"Mr. Hades, why haven't they come back yet?"

Effie stood at the door, looking at the Saipan pub, which was still closed, a little worried.

In recent days, the panic of the war spread gradually in Luodu city. Whether the army seized peach trees and glutinous rice, or all kinds of rumors spread in the community, they all predicted that something big would happen.

The situation is so chaotic that Mr. Hades' family is missing, which makes Effie worried.

"Master, they haven't come back yet." Marla came out from behind Effie, looked at the tavern opposite, and craned her neck in another direction.

"It's open. If you want to go to the theatre for free, go." Effie knew what she was looking at, laughing.

"It's not a play, it's an opera!" Mara stressed.

"Opera is not drama."

"Different, opera is a singing performance, drama does not sing." Marla shook her head and took Effie's arm with a smile. "Miss, why don't you come to see it with me, Miss Black Cat is beautiful. They just opened yesterday, and the tickets are half price."

"No." Effie refused.

She's not really interested in these things. It's worse than killing her if she sits there motionless for a few hours.

"By the way, you said that Mr. Hades let them live in that building. What else did you say? Such as rent and so on. " Effie asked, looking at Marla.

The opera company came fast, even faster.

It's only two or three days. They've cleaned up the house inside and outside. Yesterday, they put up a sign and started trial operation.

She went to have a look yesterday. Most of the objects were old ones left by the circus.

After cleaning up, I painted the stage again. It's just like a model.

She's not interested, but she's a fan of Mara. As soon as she's free these two days, she's running to the opera house. When she catches people, it's a sales promotion. She's very interested.

Tickets are not expensive. Fifty copper coins is half price for children. There are half price activities in recent days.

Mr. Hades has hundreds of shops. This is the first one to rent.

So a lot of neighbors went to join in the fun and wanted to see what the opera house was, which could make Mr. Hades look at it differently.

After watching the performance, the neighbors were highly praised. In the past two days, the neighbors were talking about the story of Miss Black cat,.

When it comes to the emotional part, several aunts will still be in tears, and it's not easy to enter the play.

"No, master just asked me to give the key and a letter to leader Vicky. I've read the letter. Master lent the building to them for performance without asking for rent." Marla shook her head.

"No rent?" Effie was a little surprised.

The shop in the opera house is so large that it can be worth several ordinary shops.

Although the pattern is a little strange, with the rising house prices and rental prices in Luomo street, we can change the pattern casually and rent out hundreds of thousands of copper dollars a year.

But Mr. Hades gave the shop to the opera company for free.

"Is Mr. Hades friends with Miss Vicky? Or something else? " Effie thought to herself.

Marathon took Effie's hand and said, "Miss, I'll go by myself. I've made an appointment with the team leader to practice. She said that she could arrange a maid role for me."

"Are you going to be an actor?" Effie looks at Marla.

"I'm just a guest star." Marla blushed.

"Go ahead, come back early in the evening and cook." Effie waved.

"All right!" With a smile on her face, Marla hopped towards the opera house.

Effie looked at Mara's back, some helpless smile: "this girl, what all want to learn."

Mara ran into the opera house. In recent days, she has been familiar with all the people in the opera house. She said hello to the actors, and then she sat down on the side, holding her chin to watch the actors rehearse.

The actors of black cat opera company are also used to this little guy coming to play every day. Most of them, at the beginning, are their own.

It's important that they see love in Mara's eyes and want to be an opera player.

Moreover, the head of the team likes the little girl very much, so naturally, we won't say anything.

"Mara, you're here." Vicky came out from behind the stage and looked at Marla in the audience.

"Yes, I came to see you rehearse." Mara quickly got up and nodded.

"Do you really want to learn opera?" Vicky came forward, looked into Marla's eyes and asked.

Although the team leader is not tall, but she was staring at, Mara felt the pressure, seriously thinking for a while, then nodded, "well, I want to learn."

"It's hard to learn opera. You can't be a good opera player without three or five years." Vicky said flatly, "they have been studying for nearly two years, and they are just at the entry level. There is still a long way to go in the future."

"Are they just getting started?"

Mara was surprised. She thought that these elder brothers and sisters sang very well, but in the eyes of the commander, they were just beginning to sing.

As soon as she opened her mouth, it was like a rooster's crowing voice.

"Little Marla, don't be afraid, uncle. I was still crying out for sugar water on the street." A shining uncle looked at Marla and said with a smile: "persistence is victory! Come on, Ollie

Marla was encouraged by her uncle, and her eyes became firm. She looked at Vicky and said, "I can!"

Vicky nodded and said, "if you join the opera troupe, then you'll live and eat in the opera troupe. I'll teach you how to be an opera player myself."


Marla was surprised and shook her head: "no, I mean... I want to learn opera, but I can't join the opera company. I have a young lady in my family to support."

Vicky frowned and looked at Marla sharply: "so, do you want to go whoring for nothing?"

Mara felt that the momentum of the team leader suddenly became terrible, and she became infinitely small.

But she really can't sell herself like this

Because she belongs to the young lady, even she is not qualified to sell herself.

Besides, she also said that she would learn how to cook with her master. If she had to live and eat in the opera house and rehearse and sing opera every day, she would not have time to learn how to cook.

"I... can I come to school every afternoon..." Marla shrunk her neck and tried.

She can only be an amateur opera actress, even if she's a dead duck

Mara wants to experience the feeling of being on stage, the feeling of being in the spotlight.

It's shameful and exciting to think about it.

Vicky frowned at Mara, and was silent for a moment, saying, "you come in with me."

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