As an unqualified commander, McGonagall, relying on the experience inherited from Alex, had a deep discussion and planning with Dominic.

The scale of the war, the number of arms involved, and the complexity of the situation are more exaggerated than those of the ethnic war in those years.

In those years, ethnic wars, that is, two or three races fighting against each other, seemed to be a mess, but from the perspective of fragmentation, there were not many large-scale wars.

Moreover, the coalition forces are formed on a temporary basis. Let alone the degree of tacit understanding between them, even the degree of trust may not be able to be satisfied.

"This arrangement, once the defense line is lost, I am afraid it is difficult to control the situation." Dominic frowned as he watched McGonagall line up on the sand table.

"The Legion of the millions of undead, a fierce and fearless charge, can't be defended by a simple defense line, so I plan to make an opening in these three canyons and let them in.

We'll split a million troops and then we'll lengthen the front.

Artillery battalions and magician regiments are arranged on both sides of the canyon to kill the undead Legion to the maximum extent.

At the exit of the canyon, a pocket shaped encirclement ring is set up, and the array and heavy soldiers are set up.

The Dragon army comes forward and kills the undead army ahead of time with its air superiority.

But our ultimate goal is to lure kesulu into the array and seal it.

Once the seal of kesuru is successful, the army of the dead will be leaderless, and the crisis will be relieved. "

McGonagall worked on the sand table and made a new pattern.

Dominic's eyes brightened, turned around the sand table twice, and frowned again: "this arrangement can stop the undead army for a period of time, but how can we lure kesuru into the seal?"

The devil is mysterious and unpredictable. If the seal outside the chaotic city had not been lifted, they would not even know that there was such a terrible existence on the continent of Nolan.

They have a long life, even longer than a race.

Even the dragon, which has a long life, knows nothing about it.

They have terrible abilities that cannot be killed or even severely damaged.

Only the seal array handed down from ancient times can seal them again.

But what a difficult thing it is. I'm afraid their calculation is just a joke.

"I don't know if you've heard of the lasagna theory?" Asked MEG.

"Lasagna?" Dominic shakes his head. It sounds like a theory of food. What is it?

McGonagall showed a mysterious smile: "ksuru has existed for countless years, and his wisdom must be far beyond our imagination, but no matter how high his IQ is, he still needs to think in the face of the trap we set:

He may see that it's a trap. It's on the second floor. It thinks we're on the first floor. In fact, we're on the fifth floor. "

Dominic nodded thoughtfully, remained silent for a while, and still couldn't help asking, "so, so what's the fifth floor?"

"Well, you'll know that then." McGonagall said with a smile, "I'll give you the platoon formation, and I'll give you the trap formation. My only requirement for you is to eliminate 200000 undead legions and ensure that the blockade will not be broken."

"Good." Dominic nodded seriously.

If he didn't have this confidence, he would have been a marshal of the Empire for decades.


McGonagall then went to see Michael to learn about the current progress of artillery manufacturing.

"With Miss Hill's full support, the daily output of guns has reached 300 and the output of shells has reached 5000.

The docking with the dwarves has also been successful. Yesterday, 50 technicians arrived at the dwarves with drawings, and they will supply artillery with full strength.

The goblins have also promised to fully supply the materials needed for the shells. After the mass production of the dwarves' guns, chaos city will fully produce the shells and close the artillery production line. " Michael showed McGonagall around the gun workshop, and introduced.

"Miss Hill, it's a big picture." McGonagall nodded, and his evaluation of hill went up to a new level.

Although hill is a woman, she has a great pattern and vision.

The previously opened trains have now become the best means of transporting ore. freight trains run between vickline and chaos City, increasing their efficiency by countless times.

If it is not for the current chaotic situation and the current enemy, all ethnic groups will surely pay attention to this smooth transportation line.

As long as the continent of Nolan can survive this wave, the next hundred years of peace, the train will surely become the existence leading the development.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

This is the existence of truth.

And hill has the advantage of being the first mover with the big treasury of Warren Buffett's Bank and the core technology of steam engine in his hand. He is an excellent money maker.

McGonagall even thought of himself lying on the shoulders of giants and living a life of financial freedom.

"Yes, women do not let men in troubled times." Michael nodded with emotion. "It's not only Miss Hill, Miss Gloria of the Molton family, who came to the city Lord's mansion the day before yesterday and said that she would donate a large number of combat cotton padded clothes to the coalition forces."

"Gloria?" McGonagall's eyebrows were slightly raised. He had not seen the girl who liked tofu for some days.

It was noon when I came out of the Lord's mansion.

The sun fell on his face, some dazzling, snow has almost melted, a little green on the side of the willow tip, it seems that spring is coming.


There was a little surprise.

McGonagall looked back at the knight standing in front of him with a black donkey. He had a national face and an emerald sword at his waist. He had a simple and honest smile and clear eyes.

Kandy Nicholas.

McGonagall's name came to mind for the first time, and he had not been seen for months.

He looks a little dark, with a long and thin scar on his left face, which looks like a mark left by the claws of some kind of Warcraft.

The armor on the body has many wear marks, no longer bright.

But only that pair of eyes, still cool God, such as Lang Lang youth!

"Hello, I'm Alex." MEG looked at him and said.

"I heard that you don't kill dragons. Now you kill demons, don't you?" Kandy looked at MEG and asked excitedly.

"It's been arranged like this recently." MEG nodded slightly.

"In this case, I can only join the northern expedition of the chaotic city, and then I can fight with you." Kangdi said with a simple and honest smile.

MEG looked at him, then at the black donkey he was holding, and said with a smile, "the donkey is good."

Kangdi reached for the head of the donkey and said with a smile, "new guy, but it's really good."

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