All the way north, the weather became colder and colder, the ice and snow had not melted, and the mountains and rivers were white.

A mountain runs across the north, blocking the cold from the Arctic ice sheet, leaving a living environment for human beings.

The hundreds of miles of mountains, called the gus mountains, run through the East and West, like a natural moat, protecting the northern territory of the Los empire.

After crossing the gus mountains, there is a perennial ice sheet with a thickness of more than 1000 meters. It is said that if you go all the way north, you will enter the land of eternal night. No one knows what is buried in it.

This polar ice sheet is a forbidden area for all living creatures. The bone chilling cold will soon take away your body temperature. Even if you don't move, your physical strength will be consumed quickly.

Even the common snow rabbits and snow foxes in the north are hard to find on the ice.

The gus mountains block the cold wind and cut off the existence of life.

However, at the moment, on the side of the gus mountains near the ice sheet, there is a team of thousands of engineers working under a cliff.

The cliff near the ice sheet is covered with thick ice. Under the grinding of the cold wind, it is as smooth as a mirror. The cliff is hundreds of meters high. It is a natural city wall.

But after all, it's mountains. There are always gaps between them.

The elite of the legions of the Ross empire are gathering in the north, while the engineering regiment of the North Legion was sent to build fortifications under the gus mountains three days ago.

To stop the undead from going south, the gus mountains are the only choice.

Because of the vast area of polar ice sheet and extreme weather, it is unrealistic to take the initiative to search for the Legion of the dead on the vast ice sheet.

After passing the gus mountains, all the way south, there is no natural danger that can stop the undead army.

With the help of the natural hazards of the gus mountains, the whole mountain was built into a great wall, which stopped the army of the dead trying to go south and fought outside the Empire.

This is the policy set by the commander of the alliance, Lord Alex, and marshal Dominic. No one in the Los empire will question their decision.

"Be quick! Today, we'll fill these pits, and then spread glutinous rice in this area, and we'll give you barbecue tonight! The sentinel brother just caught a few snow deer A stout Knight looked at the working engineers and said in a loud voice.


When they heard that there was meat to eat at night, the engineers with ice on their shoulders suddenly brightened their eyes and worked much more quickly.

This is a gap more than ten meters wide. From this gap upward is a slope covered by ice. For ordinary people, it is still an insurmountable natural moat.

But according to the spies who entered the ice sheet, the skeletons could easily climb up a slightly inclined slope, let alone such a gentle slope.

So they're going to close the gap with ice extracted from the ice sheet and connect it with the vertical cliffs on both sides to form a complete wall.

This is what tens of thousands of engineers are doing in the gus mountains.

Of course, it would be impossible to fill such a gap in 10 days and a half months just by these engineers.

Fortunately, there are more than ten magicians in their team. The wind magician is responsible for cutting the ice. The water magician injects water into the crevice of the ice. After natural solidification, it becomes a solid ice wall.

The ice magician is like a fish in water in such an environment of ice and snow. He makes ice very fast and takes on a large part of the workload.

"Sir, we've filled several big holes in succession. How much more do we have to fill?" An engineer dropped a large piece of ice and asked, looking at the fat leader.

"Yes, it's too cold. My hands are stiff when I move ice every day."

Other engineers also turned around.

Even if they are tired these days, but this side of the mountain is not as cold as the other side. They are used to staying in the north, and they are freezing.

In the evening, when the fire was burning and the soldiers were huddled together, they could barely fall asleep. Last night, a soldier came out of the tent to urinate and fell. In the morning, when he was found, he became a popsicle.

"How much?" Gao Pang's Legion laughs, looks suddenly and looks at all the engineers and says, "until you've finished! If you don't get the order to retreat, you have to fill in all the time!

Just a little bit cold? Next on the front line and the dead hedge brothers, but the head tied to the belt! You must remember that although we have never fought in the northern border, you are also soldiers! If the Legion of the dead cross the gus mountains, your family will die in the hands of the demons

The engineers bowed their heads and looked ashamed.

The engineer who asked questions before silently picked up a large piece of ice and walked towards the ice wall.

The engineers worked silently, faster than before.

On the mountain, Dominic, wearing armor, nodded slightly, looked back, looked at the adjutant beside him, and said, "let the engineers of all legions step up their efforts to put into the front line, and give priority to the supply of food and grass. We must arrange the front line according to the requirements within three days."

"Yes, marshal!" The adjutant nodded, hesitated and said, "marshal, there's something else I want to report to you."

"He said

"Yesterday, there was an ice dragon on the front. She helped the Ordnance Corps to mend more than ten gaps, but she has been inquiring about the news of the undead Corps." Said the adjutant.

"Is it her?" Dominic frowned. "Where is she now?"

"I don't know if I've left. I'll go and ask." The adjutant said quickly and left quickly.

Soon after, the adjutant returned, looked at Dominic and said, "marshal, she's gone. She's said to be flying into the ice."

"Into the ice?" Dominic's face sank. During this period of time, the Los empire lost a lot of spies in the ice. No matter the extremely dangerous environment or the skeletons hidden under the ice and snow, they were extremely dangerous.

"Get ready. I'll write to the dragon people." Said Dominic.



"If the Legion of the dead is a flood, then the Baili mountain defense line is the first flood control line.

However, it is not enough to block the flood. Such a surge will inevitably overturn the flood control system and make it uncontrollable.

So I left three spillways, which are three natural canyons with a length of 10 to 15 kilometers.

Then, at the end of the spillway, pull the last gate to ensure that no drop of flood will escape. "

MEG sits on the Griffin's back, overlooking the vast ice and snow world below. The gus mountains are like a huge flood control belt, which stops the cold air trying to go south.

"What if I can't stop it?" Irina asked.

"No if." MEG shook his head and looked deep. "We can only guarantee that there will be no accidents."

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