Gloria quickly finished a portion of Yangzhou fried rice. Her dispirited state seemed to be full. She got up and bowed to MEG and hill. She said, "thank you for Miss Hill's way and Mr. McGonagall's hospitality. I'm in a hurry to go to the city Lord's mansion now. I'll say goodbye and see you again."

"Goodbye, take your time." MEG got up to open the door for Gloria and watched her get on the carriage and leave.

In this Yangzhou fried rice, MEG added a little more water of life, hoping that Gloria could continue to complete her work with full energy.

MEG closed the door and sat back at the table. Hill looked at him with a smile.

"Is the steak bad, or am I too beautiful?" MEG picked up his rougamo and continued to chew it. He looked at hill and asked.

Hill said with a smile, "I'm just curious. How did Mr. McGonagall know Gloria? And why did you choose to help her? "

"Gloria is a regular customer of the restaurant. As a person, I like people who often patronize my business. I can help if I can." Meg said calmly.

"So." Hill cut the steak elegantly, his mouth slightly tilted: "it seems that I missed a lot of things. I wonder if Mr. McGonagall is open tonight."

"Today is a day off. This steak is overtime. It's closed at night." McGonagall refused decisively.

I'm joking. As a man of great principles, he will never bow to evil forces easily.

And he has to think about the possibility that Elena will be home at any time.

"I wonder why Miss Hill is here today?" Asked MEG.

Hill is not a boring person to eat.

Hill fed the last steak to his mouth, put down his knife and fork, and gracefully wiped the corners of his mouth. Then he took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it and put it on the table, and said with a smile, "I'd like to ask Mr. McGonagall to show me a picture."

McGonagall looked at the drawing, then at his hill with a smile.

"I think no one in the world knows this picture better than Mr. McGonagall?"

McGonagall leaned back in his chair and looked at the smart woman with a smile.

"Showdown. I did design the gun."

Hill's mouth went up. Sure enough, her eyes were never wrong.

"But is this an improved version of the gun?" McGonagall picked up the drawing. In addition to his published design, there are three versions of the design, all of which have improved the design of artillery and shells.

Hill nodded and said: "yes, this is an improvement made by our team of engineers in two days and two nights. The core is the array blessing of the artillery, so as to significantly improve the range and explosive power of the artillery."

McGonagall's eyes lit up and asked, "has it been tested?"

"Well, the first edition has passed the test. This is the comparative data." Hill took another piece of paper from his bag and gave it directly to MEG.

Meg's eyes brightened as he looked at the data.

After array blessing, the range of magic artillery is directly increased from 8 km to 20 km, and the explosion power is increased several times, and the crater diameter is expanded three times.

"Good guy!"

McGonagall couldn't help clapping.

Array blessing is a very common way to improve weapon performance in Nolan.

However, McGonagall did not master this knowledge, so he could only provide an original version of the gun.

But when the gun fell into the hands of a group of top engineers and craftsmen, they had countless improvements.

The array that increases the range of bow and arrow is engraved on the artillery, which still provides a powerful bonus effect.

The simple level-1 burst array, printed on the shell, makes the power of the shell doubled.

"How stable is it?" McGonagall put down the drawing and looked at hill.

To test the quality of a weapon, the power is only one aspect, and the stability is another key.

"That's why I came to you tonight." Hill shook his head. "The improvement improves the power of the artillery, but the instability of the burst array makes it very easy for the artillery to burst. However, if we use a higher level array, the efficiency will become very low. At present, we can't solve this problem."

"So..." McGonagall frowned and thought, suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "can you get me a reinforced gun and a batch of reinforced shells and a batch of unreinforced shells?"

"Did Mr. McGonagall find a way?" Hill's eyes brightened.

"No, I think of someone who can solve the problem." MEG smiles mysteriously.

"OK, I can arrange it right away. Where can I send it?" Hill doesn't ask much.

"Send it directly to the Lord's mansion, and we'll go together." MEG got up, took his coat from one side, put it on, and went straight out.

Hill's efficiency was extremely high. A gun and a Ruo gun were sent to the city Lord's residence soon.

McGonagall asked the people in the Lord's mansion to say hello and let Barbara come out to see him.

"Boss, why are you here?" Barbara came out of the mansion with two blue cryolites in her hands. She looked at the stout gun barrel beside MEG and several boxes of mysterious things. "What's this?"

"Barbara, isn't your master an array master? I have a very important thing to ask him for help. " McGonagall's on the hill.

Hill looked at Barbara, but she knew Barbara's identity, the princess of the land of the moon.

Barbara is working in the McMillan restaurant, she does not know.

However, the master of the moon Kingdom has successfully restored the existence of the seal array outside the chaotic city. If such a noble and powerful existence comes directly to ask him for help, it should be rejected directly, right?

"Well, boss, come with me." Barbara, however, nodded her head without thinking, said a word to Meg, and then turned directly into the yard.

"Just a moment." McGonagall and Hill said, carrying a box of shells, followed Barbara into the yard.

"Mr. McGonagall, it's true that he's not an ordinary person..." hill raised his eyebrows and became more curious about McGonagall.

"Master, my boss is looking for you." Barbara went into the yard and screamed.

McGonagall thought this was a good word. The boss and the teacher were equal.

"It's Mr. McGonagall. What can I do for you?" Jonas came out laughing, not slighted by McGonagall's identity.

Before the king of the kingdom of moon, he urged him to regard Mr. McGonagall as a guest of the kingdom of the moon, which saved the royal highness of the princess.

Look at the attitude. It's a play.

McGonagall had a number in his mind, but he didn't want to be polite. He came straight to the point and explained the importance of artillery. He asked Jonas to help optimize the artillery.

"That's it?"

Jonas took a shell out of the box, tapped it with two fingers, and put it to his ear to hear it.

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