"The ancients still have such big killers that haven't been released? Why didn't you see her use it last time? "

MEG sat on the Griffin's back, watching the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance. The vibration from the ground made the ice layer hundreds of miles away strong.

The explosion of this scale, McGonagall felt and the mushroom cloud is quite a match.

The second warship that suddenly appeared today has been identified by him as Xi's ancient reinforcements.

Moreover, the strong aid was carrying a big killer of the ancient, ready to attack Huanglong and kill kesulu.

In a word, the ancients may have been handed down from ancient times, and they did not rigidly adhere to the improvement of individual strength, vigorously developed science and technology trees, and possessed high-end weapons such as warships.

Encountering kesuru who has been sealed since ancient times, we can expect whether they can kill it completely.

McGonagall is self-conscious. If he was in the center of the explosion, he would be vaporized on the spot.

"Ah Zi, speed up in that direction!"

McGonagall took a picture, old man.

He wanted to see the result of the explosion himself. Whether kesuru was killed or seriously injured, it was very important information.

For the ancients, he still maintains the attitude of awe and distance.

If it is not a real stakeholder, it is not enough to trust it completely.


"Play with birds!"

Vicki's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. She shoots three times to hit kesulu, but the one or two meter wound can't even penetrate, and it's repaired in an instant.

This huge guy has no weakness at all.

The deep sense of powerlessness made Vicky despair.

She suddenly regretted that she should not have come here rashly.

"I haven't tasted the taste of the ancient for a long time. It's really the most delicious thing to miss." A low, harsh voice sounded, and kesuru leaned over Vicky.

"Start the self exploding program."

Vicky clenched the joystick with both hands and fixed her eyes on the diving kesulu.

She's a little sorry for the members.

It's just dawning for them, but she can't go back.

The red countdown on the screen makes the alarm sound harsh.

Vicky put away her gun, took off the red machete and held it in both hands.

Stand to live, stand to die, this is the family precept.

Kesulu's huge body casts the shadow of death, and the chill envelops her body. It seems that she has seen the light of self explosion shining on the ice sheet in her eyes.

Unfortunately, such a beautiful scenery, no one else to enjoy.

Whew! Whew!

At this time, two shells came, landed on kesulu and exploded.

Kesulu just repaired half of the body was once again broken a large piece, the huge shock wave is to let its huge body back a few hundred meters.

"What is this?"

Vicky's eyes a bright, subconsciously stopped the self explosion program.

Familiar thunderbolt fire armor piercing bullet.

This is the standard shell of the ancient warship.

Vicky fell to the ground and protected her chest against the aftereffects of the explosion.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the grey warships slowly appearing in the air.

"I'll cover you and get out quickly!"

The connection between the mecha and the warship was successful, and a cool voice came from the earphone.

"Watch out for that ice dragon!"

Vicky looked at the sky toward the gray warship diving away from the ice dragon, nervous.

Previously, she was on the way of the ice dragon's sneak attack, causing damage to the warship.

I don't know who is going to save her, but if the warship is damaged again, they will all die here.

The gray warship also accelerated, dived down, and then quickly pulled up from the front left.

The frost dragon's claws sweep the side of the warship, and the frost quickly condenses on the surface of the warship and narrowly passes by.


Vicky exclaimed in her heart that if she had this kind of operation, she would not have been photographed from the sky before.

But at this time, she couldn't bear to see the play. The mechanical arm pressed hard on the ground, and the mecha ejected and ran towards the warship. The thrusters behind her spewed blue flames, and the speed was improved to the extreme.

On the other side, defeated kesulu issued a roar, while recovering injury, while chasing toward the mecha again.

Although the gray warship avoided the attack of the ice dragon, it also missed the opportunity to recover the mecha.

The ice dragon turns around and rushes toward Vicky's direction again. With one wing, countless ice cones condense out of thin air, turning into a shower of ice cones and heading for the warship.

The gray warship's proximity gun opened, the bullets poured out, the ice cone broke, and a piece of area was cleared in front of him.

Instead of retreating, the warship advances, locks the frost dragon, and uses the proximity gun to output.

The bullets formed a red line of fire in the air. Although the ice dragon dodged subtly, and had auxiliary defense in the ice field, there were obvious injuries on the body soon, with dragon scales flying and blood spilling in the air.

The ice dragon carried the firepower of the near defense gun several times and was evaded by the skilful flying skills of the gray warship.

However, the ice hockey exploded in close range, leaving large and small pits on the warship.

When McGonagall arrived, he saw such a wonderful scene.

The gray warship is in a high altitude and has a crazy battle with the ice dragon, which is full of danger.

Above the ground, a black mecha was running wildly, and the jet of fire allowed it to move 100 meters at a time, leaving a conspicuous mark on the ice.

After the mecha, kesuru, who had lost the lower part of the mecha, flashed his huge bat wings and followed him slowly.

Further away, a huge crater with a radius of several kilometers appeared on the ice sheet, and various pieces of broken warships scattered around the crater.

"What's the game?" McGonagall's eyelids jumped wildly, which seemed different from what he had imagined.

Judging from the huge pit, the previous explosion was more terrifying than he thought.

After all, before the chaos outside the city, hundreds of ten strong joint attack, also failed to make Ke Sulu's head so miserable.

Can we take a warship to carry out a sacrificial explosion on Krasu? Is the old man's way of fighting so simple and crude?

Unfortunately, even such a powerful explosion failed to kill kesuru.

And from the body that it is constantly repairing, this kind of injury is still within his repairable range.

This is probably the reason why our ancestors could only seal them after paying countless costs.

It was tens of thousands of years ago, and it is now.

"Miss Xi, can I help you?" MEG takes out his walkie talkie and dials Xi's conversation channel.

The scurrying mecha on the ground has been shrouded by the shadow cast by kesuru.

Five meters high, facing thousands of meters high giant, and ants are no different.

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