
McGonagall really doesn't know how to describe it.

Snails are strange, they look similar, but there are many differences.

But Amy's curiosity is a good thing. As a father, of course, she has to satisfy her curiosity.

"System, I need a little strange knowledge." Meg said to himself.

"There are many kinds of snails, most of which are poisonous and inedible. For the time being, we don't know whether there are edible snails on the continent of Nolan, such as French snails, garden snails and agate snails.

The shell of the French snail is round, thick, yellowish brown and glossy, with many black and brown bands... "

After a systematic indoctrination.

"Strange knowledge has increased again." MEG absorbed it a little, and then began to tell Amy.

Amy listened carefully. After a while, she asked, "the poisonous snail can't be eaten. The snail without poison can be eaten. I give the snail to the ugly duckling first. If the ugly duckling is OK, it's the snail without poison, right?"

Squatting on one side, looking at the ugly duckling in Amy's dish, he stood up and walked back slowly.

There's something wrong with you!

"It sounds reasonable, but it's not." MEG shook his head with a smile. "There's a big difference between not dying after eating and being able to cook a delicious food.

For example, if we eat the leaves of the big tree at the gate, we won't die, but the leaves can't be used as food materials to make delicious food. "

Amy listened carefully.

"It's the same with snails. Maybe it's not toxic, but its taste is very bad, or it's hard to taste. Such snails can't be called edible snails." McGonagall continued.

"So..." Amy nodded thoughtfully, bit the bun, and was a little distressed: "where can I find edible snails?"

McGonagall looks at Amy with a slight frown and a quick stretch. He knows that the little guy must have received a new system task, and it must have something to do with finding edible snails.

"It's a really idle system." MEG threw a sentence in his heart and asked in his mind, "I want to make complaints about a French snail."

"No The system's response is crisp and quick.

"Other edible snails will do." MEG continued.

"Please do not try to interfere with the tasks published by other systems, which is not conducive to the system's tuning of the host." The system warns.

"I'm helping Amy adjust her system. It doesn't exist." McGonagall said.

"Please be a person..."

"You can say whether you want to sell it or not. I have plenty of money today. As long as it's edible snails, 100 copper coins, I'll definitely buy them for you." McGonagall said.

"The host has not obtained the open permission of this food, please continue to work hard! Or more! " The system is serious.

"101, no more." Meg said decisively.

"As long as it's edible, a 101 copper coin, right?" The system confirms.


"Ding! 101 copper coins deducted successfully

"Please go to the backyard immediately. There is a yellow brown snail at the root of the third osmanthus tree, which is non-toxic and edible." The sound of the system is cheerful.


McGonagall's expression suddenly froze. He just vowed that snails in the backyard must not be eaten, but now he is going to take Amy to the backyard to find snails that can be eaten?

It's like a tornado. It makes him uncomfortable for a while.

He even wondered if the snail had been deliberately put in the backyard.

"Solemnly remind the host that it is a living snail and is moving slowly. If the snail disappears because the host goes to catch it too late, it has nothing to do with the system." The system warns.

"Father, do you know?" Amy looks at MEG for help, her big eyes staring at him.

"Well, I can't refuse." McGonagall sighed in his heart, put down his knife, got up and said with a smile, "let's go to the backyard first. Maybe there is one."

Amy sucked all the soup out of the shallow plate, but did not move her foot. Instead, she looked up at MEG and said, "but... Didn't you just say that snails in the backyard can't be eaten?"

"Er..." McGonagall's expression was slightly embarrassed. Sure enough, sometimes he couldn't say too much.

But McGonagall quickly regained his smile and indifference, nodded slightly and said, "well, I think I've just been rash. I should check it out to make sure. Maybe there's a new snail today."

"Well, my father is very strict." Amy nods, grabs Amy's two fingers, and happily follows MEG to the backyard.

The backyard of the tavern is not big, which is a small flower garden. A few days ago, Elena transformed it, added a thermal insulation magic cover, planted some flowers and plants, and preserved the original three osmanthus trees.

As soon as you open the door, the fragrance of the flowers comes, which makes you relaxed and happy.

Comfortable temperature, flowers and plants, all kinds of insects and animals will not be less.

As soon as Meg went out, he saw three snails hanging in the wet corner.

"There!" Amy also noticed the three snails, quickly stepped forward, squatted down to observe for a while, looked back at MEG, "father, they seem to be able to eat."

"Mingming doesn't match the characteristics I just said, OK?" McGonagall stepped forward, looked at the three ordinary snails, greasy and terrible, and shook his head: "no, they can't eat. Let's look for them again. Generally, they will hide at the root of the tree."

"Well, I'll let you go for a while." Amy and the three snails said a word, and then ran to the three osmanthus tree seriously looking up.

"Ah, this one?"

McGonagall had noticed the huge tawny snail at the root of the third osmanthus tree. It was almost the size of an adult's palm. It was bright tawny and round. It looked like a conch.

"Wow! What a big snail

Amy noticed the snail and trotted over to squat down.

The snail seemed to feel the danger, turned to crazy and climbed up the tree trunk.

"Want to run?" Amy slapped it down.

The snail swished its tentacles back into its shell.

"Father, is this snail edible?" Amy held the big snail in her hand and looked at MEG expectantly. This is the biggest snail she has ever seen.

"Well, this should be a snails to eat." McGonagall nodded. This snail looks similar to the French snail both in size and appearance. It must be the snail mentioned by the system.

"It's a cow's cochlea. It's sour and poisonous. You can't eat it." Irina didn't know when she was at the door. Leaning lazily against the doorframe, she looked at the snail in Amy's hand and said.

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