"System, can you analyze the language that the group leader just sang?" MEG asked in his heart as he sat in the carriage.

While Vicky's singing was amazing, MEG became more and more curious about her identity.

The system gave him language packs of all ethnic groups in Nolan, which enabled him to understand the dialects of all ethnic groups smoothly.

But he didn't understand Vicky's lyrics.

Of course, it's normal to not understand some words.

Like... Yodel?

After listening, you can only exclaim: lying trough!

However, Vicky's previous singing is no longer in this sequence, with a low tone and sad mood, which must have content.

"This language is not within the scope of the language library of this system, and cannot be queried or translated directly. It is not the language of common races in Nolan." The system replied quickly.

McGonagall pondered, "do you think he's a passer-by or some hidden race? Or, like Xi, running out of the ground

"50% of the hidden races, 30% of the walkers, 10% from the underground world, 10% unknown." The system gives an analysis report.

"50% of the walkers, 10% of the occult race, 30% from the underworld, 10% unknown." That's my inference.

From her awareness of copyright, McGonagall thinks that she is not a hidden race like Noah. She should have lived in a place with higher degree of copyright protection.

The ancients have a high level of science and technology, and there must be a matching copyright protection system.

And if she is a cross audience, language problems, as well as beyond the level of opera Nolan mainland, it will make sense.

Of course, it should not be from earth.

"This girl, it must not be easy." McGonagall was thinking about which building to turn into an opera house.

In the present situation of the black cat opera company, it is difficult to eat, let alone pay the rent of 50000 copper dollars.

Adhering to the concept of value investment, MEG has decided that if Vicky comes to him, he will build an opera house for them, but at the same time, he will get part of the income of the opera company in exchange.

In terms of Vicky's strength and the completion of Miss Black Cat's opera, he is confident that the opera company will be prosperous and profitable.


"Mr. Bobbie, I'm sorry to inform you that the black cat opera company refused our merger invitation, and that damned woman tore my face." Pascal covered his bloodstained face with a look of anger.

The young man standing in front of him shook his head and said, "I sympathize with you, but miss Vicky is a gentle girl. You shouldn't frame her up like this."

"I..." Pascal wronged, "you don't see her crazy! That's a lioness... "

Bobbie took out a bag of silver coins and handed it to Pascal. He said calmly, "this is your reward. Part of it is sent to the black cat opera company. They are very difficult now, but they have a lot of excellent actors. You know, there are not many such opportunities."

Pascal took the money bag, opened it, brightened his eyes, and immediately became more respectful. He nodded his head and said with a flattering smile, "I know. I'll go to the black cat opera company again soon, and let most of them become members of our Maka opera company."

"Remember, you can make the black cat opera deeper, but you can't hurt Miss Vicky. She's mine." Bobbie looked at Pascal, with a hint of warning.

"I understand, I understand." Pascal put away the money, respectfully watched Bobbie get on the car and leave, muttered: "Oh, I don't know what's good about that woman. If she has no body and bad temper, she is willing to spend so much money for her."


In the afternoon, MEG teaches Marla how to cook. Drunkard peanuts.

It's a relatively simple dish, but it's still a challenge for Mara.

McGonagall demonstrated and taught step by step. Finally, he used golden finger to point out maze. Finally, he spent an afternoon to let Mara master the practice of drunkard peanut.

"The next step is to brush the time of proficiency. After going home, take time to practice more and master this dish as soon as possible." McGonagall grabbed a few slightly blackened peanuts in the bowl and dropped one into his mouth. He didn't control the heat very well. It was already a little smelly.

"Yes, yes." Marla nodded her head hard, her face full of excitement.

This is the first dish she learned from her master. Although it's not perfect, she feels that she has learned a lot.

"But master, is this really a peanut made by a drunkard?" Mara still couldn't help asking the questions she had been hiding in her heart all afternoon.

She doesn't look like a drunkard, does she? Why such a strange name.

"No, it's peanuts that make people drunk." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. "Because it's drunk."

"Oh... So it is." Marla suddenly, and some of her imagination is not the same.

"By the way, Marla, we're going out tomorrow, maybe for a few days. If a girl in a black dress comes to me, please give her this and take her to room 101." MEG took a kraft bag and handed it to Marla.

"What's her name?" Marla took the bag.

"Her name is Vicky."

"OK, I remember. I'll keep my eyes on this side." Marla nodded seriously.

MEG didn't leave Marla for dinner. After all, there was a starving Effie waiting for her to go back to make dinner.

"If we are going back tomorrow, should we bring some presents for our sisters?" Amy came up to MEG with the duckling in her arms and asked with her head up.

"Yes, if Xiaomi didn't mention it, I would have forgotten." McGonagall nodded with a smile, saying that they had been out for two weeks and that it was time to bring some presents for the girls.

In the evening, four new employees arrived early.

McGonagall arranged a job for them. Jones, who has had the experience of cashier, will be responsible for the most important work of cashier. The other three girls will be responsible for ordering, serving drinks and cleaning the table.

The addition of new employees makes McGonagall's work a lot easier.

But at the end of the night, Jones looked at some of his tired colleagues and couldn't help whispering to MEG: "boss... Maybe we need more colleagues..."

Saipan tavern's business, far beyond their expectations, is not the tavern they worked before can match.

It's very difficult for the four waiters to revitalize such a pub. Even if they are familiar with it, they often make mistakes in their work.

"Yes, I will continue to look for some candidates." McGonagall nodded, and he found the problem.

His mentality is still a bit out of the McMillan restaurant mode, always thinking that one employee can complete a lot of work.

This is too much for ordinary waiters.

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