Spicy snails with a little bit of cucumber hob, refreshing solution greasy, is Meg's favorite.

This spicy and refreshing snail, with ice beer, is the more you drink, the better.

Effie obviously can't eat spicy, although drinking water, still can't help but sigh.

MEG poured her a large glass of beer and dropped two pieces of ice into it.

"Is this your new wine?" Effie looked at the golden liquid bubbling in front of her, and the refreshing smell of wine came to her face. She looked at MEG in surprise.

"No, it's a beer from the Maimi restaurant. The owner of the Maimi restaurant has a good relationship with me, so I bought a bucket and brought it back for myself." McGonagall replied casually.

"Beer?" Effie read softly. The tingle of her lips was so strong that she couldn't help taking a drink from her glass.

The entrance of the frosty beer was like a basin of ice water pouring on the fire. She almost heard the sound of the flame going out.

The spicy feeling was immediately doused most of the time, and the cool feeling made the spirit shocked. It was so pleasant~

Moreover, after drinking this wine, there is still a faint fragrance in the mouth, but it soon dissipates, refreshing and pleasant.

"This wine, good to drink!"

Effie looked at the wine in front of her eyes and exclaimed.

Golden yellow, clear and clear, white foam hanging on the wall of the cup, looks elegant and distinctive.

She picked up her glass and took another sip. Instead of swallowing it, she tasted it carefully.

The taste of this wine is fresh, round and mellow. The quality of the wine is clear. The wine is harmonious and soft. It has strong killing power. After entering the throat, it has a delicate bitter taste, weak and slightly pleasant. People can't help but clap their hands.

"Good wine."

Effie put down her glass and re examined the glass of beer in front of her.

Although it is not a strong liquor, the beer still has an amazing taste.

If you participate in the wine tasting meeting, you may also win a gold medal.

"It's good wine." McGonagall nodded with a smile. There was no bad reason for his wine.

Although the lunch was rich, there was a CD-ROM action.

Effie and Mara helped clear the table.

MEG called Mara to the kitchen and began testing her.

"How to test your culinary talent?" Effie stood at the kitchen door curiously, wondering if she could participate. Maybe she just needed a good master.

"Since you are so interested in Maimi restaurant, you must know how to make fish flavored eggplant?" MEG looked at Marla and said.

"Well, I've memorized the recipe completely." Marla nodded. "But I haven't done it myself."

MEG took out some ingredients from the refrigerator and put them on the chopping table. He said, "now I have all kinds of ingredients here. You can make a fish flavored eggplant for me according to your understanding."

"Do it directly?" Marla was a bit surprised. The test was to make her fish flavored eggplant.

"Yes, it's no use reciting the recipe. You have to work it out before you know how much you've mastered." MEG nodded, and after teaching her how to make a fire, she stood with her hands on her side.

Marla looks to the door for help.

Effie cheered her with a clenched fist, then went straight away.

Without backup, Mara took a deep breath, closed her eyes and began to recall the recipe of fish flavored eggplant. Then she began to wash her hands to deal with the ingredients.

McGonagall stood watching without saying a word.

Except for her nervousness, Mara's movements were crisp.

But she didn't know which bad master she learned her cooking skills from. She was so wild that she couldn't do it any more. Holding a kitchen knife, she felt like a chopper.

The eggplant was chopped into pieces of different sizes. It should be because she realized that there was too much difference between these pieces. Mara also made a special effort to refine them, which led to the widening gap between them.

McGonagall sighed in his heart. This basic skill alone will take a lot of time to train.

Then Mala began to stir fry the dishes, put the oil in the hot pot, and put in the bean paste

The process of cooking surprised MEG.

Mara's performance is much better than he expected, no matter when all kinds of ingredients are put into the pot, or how to control the seasoning, she is doing well.

It's a world away from her knife work.

"It seems that I have been misled."

McGonagall looked at Marla, who turned off the fire and took the fish flavored eggplant out of the pot.

Marla was holding the plate of fish flavored eggplant in both hands, which was not only uneven in size, but also pretty good. She looked at MEG expectantly: "would you like to try it?"

"You don't need to taste it. When you put the seasoning, you shake your hands a little. The salt taste is a little heavier. If you don't stir it in time, it will lead to a bit of burnt taste. The uneven size of eggplant blocks will lead to uneven taste and hard to taste." Meg said calmly.

Mara's expectant expression froze in an instant, her mouth shriveled, her eyes reddened, and she didn't shed tears.

"Is Mr. Hades always so strict?" Effie had already smelled the fragrance. She thought that Mara must have become one. Unexpectedly, she got an evaluation with no merit here.

"No, he is very gentle to his little sister." Amy shook her head.

"Is it?" Irina looked at MEG with a smile.

"You see... Do I still have a chance?" Marla, with tears in her eyes, said with some grievances.

McGonagall smiles, shakes his head and says, "no, you're accepted."


Marla's eyes widened, her mouth slightly open, and she looked at MEG in disbelief.

"But I'm curious. Did you learn your cooking skills from the executioner of Caishikou? Why is the style so bold and unconstrained? " MEG looked at Marla curiously.

"Me and..." Marla looked in the direction of the door.

Originally quite happy for Marla, Effie's face changed slightly and her expression was slightly embarrassed. She said to Irina, "I suddenly remembered that I had something to do. Thank you for your hospitality at noon. I'll go first."

"Well, goodbye." Irina nodded slightly.

Marla walked away with a red face. It would be a shame for Mr. Hades to know that she was such a bad cook.

Marla looked back, shook her head and said, "I learned from the butcher in Caishikou, not the executioner."

McGonagall smiles. He probably knows who Marla's cooking skills are inherited from.

"But... Can I really learn to cook with you?" Marla still can't believe it.

"Yes, but before you learn to cook, you have to learn knife work."

McGonagall took a pile of potatoes and carrots from the refrigerator, took a kitchen knife from the knife holder, turned his wrist, and the knife flew.

A minute later, McGonagall took it back, the potato skin fell, and a cute bear appeared, just like an ugly duckling sleeping on the counter.

"Wow... That's great!" Mara's eyes were wide open as if she had discovered a new world.

She knew for the first time that the kitchen knife could still be used like this!

"Good knife work is the beginning of cooking. Today we will start with slicing. Look at my knife holding posture..."

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