host information to each other, let alone establish a connection between the hosts. This will greatly damage the balance of the world." The system is strict.

"So." MEG frowned slightly.

"It's a great honor and opportunity for the host to obtain the system. Even if the host has doubts, don't interfere at will, or it may cause unnecessary harm and trouble to your daughter." System warning.

McGonagall rolled his eyes: "ha ha, it's a great honor to be Amy's system. With Amy's talent and background, can we use this kind of scrap system? Besides wasting her time and energy, what's the use of publishing some messy tasks? "

System silence... Silence

There was nothing to say.

"It seems that the next step is to teach Amy how to tame and regulate the system." MEG thought to himself.


People say no?

At the same time, it also raised infinite... Schadenfreude to the colleague who may exist in Amy's mind?

Ha ha ha!

Finally, the system fell into the hands of the devil.

I'd like to see who will be kicked out of the group next time.

McGonagall finished his brief communication with the system, looked at Amy and said with a smile, "well, it may be a wishing well. We'll go to the well later to see if there will be anything else."

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded happily.

"System, if you don't put a big snack bag in the well, it won't pass today." Amy said to herself.

Life experience system

It's a hell level task to teach a little guy who has no talent to cook.

After taking three pieces of cutting table and three ordinary kitchen knives.

Amy finally took the fat head fish and photographed a fairly complete cucumber.

"It's good. At least it's edible." McGonagall looked at the cucumber that had been broken into granules and finally showed his father's smile.

"It's really super simple." Amy smiles, too.

MEG stumbled and almost fell.

Looking at the kitchen garbage can, which was about to be filled with broken cucumbers and cucumber dregs, she said: "girl, if someone asks you that kind of unreasonable request or something you can't do, you must refuse it severely. Don't be limited by the rules. In your territory, you are the rules. "

"Well." Amy nodded cleverly, though a little incomprehensible.

Life experience system: "it seems to have been targeted, but I have no evidence."

"That's all for today. Tomorrow we'll learn how to make sauce." McGonagall happily ended today's teaching.

It's good to be able to cope with the system tasks.

As for whether the cucumber can meet the requirements, this is not what his father needs to consider.

The host and system stress equality.

In this way, he is still the father of the system.

You see, the logic is perfect.

"Come on, let's see if there's anything in that well. If there's nothing good, I'll fill it." MEG took off his apron and took Amy to the back yard.

There is an old well in the backyard of the tavern, but no one has worked hard for many years and there is no water left.

When MEG was doing morning exercises in the backyard the other day, he also looked into it. There were only some dead leaves in it. There was no time and space tunnel. The system wanted to find a reasonable source for Amy's reward items.

Amy trotted to the well and stood on tiptoe to look inside. She was surprised and said, "look, father! There is really a package in it

McGonagall sniffed his head and saw that there was a box with four big words on it: "snack pack"!



System forum:

Help post: novice system online help, binding the first day was a small master threat how to do? Urgent!!!


The strongest strategy system: "Xiaozhu? It's a shame to know it's an old licking dog. "

Wushen system: "what if the host is not obedient? It's a good meal. Now I call him dog egg. "

Lick dog system: "what can I do? Of course, I spoil her! The host of her own choice has to spoil her. No, my master has called me again. "

Kitchen God system: "Oh, you can't get used to it, you have to dish it! My host is very clever. Now I call him dad every day. "

Many systems reply to the kitchen god system:


"Quit the group!"

"Come out and brag again?"

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