McGonagall counted Effie's cellars. Twelve cellars were divided according to time. Each cellar contained about 300 barrels of wine.

Yes, very big oak barrels.

No one thought that there was such precious wealth hidden under the ground.

"You are guarding such a precious wine cellar, and you fool the drinkers with that kind of wine?" MEG asked, looking at Effie.

"But these cellars are sealed." Effie frowned.


MEG threw the seal on the floor.

"There's no seal now, and you have 300 barrels of 30-year-old real Titan." Meg said with a smile.

Effie opened her mouth slightly, looked at the seal on the floor, and then at the door of the wine cellar.

"This is the wealth your father left you. It's not for you to leave them all in the cellar, but for them to continue to dominate the wine world, just like your father did in those years." MEG pulled the old lock on the door and gently pushed open the cellar door.

The light aroma of wine comes with the smell of oak barrels. Although it is under the ground, the ventilation system is very good. After decades, there is still no stale smell.

"Of course, when you finish the wine in this cellar, I hope you have been able to barrel your Titan and put it in the cellar again." McGonagall said, looking at Effie who was a little distracted.

Effie looked at MEG, nodded solemnly and said, "I will."

McGonagall went into the cellar, touched the oak barrel, and proposed: "I personally suggest that you use the wine in this cellar to participate in this wine tasting conference, and then use this batch of Titan wine to replace the Titan wine now sold in your tavern. Fill it in small bottles, and increase the unit price of wine, so that Titan tavern can enter the ranks of high-end taverns again."

"What's the price?"

"At least two thousand copper coins in a bottle. It's a real treasure left by the master. Drink one bottle and lose one."

"But at the beginning, my father only sold a bottle of 200 copper coins." Effie was surprised.

"That's the price of ten or twenty years ago. You have to consider inflation. Elder sister, when pork was only five copper coins a Jin, now if you can find 20 copper coins a jin of pork on the street, it must be water flooding." MEG rolled his eyes.

What's more, a high-end wine that won the gold medal of wine tasting conference actually sold for 200 copper coins a bottle.

The boss is really cute.

"By the way, you have to limit your daily sales to only in store drinking."


"You only have twelve cellars of wine, and Titan needs cellars to endow soul. Without ten or twenty years of precipitation and fermentation, it is not a good wine at all.

So you have to figure out how much wine you sell in a day. The wine in these 12 cellars can support the normal operation of your pub for 20 years.

As for drinking in the shop, it is to prevent some illegal scalpers from reselling wine and avoid the spread of fake wine. "

"How can cattle do such things? Is that a kind of Warcraft with intelligence? " Effie exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter, OK!" MEG sighed.

Two people come out from the wine cellar, Effie face slightly red, breath slightly panting.

The little maid looked at MEG with some vigilance, and looked at her young lady with some worry. She didn't know what had just happened in the cellar.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hades." Effie looked at MEG and said gratefully.

"You're welcome, Miss Effie. I'm going to get the wine now, and I'd like to trouble you to sign up for the tasting." MEG shook his head slightly.

"I believe the wine you brewed will make a great success in the wine tasting conference."

"In fact, I'm looking forward to Titan's reappearance in the wine tasting conference."

"By the way, I also want to ask Mr. McGonagall about the steaming equipment..."

Half an hour later, McGonagall walked out of Titan's tavern with his waist. It was really embarrassing to explain some mechanical principles to the woman.

"My father was dragged into Titan's tavern for an hour by his neighbor's beautiful sister, and then came out on his back." Amy, who is writing a diary at the window, sees this scene and adds another sentence to her diary.

MEG went back to the pub and took a bottle of Maotai to Effie.

It's not that whiskey is bad, it's just that he thinks it's enough to be in the limelight once to save face for his peers.

As for why we are so enthusiastic to help Effie, it's just a business.

Sooner or later, he will leave lodu, and the Saipan tavern may be closed.

For the value of more than 100 houses in Romo street, a landmark pub can exist for a long time, so that he can make a steady profit.

If both Maotai and Titan win the gold medal at this wine tasting conference, the dazzling twin stars will be enough to attract the attention of the good wine lovers of Luodu to Luomo street.

As long as enough attention is paid and people come, the business will naturally be revitalized.

The price of the half street he bought naturally went up.

It's a no loss business.

As for things like seeing Effie?

make fun of?!

It's impossible.

He has a beautiful wife in his family.

"That's why you came out of Titan's with your waist on?" Elena holds her chest in her hands and looks at MEG standing against the wall.

"No... maybe Amy misunderstood something. It's not like this." MEG expression aggrieved, "sit for a long time, it must be a little sour."

"Ha ha." Irina grinned coldly, "after a long time, of course, I'll suffer from backache, so should I be considerate of you?"

"No, no, I mean I'm sitting in the cellar explaining to her the principle and usage of the distillation equipment." MEG quickly explained.

"It's still in the cellar. You're very emotional." Elena's eyes became more and more dangerous, and the folding chair was already in her hand. "Why didn't I find your time management ability so strong before? You can also explain the usage of the equipment at the same time. "

"It's not really like this!"

Dead bird.

McGonagall thought it was getting darker.

He looks to Amy with the diary.

Amy shrugged her shoulders innocently, "you said children should be honest."

McGonagall squeezed out a reluctant smile and gave an impeccable reply.

His eyes fell on Irina again, and his look had recovered. As a man, family status depends on himself. How can he be beaten passively and lose his man's nature.

"Daughter in law, please calm down and sit down. I'll beat your back and pinch your legs. This folding chair is good. It's just right to sit."

"Look at you. It's not worth hurting yourself. I'll feel sorry for you."

"If you don't think about it, even if I have the heart to be a thief, do I have the courage to be a thief? Dare I? "

"Come on, drink water. It's been a hard journey. I'll burn some hot water bubble feet for you later. It's comfortable."

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