The city Lord's office issued a notice to all the residents of the chaotic city.

In recent days, many strong men volunteered to join the convoy and applied to go to the front line. Many craftsmen and tailors also joined the logistics team. Even ordinary people were making cotton padded clothes for the soldiers.

But the depressing atmosphere before the war still enveloped the city of chaos.

No one knows whether the coalition will win the war, and what fate they will face.

"Otherwise, I'll join the fighting forces. It's better to go to the front line and chop down a few skeletons than to stay in the rear and wait for the result." Harrison looked at jergi seriously.

Geerjee stared at him for a moment, thinking about how to get rid of his dangerous idea.

"But I don't have your armor." A soft voice sounded.

Two people Leng Leng, at the same time back.

Amy, with ice cream in one hand and a plump yellow cat in the other, is smiling at them.

"Little boss!"

Harrison and jergi were surprised when their eyes lit up.

"Are you back? Is the restaurant going to reopen? " Harrison asked.

"Ang, I came back, but my father left again, so the restaurant didn't open." Amy shook her head.

"Where's boss Mai? It's so messy everywhere now. " Jieerji asked with concern, at this time, the boss gave up the child to go out?

"My father went to cook for the brave soldiers. He said he would come in a few days." Amy looked at jergi and said curiously, "Uncle LAN Pangpang, where's sister Chris? Did she grow up? When can I have a play? "

"Boss Mai is on the front line, too?" Harrison and jergi were both surprised.

"Chris has begun to learn to talk, but she can only babble. If the boss wants to play with Chris, he can come to my house at any time." Jergi said with a smile, "Pablo and Angus said two days ago that they miss you very much."

Amy tilted her head and said, "but I don't miss them at all. I just think that Chris's little sister and little brother are not cute at all."


As a daughter slave, geerji wanted to praise her.

"Boss Mai is really a model of our generation. He never flinches when he is in danger. It seems that I have to go back to fight my own armor, so that I can go to the front line to kill the enemy!" Harrison said with firm eyes.

"Uncle hongpangpang, if you can swing your sword three times without tripping yourself, I think you can try it." Amy looked at Harrison and said seriously.

Harrison took the picture seriously and soon gave up.

"Ah... I really don't have any skills. Money alone is not enough." Harrison leaned back in his chair with a deep sigh.

The man who picked up the bottle next to him clenched the crutch in his hand, and it took a long time to loosen it.

"Goodbye, I'm going to play with my friends." Amy waved the ice cream and hopped away with the ugly duckling in her arms.



The abnormal sound in the yard makes Luna stop her pen. She looks in the direction of the backyard, hesitates for a moment, and gets up to walk towards the backyard.

When she opened the back door, she saw a figure in silver armor, lying face down in the yard, with one foot on the low wall of the yard.

"My God

Luna was surprised and picked up the hoe for planting flowers on the wall. She looked at the man lying on the ground with a nervous look and said, "who are you?! Why climb over the wall into my yard

This is the teachers' apartment of chaos School Park. It's usually safe to guard the school gate and patrol frequently. It should be very safe.

How could someone sneak into the school and run into her yard?

Hearing her voice, the figure moved, stretched out his hand to support the ground, as if trying to get up.

Luna's mind has already come up with the tragic experience of countless single women at home who were brutally assaulted by thugs. Looking at the guy who was about to get up, she didn't know where the courage came from. She closed her eyes, waved a hoe and fell down.


There was a dull noise.

Luna's hand was a little numb from the shock.

And the figure who finally propped up his body was smashed back to the ground.

"Knock me to death..." a voice with crying voice rang out.


Luna was stunned. She looked down at the horse's tail exposed under the armor. Suddenly she realized something. She quickly threw away her hoe and turned the man over.

The face stained with soil and snow water, is a face of resentment Vivian.

"You... What are you doing? How can you dress like this and come in over the wall? " Luna looks at Vivian in surprise.

"Bah." Vivian turned to spit out the mud in her mouth and said angrily, "you are going to murder your sister! A bunch of people hit me, my head is buzzing. "

"Let me see." Luna quickly picked her up, sat down on the chair next to her, took off her helmet, and confirmed that the back of her head was not hurt under the protection of the high-level helmet. Then she took out her handkerchief and helped her wipe her face, but she didn't have a good airway: "fortunately, I didn't take a knife."

"Ah, you snake and scorpion woman!" Vivian stares.

"If you don't leave, you have to climb over the wall, and you deserve to wear such an ill fitting armor." Luna ordered her forehead, but she was also scared. She thought that some bad person had come in.

"Well, knights never go! This wall is my first opponent in my career. " Vivian looked back at the half man high low wall and said angrily.

Originally wanted to come to a handsome appearance, did not expect to be on the spot, it is too shameful!

"It's a knight. Some other knights abide by the rules of knighthood. They won't go over the wall and enter other people's houses." Luna rolled her eyes and looked at Vivian's ill fitting armor. "But what are you going to do today? Do you want to play Knight costume? "

"No, it's not a dress up. From today on, I'm a knight who punishes the strong and helps the weak!" Wei Wei An looks a Lin, the hand touched to the waist, but touched an empty.


Vivian bowed her head.

"Where's my sword?"

Vivian was shocked. She looked left and right. She was a little flustered.

"It's hanging there." Luna reached up and pointed up.

Vivian looked up, looked at the sword hanging on the tree more than three meters high, and fell into silence.

Most of them were thrown off the wall and hung on the tree by her.

"In fact, I hang it on purpose, knight. The sword is in people's hands. The head can be dropped, and the sword can't be dropped, right? You know that." Vivian looked around, looking for the long bamboo pole that could pick the sword down.

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