Sally didn't know how she got to Aden square. She only remembered that after lunch, the hotel had nothing to do. When she was idle, she came out and strolled aimlessly. When she got back to herself, she was already in Aden square, and when she looked up, she saw MEG riding a strange two wheeled car.

"Guangluo work agency?" Sally looked at the sign of the shop, frowning and thinking. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she said to herself in a soft voice, "does he come to recruit employees?"

"No, the restaurant already has a half dragon waiter." Sally quickly denied herself and continued to frown. After a while, she suddenly came back to herself, and her expression became a little strange. She was full of doubts and thought, "why am I so happy when I know he may want to recruit new employees? Do I really want to be a waiter in a restaurant? "

"No! Absolutely not! I still have a dream. I must go through all the places Princess Elena went through in those years and see all the scenery she saw in those years. I want to stand in the same place as her! " Sally shook her head and said to herself firmly.

"But..." Sally's eyes gradually turned to the direction of Maimi restaurant, and gradually became confused, "sweet bean curd is really good to eat, rainbow fried rice is good to eat, the future dishes..."

Sally stopped, some can't walk, at this moment, she felt that her dream is going away.

"Boss Mai, I'll look for you again. If you have good talents, I'll leave them to you first." Half an hour later, Chris sent McGonagall out with a wry smile. The master watched it for another half an hour, but he didn't like any of them. If he went on like this, he felt that he should have lost almost all his hair.

"Thank you." MEG is a little embarrassed to say that a good employee can improve the quality of the restaurant, such as abemia, who brings good mood to the guests with a smile, but a low-quality waiter may greatly reduce the dining experience of the guests.

So McGonagall's requirements for waiters are still very high. I'd rather be short than extravagant. Some of the resumes I read today are good, but they are still a little bit short of McGonagall's expectation, so they haven't been settled.

"I'd rather not do this business." Chris looked at McGonagall as he rode slowly away on his bicycle, muttered, and turned to meet the other guests.

McGonagall rode for a while, slightly sidetracked and looked at the rear, accelerated a bit, and then slowed down slowly.

"Why are you following me all the way?" The bike stops at the door of the restaurant. MEG gets out of the car and looks back at Sally, who is not far behind.

When the elves stabbed MEG Alex, there was also a copy of elves' information in his car basket. Although Sally had dinner twice in the restaurant, she was still on guard after following him all the way back today.

"I..." Sally always cold face, a bit nervous and embarrassed, she also don't know why she was so with McGonagall all the way, hand some tangled twisted together, slightly drooping eyes, silent for a while, finally summoned up the courage to look up at McGonagall, seriously said: "if your restaurant needs an employee, I want to apply, Is that ok? "

"Well?" MEG pick eyebrows, some incredible looking at wearing a light silver dress, tall, noble and elegant Sally, she is to apply for a waiter?

"How do you know I'm going to hire a waiter?" McGonagall was not bewildered, but his defense was improved.

From the perspective of Sally's clothes and temperament, her family status is absolutely not bad. She is mostly a young lady of the big elf family.

Normally speaking, how can a person with such status come to a restaurant to apply for a waiter? Yangzhou fried rice is a branch of the spring of life, perhaps she is for that? Or does it have something to do with what happened three years ago?

In the twinkling of an eye, Meg's heart has flashed a lot of doubts and speculation.

Sally looks at McGonagall frowning, and her mood becomes more nervous. There are only 12 dragon coins left in her pocket. A Yangzhou fried rice will cost six gold coins, and a bean curd will cost eight gold coins. If she eats it every day, she will become penniless in a few days.

I don't want to go home now, but also want to eat delicious Yangzhou fried rice and bean curd. The only way Sally can think of is to rely on her hands and work hard.

"I just saw you enter the employment agency, and the restaurant business is so busy, so I guess you want to recruit new employees." Sally said quickly. At last, fearing McGonagall's suspicion, she added, "I've been following you since then, too."

"So." McGonagall's brows stretched out a little and looked at Sally again. Her long blonde hair was tied with a neat ponytail behind her. Her skin was white and her face was delicate. A pair of crystal sharp ears stood on both sides. Her light blue eyes looked noble and cool.

She was wearing a long silver skirt with gold thread embroidery on the edge, revealing the delicate clavicle and a pair of slender white legs. With such beauty and temperament, it's more than enough to be a waiter in the restaurant, which can bring pleasant visual enjoyment to the guests.

However, the restaurant does not need to add a dispensable vase. MEG plans to recruit new employees to share the work of abemia and improve the efficiency of ordering.

With the improvement of his physical fitness, the cooking speed is also on the rise. At that time, it may not be a problem for a person to fry five or six pots of Yangzhou fried rice at the same time. Ability is what he values most.

If a man looks at her like this, Sally will stare back for the first time. If she is still staring, she doesn't mind letting him taste the bow and arrow.

But now being looked at by McGonagall, there is no sense of immorality in his eyes. It's more like being censored again. Sally hesitates for a moment, looks up at McGonagall and says, "I don't need a salary, as long as... As long as... I can have a portion of tofu every day."

"A portion of bean curd?" McGonagall's eyebrows, the girl is really easy to satisfy, looking at Sally's cold face can not hide the look of expectation and desire, McGonagall seems to understand why the girl wants to be a waiter.

"The restaurant does accept a waiter. If hired, the salary and welfare will be paid as usual. It won't just give a bowl of bean curd, but it won't just recruit an employee for a bowl of bean curd." McGonagall, with his bicycle in his hand, pushed the door in, then stopped at the door, looked back at Sally and said, "since you want to try, come in."

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