The forward of the undead army has reached the front line of the gus defense line, and the fastest ancient corpse is less than 500 meters away from the front line.

The array in front of the battle line lights up to block the advance of the undead army.

Magicians and marksmen began to solve those ancient corpses whose strength exceeded level 7.

At the same time, thousands of dragons launched into the sky again, and then under the cover of the arrow rain, they launched an attack on the undead army again, and consciously avoided kesulu, who stopped more than ten kilometers away.

"No way! How can those guys' arrows be so powerful! " Joe looked at the army of the dead falling in the rain of arrows, his eyes split, his face unbelievable.

Although the ancient corpse is extremely cold, it is still very hard.

In the case of a long distance, even the low-level ancient corpses can't be shot through with the crossbow made by the military of the ELOS empire.

But it's the rain of arrows. Now it's frantically harvesting the Legion of the dead. Even the level seven ancient corpses have fallen down after being shot. The damage is far more than the previous artillery.

The aborigines of Nolan are harvesting the Legion of the dead in the simplest and most effective way.

From the beginning of the attack, the million undead Legion has been reduced by more than half in a short time.

At this time, the undead army had not even been able to fight with the Allied forces in the real sense. Gu Shi was good at close combat, and even could not play any role.

"What weapon is that?" Xi looks at the fallen ancient corpses in the arrow rain, and his expression is also surprised.

The technology level of Nolan mainland is very low, and the launch of artillery has been beyond her expectation. But why can the limited power of crossbow and arrow produce such a strong lethality to the ancient corpse?

She has also conducted rigorous experimental research on these ancient corpses before. Compared with living animals, these ancient corpses without pain and fear have more powerful defense ability. Even if they break their hands and feet, they will still drag their bodies forward, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

"Is the array engraved?" Xi frowned.

But she quickly denied the idea.

Not to mention that it is difficult to engrave the array on the small crossbow. Just for the previous rounds of continuous firing, the number of crossbows and arrows fired by the Allied forces on the front line has exceeded 10 million. Even if all the magicians in Nolan are exhausted, it is impossible to engrave so many arrays in a short time.

At the same time, the Legion of the dead began to throw out their ice guns.

However, the cliff as high as several hundred meters became the natural wall of the Allied forces. With the early construction of fortifications, although the ice gun caused certain damage to the Allied forces, its lethality was limited.

However, the madness of the Legion of the dead also showed at this moment. They began to climb the cliff against the sky full of arrows and falling boulders.

One hundred meters deep gully, Leng is filled by the fallen ancient corpse.

However, the white rice and the wide glutinous rice laid under the cliff really show the suppression of low-level ancient corpses. The intrepid ancient corpses show the color of fear when they meet the glutinous rice.

At the same time, the undead army finally found a breakthrough. The defense of the Three Gorges was opened, and the undead army swarmed in.

It's like a flood blocked by a dam, suddenly finding a spillway.


It's not a spillway, it's a real meat grinder.

As the ancient corpses rush into the canyon, the countless killing array arranged by the master of the array lights up, and the dense ancient corpses are hanged madly.

Both sides of the canyon are full of allied forces. Crossbows and arrows, magic, boulders and so on pour down. Among them, there are no lack of level 10 strong people who are mixed up and specially select high-level ancient corpses for sniping.

"It's coming up here!"

Someone exclaimed.

An ancient corpse more than five meters high, carrying ten peach wood crossbows and arrows, jumped onto the position, kicked a gun and several artillery soldiers off the cliff with one foot, and then rushed into the shooters to fight madly.

This is a level 8 ancient corpse. Its strength is far higher than most of the Allied forces. For a moment, it's like entering a no man's land.

However, the formation of the Allied forces was not confused. The shooters changed their targets and aimed the crossbow at the ancient corpse. At the same time, some soldiers came to support them in this direction.

At the front is a knight with a sapphire sword. He has a square face and a firm face. The sword dyed red by cinnabar lights up a golden light. He jumps up and cuts off with his sword.

The ancient corpse side body avoided the key, this sword cut on its shoulder.

The red light of cinnabar on the long sword flashed, and one sword cut off its whole left arm.

The crazy ancient corpse waved his right arm and chopped off the knight's right arm with sharp claws.

Blood splashed, falling on the right arm, still holding the sapphire sword.

At the same time, a spirit in the rear stabbed a mahogany spear into the ancient corpse's head.

The spear went through and nailed to the ground.

The ancient corpse slowly fell to the ground and turned into a mass of black ashes.

"Medic! There are wounded here

Soon, medical soldiers arrived to stop bleeding and bandage Kangdi.

Kangdi looked at the broken arm on the ground, a little dazed, pale.

"Go to the rear!" The medic picked up Kangdi and said aloud.

"No, I can still fight." Emperor Kang threw away the medical soldiers' hands and bent down to pick up his sword with his left hand.

The medic looked at him with a complicated look, but without persuasion, turned around and ran to the next wounded.

With the ancient corpses constantly breaking through the defense line, the attack and defense of the city wall began to enter the white hot stage.

The undead army, which rushed into the canyon, was quickly reduced under the attack of the Allied forces on both sides of the Strait.

But because there are too many, there are still a lot of fish who have missed the net and are rushing towards the mouth of the canyon.

"Here it is

At the mouth of the gorge, countless strong allied forces have been waiting for a long time.

Sargeras tore off his clothes and the red lava began to flow on him.

The Burning Legion followed suit one after another. The rising flame twisted the cold air.

The forest trolls have climbed up the cliff, and the roots of trees have penetrated into the cliff, locking their bodies firmly on the cliff. The vines spread forward, crisscrossing in the canyon hundreds of meters wide like cobwebs.

More than ten ancient corpses appeared in sight. They were all powerful ancient corpses with a height of more than five meters. Their bodies were covered with injuries, but their momentum was still amazing.

And behind them, more and more ancient corpses appear and rush towards the mouth of the canyon.

The most intensive killing array at the entrance of the canyon lights up, and the ancient corpses that rush into the array are instantly cut into countless pieces.

The vines broke through the ground and bound the ancient corpse's legs in an instant.

Most of the best archers of the Allied forces are concentrated on the two sides at the end of the canyon. The archers of level 8 or 9, with bows and arrows engraved with magic runes, can kill high-level ancient corpses with all peach wood arrows.

But there are too many ancient corpses.

They rushed through the array, broke the vines and collided with the Allied soldiers who were defending the entrance of the canyon.

This is the most tragic battlefield of the war.

They have no way back, only waiting for their comrades to replace them.

The order they got was to stick to it.

Anyone can die, but never let an ancient corpse leave the canyon.

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