"Come on Abelmia clenched her fist and said in silence.

Sally quickly stepped forward, picked up the tray, went to table 3, looked at the bowls and dishes, and two bags on the table, thought quickly in her mind, about 30 seconds later said: "four bowls of Yangzhou fried rice, three portions of bean curd, two portions of rougamo, a total of 36 gold coins."

After that, he immediately began to clean up the table, dishes, bowls and bags, piled up at random, put all of them on the tray, and then walked quickly to the next table.

"That won't work..." abelmia looked at the plates and bowls in Sally's plate, a little worried.

McGonagall was still silent and did not speak. Her eyes also fell on Sally's plate. No matter what she did, the foundation was very important. Cleaning the table and looking at it was just a small thing. She also abided by this principle.

At the second table, Sally still reported the amount of money she should charge in 30 seconds. The bowls and plates were stacked higher, but her sense of balance was very good. The dishes were stacked two layers alternately, and she still didn't mean to fall.

Connected to three tables, Sally spent less than three minutes. When she got to the fourth table, she piled up a half meter high bowl and plate, which seemed to shake in her hands. It seemed that she would fall down at any time.

"There are... 16 gold coins." Sally pauses, picks up a bowl, hands it up solemnly, tries to put it on the top, and accidentally bumps into a pile of bowls.

After shaking the two half person high bowls, the balance was finally broken. At the same time, the bowls and dishes fell to the ground one by one like dumplings.

"Be careful!" She threw the mop in her hand and ran to Sally.

McGonagall was also slightly surprised and unconsciously took a step forward.

"Stop!" Sally's expression was also a little flustered. With a light finger on her left hand, a ribbon like water column appeared around her body. She circled around her, caught the dishes one by one, and turned around her body, but none of them fell to the ground.

"How powerful!" In the middle of the race, abemia stops, looks at the dishes circling Sally, opens her mouth slightly, and looks at this magical scene.

"Water wizard?" McGonagall's eyes also showed a bit of surprise. With this degree of control, she is at least a magician at level five or above. A knight at level five can become a deputy commander of five hundred knights in the army. A magician at level five exists at the same level. Now she even comes to hire a waiter?

"You still have a minute and a half." But McGonagall raised his hand.

Just relieved, Sally suddenly became nervous again, regained control of the water system, and piled the plates and bowls back into the tray. She walked towards the last table. The exaggerated plates were staggering, but there was a water ribbon nearby to protect them. At least there was no danger of falling down.

"... 22 gold coins altogether!" Sally worked out the bill for the last table. With a wave of her hand, the dishes on the table were swept up by a stream of water, and they were all stacked to the top. It seemed that they were already one person tall.

"Four thirty seconds." MEG glanced at his watch and nodded.

"That's great." Abelmia looked up at the dishes that were about to be stacked on the ceiling, a little surprised.

"Did I pass?" Sally looked at MEG expectantly, excited and nervous.

"Complete all the tasks within the specified time, and check out all correctly, and put away all the dishes." MEG looked at Sally with a smile on her face and said, "but... I'm too amateurish. I don't ask too much for the attitude towards the guests. As long as I don't make the guests feel disgusted, the rest is as you like. But don't be too hasty in the whole process. Besides, The plates don't stack like this

Two kinds of plates, divided into two stacks, can also stack such a majestic momentum, McGonagall's mouth smoked, could not help laughing out, probably only Sally can do it.

"Table 2, 7, 14, 16, 4, Mia, you can show me how to check out and collect the table." MEG didn't give Sally a chance to talk. He looked directly at Mia and said.

"All right." Mia nodded, quickly walked into the kitchen, took a new tray and came out. Then she checked out one by one according to the order MEG had just said, and put the plates and bowls in a pile. In less than three minutes, they were all finished. The dishes were separated and piled up less than half a meter. The rougamo bags were neatly stacked beside.

"Good... Fast!" Sally looks at abelmia with an incredible face. Her computing speed is more than twice as fast as hers, and the whole process is smiling, leisurely and without any sense of rush. Look at the tray on the two hands, almost the same number of plates, stacked two completely different feelings, standing high and low.

Sally was a little frustrated. She was really unprofessional.

"You just don't have the skills. It's great to be able to do that for the first time." Seeing Sally's expression, abelmia waved her hand.

"But..." Sally's eyes lit up again and looked at MEG hesitantly.

"For the first time, it's really good." McGonagall also nodded. If all the bowls fell, McGonagall would directly sweep her out of the house. But the water magic was very spiritual, which proved that although the girl was not professional enough, she had a good ability to adapt to circumstances, and her ability was enough.

And a Magic Wizard waiter, this is also a wonderful experience for the dining guests.

One is a full of vitality of the half dragon attendant, an elegant and noble elf attendant. It's very interesting to think about it.

As for folding dishes, which can be solved with one or two hints, it's not a problem. McGonagall sees plasticity in Sally.

Of course, more importantly, MEG saw in her eyes the desire for this job, which was similar to the original abelmia.

Abemia's purpose is to survive, but she... Is the desire for food, depriving a person of the right to eat food is about the same as killing her, so the two are really the same.

Using complex algorithms can also quickly complete the calculation, if he master the nine nine multiplication formula table, the checkout speed will certainly be faster.

"Can she stay?" Asked abelmia, looking expectantly at MEG.

Sally looks at her gratefully, and also looks at MEG expectantly.

"Another question, you just said that you can contract all the cleaning work of the restaurant? After dinner, the dining room needs to be cleaned completely. The desks, chairs, floors and even walls need to be cleaned. Are you sure you are competent? " McGonagall looked at Sally and asked with some doubts.

"The element of water, follow my call, clean up all the filth..." Sally raised her left hand, and a melodious mantra sounded from her mouth

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