"Miss, is the price too high? If the former guests came to see it, would they turn around and leave? "

Marla looked at the new unit price of drinks on the wall and couldn't help saying something.

The price of Titan wine aged for 30 years is 3000 copper coins per bottle and 999 copper coins per cup.

This is the only wine on the wine list.

There are also several kinds of food and wine, but the price has not changed.

But these two days Miss changed supplier, had higher requirement on taste.

"At present, we only have one wine, and the more we sell, the less we sell. Although the price is higher, it's not a big problem." Effie shook his head slightly, sighed: "as for the former customers, I can only wait for my own Titan wine to come out again, and then push a low age Titan wine."

"If all 50 bottles are sold out in one day, then we will be able to sell 150000 copper coins in one day." Marla's eyes shine.

"I just want money in my head. I'll clean up the tavern again. We're going to start business tonight." Effie patted Marla on the head. She couldn't breathe well.

"All right!" Marla trotted energetically to pick up the broom in the corner.

Effie looked at the new tavern with a happy smile on her face.

From today on, Titan tavern is the real return.

She directly opened the shop next door and doubled the size of Titan's tavern, turning a medium-sized tavern that could hold about 20 tables into a grand tavern that could hold 50 tables.

Many people may have forgotten that in Romo street, in addition to Meg, she also has a small half street shop.

When Titan tavern was booming, his father's favorite business was to buy shops.

In addition to Romo street, she has many shops all over the city.

If she didn't really love it, she just had to work as a carriage to collect rent every day, and she could live a full life. She didn't need to soak in the winery every day.

After a round in the pub, Effie returned to the winery behind the pub.

The distillation equipment modified by McGonagall uses long-lasting burning coal stone as fuel, and the whole distillation process does not need to be watched at any time, as long as the distillation progress is not checked, it can be said that the whole distillation process becomes very simple.

After fermentation, the essence of grapes is changed into steam in distillation, followed by a long tube into the distiller's storage device at the other end, which is transformed into a nearly transparent pure liquid.

Compared with the past, when she made wine, the whole brewing workshop was full of clouds and fragrance.

Nowadays, the distilleries can hardly see the leakage of steam, and all the cream have been properly preserved.


A clear prompt sound.

Some lost in thought of Effie back, Leng for a while, just remember to close the stove into the valve, flameout.

With the new equipment, the first batch of Titan is finally coming out.

Effie looked excited and expectant.

The air pressure of the air pressure valve is reduced. When the air pressure is completely balanced, Effie takes a cup and connects it to the wine outlet under the wine receiver and turns the switch.

The clear and transparent liquor gushed out from the liquor outlet, and the slightly irritating aroma also gushed out.

"It's done!" Effie's face brightened.

The smell as like as two peas of wine when he was playing in the distillery.

It is also the fragrance that she has been looking for and trying to create for more than ten years, but has not been successful.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Hades replaced her brewing equipment and simplified several processes, so that she successfully brewed pure Titan wine.

"Yes! Miss, it's a success Marla, who just walked into the winery, was also surprised.

"Only half of the success. Titan has no cellar for more than two years. It has no soul." Effie shook his head with a smile and said, "Marla, go get the oak barrels. I'll make these raw wines into qualified Titans first, and then put them in barrels for storage."

"All right." Mara agreed immediately.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Effie put all the first batch of Titan in oak barrels and put the lid on.

"Miss, it's too heavy for us to move." Marla patted the oak barrel that was about her height, which could fill 300 bottles.

"Let's put it here first, and we'll get someone to help carry it to the cellar tomorrow." Effie wiped the sweat on her forehead with a silk towel. She looked at her clothes soaked in sweat and said, "I'm going to take a bath and change clothes first, and then have a rest. I have to open at night."

"I'll boil you bath water." Mara agreed.


Titan tavern and Saiban tavern directly stood everyone up on the first day of winning the double gold medal, which has become a matter of ridicule for all the wine customers in LoDo.

However, it is precisely because they did not drink the water that they were covered with a layer of mystery and attracted people's curiosity.

And there are some rumors about Saipan tavern, but also gradually spread.

Among them, the news that the Duke of aberham and Princess Vanessa are frequent customers of the pub and that the owner's identity is rather mysterious spread like wildfire.

When people are curious about Maotai, they also remind themselves that they must be careful in Saipan tavern.

It's not dark yet, and guests have begun to linger in front of the two pubs.

However, it seems that the two pubs are still closed, and they don't want to start business, which makes the guests who come early feel bad.

Looking at the eight waiters of Titan tavern, Effie said solemnly, "today is the first day of Titan tavern's redevelopment and opening, and also the first day of our upgrading to a high-class tavern. We must work hard and make no mistakes."


All agreed.

Meanwhile, on the other side, in the Saipan pub.

MEG looked at more and more guests outside. His eyebrows were wrinkled. He said, "we should make complaints about our pubs. Otherwise, guests will not be able to entertain us. After that, we must go to the pub to run the restaurant."

"Do you want me to arrange some people for you from the night elves?" Irina asked.

"No, this is lodu. It has to be human." McGonagall shook his head. Not every elf can be as easy-looking as they are. It's obviously easier to find employees in Luodu city.

"I'm going to the windy forest tonight. I'll leave it to you." Elena put down the bowl, gracefully wiped her lips and said with a smile.

"Er..." McGonagall looked at the crowded guests outside and could already imagine the night of flying chickens and dogs.

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