"Ancient corpses of any race can be found in the ice sheet, including those that have disappeared in the long history and even have not appeared in ancient books." McGonagall looked at the crowd and said calmly, "it's no surprise that there are corpse dragons. Even they will have more flying corpses."

The people look dignified, which is not good news. I'm afraid the war will be more difficult than they think.

"In addition to the corpse dragon, the ice guns they throw are also very lethal. Although the demonized ancient corpses lost their ability in front of them, their power was enhanced. " Irina continued: "I checked Elizabeth's injury earlier. The ice gun is very powerful, and it will leave evil Qi in the wound after the injury, which will aggravate the injury and make it difficult to heal and treat the wound."

"How to solve the problem? It's impossible not to get hurt in a war. " Dominic asked.

Irina shook her head slightly and said, "I used the holy light to dispel the evil Qi, but there are very few magicians in the light system, and I can't cure every wounded person. I have to think of another way."

People frown, the wounded can not be treated, will greatly depress the morale, we must find a solution.

"Maybe you can use cinnabar or glutinous rice to soak water. Since they can produce miraculous effect on ancient corpses, they should be able to restrain the evil spirit." Said Meg.

As soon as people's eyes shine, this is a good direction.

Next, cinnabar and glutinous rice will be continuously transported to the front line. If these two things really work, it would be great.

"I'll see Elizabeth." Barbara got up, nodded slightly to MEG and Irina as a greeting, and then went out.

McGonagall closed the door of the chamber with a wave, opened a chair, sat down, looked at Louis and Douglas, and said, "the front line fortifications are tight now, and we need your support."

"Let's build fortifications?" Louis frowned. "Isn't that what dwarf craftsmen do?"

Douglas was also a little surprised.

It seems that Dominic hasn't had time to explain the situation of the front line with the two men. Meg said: "dwarf craftsmen haven't arrived in the north. They are more responsible for forging weapons. Now there are hundreds of pits in the north of the gus mountains, which can only be completed by the engineers in the north of the Los empire in ten days, so I need your help from the dragon clan."

Douglas thought a little and said, "how many dragons do you want?"

"All the ice freezing Dragons of the ice dragon clan, and as many wind dragons as possible." Said Meg.

"Well, they'll all arrive tomorrow." Douglas nodded.

McGonagall nodded. He liked this kind of guy.

Then Dominic told the public about the current fortification arrangement in the Northern Territory. The gus mountains and the three canyons were the core of the whole battle. They would take advantage of their defense to eliminate all the millions of undead legions before the gus mountains and not let any ancient corpse escape.

It's not clever, but there's no plan of choice.

However, after listening to Dominic's arrangement, people had a deep understanding of the importance of pre war fortifications.

It's a plan that can't go wrong, so everything should be safe.

"I asked the golden dragon to arrive ahead of time. If necessary, it can be sent at any time." Said Louis.

"The guns in the city of chaos need to be transported to the front. Let them transport a batch to the front." McGonagall looked at Louis and said.

"Good." Louis nodded.

"In addition to the transportation of living things and materials, why not use space storage for transportation?" Jonas, who has never spoken, raised his first question.

"Space storage is limited, and the supply of a million troops is a huge number." McGonagall said that he had thought about this method before, but even Elena's space ring can only hold 30 guns. Now her space ring is full.

And the space stone is very precious, even the magician can't make a space ring.

"So it is." Jonas nodded thoughtfully. Then he took out a small box with his backhand. He opened the box and took out another box. There was another box inside.

"Please don't do it." McGonagall couldn't help reminding him.

Jonas took out ten small boxes, pushed them forward with both hands, and said, "these are large space containers. Each space is similar to that of this hall, and can be lent to you for a while."

"So big?"

Everyone's eyes brightened when they looked at the row of small boxes.

Space magicians are rare, no less than relational magicians, and the materials used to make space storage are also very precious.

Such a huge storage space is really unusual, did not expect Jonas backhand took out ten.

"Thank you very much." McGonagall arched his hand. He knew very well what important role these ten huge storage boxes could play now.

Among other things, the transportation of artillery and shells can not only reduce the loss and collision on the road, but also save a lot of manpower and material resources.

And the transportation of emergency materials is more convenient.

Nuolan has a vast area. It takes several days for all ethnic groups to gather in the north, and the transportation of supplies and grass is even more difficult.

These ten boxes can be used for the most urgent material transportation, such as cinnabar powder, peach arrow and artillery.

Douglas and Louis are going to see Elizabeth, and McGonagall invites Jonas out.

Jonas arrived at the front position early at the invitation of McGonagall. The construction of the seal array is the most important thing, and it can only be completed by Jonas.

"All the materials for building the array have been prepared, and all the array mages have arrived. Has Mr. Alex chosen his position?" Jonas asked, following MEG out of the hall.

"Please follow me." MEG whistled for violet, jumped on the Griffin's back, and invited Jonas up.

The Griffin took off and flew back and forth along the gus mountains.

"Without this mountain range, Nolan would be a safe place to live." This is Jonas's first time to see the whole picture of the gus mountains. He can't help feeling.

"Where do you think is the most suitable array for this hundred Li defense line?" MEG asked, looking at Jonas.

Jonas looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "it's not about where to place the array, but how to let kesuru enter the seal. I think you should have determined where to place the array."

McGonagall raised his hand, pointed to the canyon on the left and said, "I'm going to set up an array there."

"How are you going to get it into the array?"

"On the day of the war, I will be there. I bet that kesuru thinks I may not be on the seal array." Meg said with a smile.

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