The sword made of pure silver is shining silver in the moonlight.

McGonagall stood with his sword and looked down at the skeleton soldiers who were climbing up the cliff.

Irina looked at McGonagall with serious expression, rolled her eyes and said: "with your strength, even with a wooden sword, you can chop all these guys like melons and vegetables, but it has no reference value."

"It's really a problem." MEG nodded, put away his silver sword and took out two crossbows.

These are the two standard crossbows of the army of the Los Empire, which are engraved with the most basic blessing array.

MEG had a crossbow in one hand, one with a silver point, and the other with an ordinary one.

His eyes searched for the target in the skeleton group, and soon selected two skeletons of similar size, obviously of the same race, and with weak strength.

"Help me take a picture of the experiment." MEG spoke to Elena and then pulled the trigger.


Two crossbows and arrows shot out, making a gash mark in the air and hitting the two skeletons at the same time.

The silver arrow fell on the skull's forehead and was squeezed into a flat shape in an instant. The shaft of the arrow hit the skull's head and broke inch by inch. The skull man just shook and continued to climb as if nothing had happened.

Another standard crossbow, a special arrow, was nailed to the skull man's forehead. Although it didn't penetrate, it still took the skull man back and fell to the bottom of the cliff, falling into a pile of broken bones.

"It looks like a bad improvement." Irina shook the stone in her hand and said with a smile.

"It doesn't look like pure silver." MEG nodded, then went to a mahogany arrow.

"Wooden arrow?" Said Irina, somewhat surprised.

Elves are natural shooters. Almost every elves are excellent shooters. She knows more about bow and arrow than McGonagall.

Previously, the silver arrow could not cause damage to the skeleton. Now MEG is shooting directly with the wooden arrow. Is it a bit rash?

"It's not an ordinary wooden arrow. It's an arrow with peach arrows." MEG aimed the crossbow at a skeleton and pressed the trigger.

Peach arrow flew out, accurately hit the skull's eyebrow.

Surprisingly, the seemingly fragile wooden arrow, after touching the skeleton, emits a touch of golden light on the tip of the arrow.

The red light in the skull's eyes twinkled for a moment. A hole was melted in the center of his eyebrows, and the wooden arrow pierced into the skull's head.

As if the skeleton had been ignited, it soon turned into a golden fire. As it burned, it fell down. When it landed, it had become fly ash.

"This..." Irene looked at the scene in surprise.

The skeleton, which was not penetrated by the previous crossbow, was penetrated by a wooden arrow, and mysterious light appeared, turning the skeleton into fly ash.

"Uncle Jiu doesn't deceive me!"

McGonagall's eyes were bright, but he didn't expect that the peach arrow had such a wonderful effect.

"Let's see how strong this peach tree can be against skeletons." McGonagall took another mahogany arrow, aimed at a high-level skeleton man with level 7 strength, and pressed the trigger.

Peach arrow hit the skull man's eyebrow, golden light appeared again, but at the same time, the skull man's eyebrow also appeared a dark red scale, which offset the golden light.

The peach arrow was soon worn away, and the rest of the shaft burst, leaving a black mark on the brow of the skeleton man.

"Not after level seven." McGonagall thought that the crossbow was aimed at a skeleton man of level 6.

Peach wood arrow pierces level 6 skeleton man. Although it is not directly melted into ash like low-level skeleton man, it can kill a level 6 skeleton man by three consecutive arrows.

"Is the array engraved on the peach arrow?" Irina couldn't help asking.

Originally, they could only shoot through level 3 skeletons and couldn't directly kill each other's crossbow. After being replaced with the seemingly fragile peach wood arrow, they were able to shoot level 6 skeletons. It's really incredible.

"No, it's just a simple mahogany arrow." MEG shook his head with a smile and took out a peach sword. Then he took out half a can of cinnabar powder and poured it into half a can of water. Then he dipped the peach arrow in cinnabar water and took aim at the previous level 7 skeleton.


The arrow of cinnabar peach wood hit the skeleton and made a loud noise.

The previously unshakable skull man was directly removed by this arrow, and his body was also blasted into a pile of broken bones.


Irina's eyes widened and she was shocked.

"Mahogany and cinnabar have boundless magic power!" McGonagall couldn't help clapping his hands in his heart. It's a big killer that can snipe the opponent's middle end combat power.

He did not expect that these things across time and space, even in Nolan continent played an incredible effect.

McGonagall has carried out several tests. Peach wood and cinnabar will explode when they encounter skeletons, which will cause devastating damage to skeletons below level 7.

However, the killing power is limited to skeletons above level 8.

The skeleton of a level 8 skeleton is silvery white, with a mysterious dark red Rune swimming on it. It's not peach wood or cinnabar that can break the defense.

The ordinary standard long sword, after smearing cinnabar on the body of the sword, also has a significant increase in the lethality of skeletons.

As for the peach sword, its lethality is better than that of the peach arrow. However, it is not very practical to provide the peach sword in batches in a short time.

Then MEG tried to sprinkle sticky rice on the skeletons.

Low level skeleton soldiers have obvious fear reaction, while skeleton soldiers above level 7 can ignore the existence of glutinous rice.

"Well, catch a hundred and go, and take advantage of kesulu's absence to destroy all the rest." MEG put away the remaining half bag of glutinous rice and said to Elena.

"Good." Irina nods and takes out the wand.

McGonagall also took out Tiandu sword.

The holy light shines on the canyon and the flying sword cuts the skeleton.

Two people cooperate with purple, seven in and seven out in the canyon, soon killed a large number of skeleton soldiers.

McGonagall looked at the skeleton soldiers who were annihilated in the holy light. He could not help feeling that if the relationship between magicians was too rare, would he be able to sacrifice his ninth uncle's unique skill?

However, they soon sensed a strong breath, and quickly approached in this direction.


McGonagall grabs Irina's waist and falls on ah Zi's back. A golden transmission array lights up from the top of the mountain. Ah Zi plunges into the array and disappears.

After a breath, a huge figure appeared over the canyon, looking at the skeleton soldiers who had been slaughtered more than half, issued a sharp roar.


McGonagall, they're 50 miles away. The purple Griffin takes off and flies south as fast as it can.

"Where did you learn those weird methods?" Irina looked at MEG curiously, as if she had known him for the first time.

In her memory, he believed in the sword in his own hand, never with the help of foreign things.

Today, McGonagall shows off a series of strange things, and has a wonderful effect on skeleton soldiers.

"I once read a random talk, which recorded some ways to deal with zombies and undead. I used to think it was just a joke. Today I have a try, and I know it really works." Meg said with a smile.

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