The fight between immortals will bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

MEG felt like an innocent little fish.

Fortunately, the fighting power of the two sides was not at the same level, so they did not show the momentum of parity and confrontation, and ended up with Effie's rapid defeat.

"This woman... Is very powerful." Effie drank the tea in his hand, looked at Elena, stopped talking to her, and looked at MEG. "Mr. Hades, I want to restore the glory of my father when he ran Titan tavern. Can you give me some advice?"

"First of all, you need to find your own position and restore the Titan tavern, which serves authentic aged Titan wine. It should be the top tavern in lodu City, so you should also face the richest and most valuable group of guests.

Secondly, you have to subtract the wine list in the tavern. Titan wine is the treasure of the tavern, but the daily supply is limited, and it will be in short supply before long.

But in addition, the quality of the wine should not be too serious. It's better to be short than excessive. At least it should be worthy of the positioning of high-end taverns. This is also a very important step in screening customers.

Finally, there is the problem of operation. As a high-end pub, it must have matching service and pub atmosphere. You need to think about this slowly. "

Effie pondered seriously for a while, hesitated: "but I can brew very limited wine, at present can't brew with Titan wine comparable wine, no close connection."

Titan was the best she had ever brewed, but in Meg's eyes it was worthless.

"At this time, we need the help of external forces. I think we should be able to buy bars made in other wineries in lodu? Even if the price is a little more expensive and the profit is a little lower, as long as the quality can meet the requirements, it can be used to solve the problem. " Meg said with a smile.

As soon as her eyes brightened, Effie got up and said gratefully, "thank you, Mr. Hades."

"You're welcome." MEG shook his head slightly and glanced at Elena, who was sitting beside him.

"Then I won't disturb you." Effie got up and said goodbye.

McGonagall watched Effie leave, relieved to see the door slowly closing behind her.

"Why, still a little reluctant?" Irina looked at MEG with a smile.

"How can I be such a person? She's not my type." MEG shook his head firmly.

"A 30-year-old woman is the most plump and juicy, sensible and painful. Do you like it?" Irina asked with a smile.

MEG looked at Elena, with a slight frown.

?(  ̄ェ ̄;):“ Aren't you only thirty? "

Irina's face suddenly rose a blush, not angry stare MEG.

Meg's a little innocent. He's just being realistic.

"New regional mission release: wish from Effie: help Effie make Titan tavern reappear the glory of his father's time! Please take an active part in this process, the system will decide the task reward according to the participation and influence of the small master! " Just then, the sound of the system rang out in Amy's mind.

"But... Even the Saipan tavern has never been brilliant. Do you want to help another tavern become brilliant now?" Amy asked with a little doubt.

"Please complete the task according to the system, and all explanations belong to the system."

"Well, you have to explain."




Garland and Milo looked at the closed door of the McMillan restaurant, both with silly eyes.

They finally got out of Luodu city and arrived here all the way. Unexpectedly, they were shut up.

"Didn't Mr. McGonagall say in his letter that the restaurant was closed?" Garland frowned.

"But they didn't say the restaurant was open." Milo said with a bitter smile.

"What shall we do? Now I don't have to go back to the city. " Garland scratched his head.

"It's a pity that all the money has been wasted. Why don't we press a motorcycle first?" Milo was smiling.

"No! How can we burn money at will. " Garland shook his head with a straight face.

"No, I mean, let's find a place to stay first, and when Mr. McGonagall comes back, we'll press a button."

"Well, that's right. Let's go to the last one." Garland said happily.


"Father, when will the mcmillas reopen?" Palmer asked, looking at the closed restaurant and looking up at jergi.

"Well... I don't know. Maybe when boss Mai has a good time, he will come back." Jieerji touched his grunting stomach, some helpless way.

It's another day full of expectation and disappointment.

"I saw Uncle Harrison yesterday. He's getting thinner." Palmer said.

"Tut Tut, this guy is really fighting for women." Jieerji laughed. "I haven't seen him for some days. Sure enough, boss Mai's closing down is the best time for a fat man to lose weight."

"What shall we have this morning?"

"Come on, let's go and eat the fish flavored eggplant from the low-end shop in front of us, and I'll buy you an ice cream later." Said jergi, touching Palmer's head, and taking him to the carriage.

Although the Maimi restaurant is still closed, every day there are indomitable guests to take a look around.

However, because McGonagall has published several recipes, there are several more restaurants in Aden square that focus on these dishes. Although the taste is far less than that of Maimi restaurant, it can also slightly comfort the stomachs of the diners.

"If we learn from other people's dishes and use their names, we have to make good dishes with our heart. We can't ruin their reputation!

Is this fish flavored eggplant made for people today? Even the most basic knife work is not good, eggplant a big a small, this attitude can make what good dishes?

I tell you, I'll give you another three days. If you can't make this dish with attitude, go away! Even Aunt Wang next door is better than you. Let's have a face. " A boss was in the back of the kitchen with his waist crossed, and he was very excited.


"Here, try the fish flavored eggplant I made today." Aunt Wang brought a delicious fish flavored eggplant to the table, and more than a dozen people in her family were already eager to see it.

There are also braised squid whiskers, squid whisker sashimi, octopus balls and other dishes on the table.

Aunt Wang took her seat, and everyone ate it.

"Mother's squid whiskers taste better today."

"Octopus balls are delicious

"Grandma is so good! I like to eat the food made by Grandma! "

"The fish flavored eggplant made by my mother-in-law is delicious."

What people eat is full of praise.

"If you like, eat more. I'll make it for you in the evening." The smile on Aunt Wang's face was as bright as a chrysanthemum.

As a woman who was eaten uncooked for half a lifetime, she never thought that she could make complaints about her husband and children one day.

And all this is because I met Mr. McGonagall!

He is a true friend of women!

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