McGonagall arrived at the endless sea and saw Xi, who had been waiting here for a long time.

She arranged a simple concealment array to cover up the abnormal sea surface here.

And it's also a little far away from the nearest Alcatraz Island. Since landist got the ownership of this sea area, demons rarely enter this area.

"What's the situation now?" MEG boarded Xi's warship and asked directly.

Previously, the message Xi sent him was very brief, and he is now under the influence of the specific situation.

"The hole will be closed soon, but before that, landist needs to make a decision." Xi looked at MEG and said.


"Landist fell into the underground world, and now he has landed safely, with no casualties, but he is under house arrest. Although they have not yet come into contact with the existence of life in the underground city, they see another world.

So we decided to give them two choices. One is to return to the continent of Nolan. We will send all the fish men of landist back to the continent of Nolan, and erase all their memories of the underground city. The second is to settle down in the underground city. We will assign the original area of lalaiye to them and let them have a territory in the underground city. " Xi said.

It was the first time MEG had heard so much from her.

There's a lot of information and it's important.

Randist fell into the dungeon. It's obviously not easy to send tens of thousands of fishermen back to Nolan and delete their memories of the dungeon.

There are many ways to erase memory, but most of them are flawed.

It may lead to the death or stupidity of the caster, or it may be ineffective.

The former is hard to accept for the fishman of landist, while the latter is the concern of the underground city.

So the other side offered another condition, let landist's Fishman stay in the underground city, so the secret was left, free from all worries.

From the fact that Nolan mainland has no record of the underground city, the underground city has done a very top-level job in controlling people's going out.

McGonagall thought for a while, looked at Xi and asked seriously, "what is the existence of the underground city? What's randist's position in the dungeon? Is it possible to be bullied or even exterminated? "

Landist helped him a lot, and Gina was an employee and friend of the restaurant.

McGonagall has a great responsibility to ask for these key information.

"I can't tell you too much about the dungeons, but I can promise that the dungeons are a multi racial Federation dominated by the ancients, with a more stable system than Nolan, and with strict laws as constraints.

After remaining in the dungeon, randist will join the dungeon as an independent state. The ancients will protect the federal security, and will gradually support him to grow up and integrate into the underground world.

As for extermination. The underground world is also a dangerous world, but at present it is under control as a whole, and there is no enemy or force that can exterminate a state. " Xi responded calmly.

This kind of calm is easier to trust.

MEG stares at Xi for a moment to make sure she's not fooling herself.

After all, this is a robot without feelings, and cheating is beyond her ability.

In that case, joining the underground city will be a rare opportunity for landist.

This is an opportunity for their entire race to leap directly from the closed underwater world into the high-tech world.

For most fishermen, Nolan continent is also a strange and dangerous existence, and has a 10 level upper limit.

But in the underground world, they will get better living conditions and more possibilities in the future.

On the one hand, he risks becoming an idiot and goes back to the chaotic continent of Nolan. He doesn't even have a solid territory. On the other hand, he joins the dungeon, grabs his golden thigh and runs towards a better tomorrow. Do you know which one to choose?!

"I'll pass on your terms to the people in charge of frankster, who will make their own decisions." Said Meg.

It's about the future and destiny of a race, which is not determined by an outsider.

Xi nodded, looked at McGonagall, and said sincerely: "the previous war was wonderful."

"Even so, I don't want to have another one." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. There were only countless soldiers in the ice field.

Dexter and Gina, who set out ahead of time, did not arrive over the waters of landist until half an hour later.

They looked at MEG sitting on the Griffin's back and urged the flying mount to approach.

"Master, look!" Gina points below and exclaims.

Dexter looked down and his face changed.

The sea, which was originally calm, now has a huge whirlpool, which seems to go straight to the bottom of the sea. Someone has set up a block eye array on the sea.

"What's the situation, Mr. McGonagall?" Dexter asked quickly.

Previously, McGonagall only said that there had been a change in landister and asked him to return immediately.

But I didn't expect that Mr. McGonagall arrived before them. Seeing the current state of the sea, his mood had sunk into the bottom of the sea, and his face could not hide his worry.

MEG looked at Dexter and Gina in a soft voice and said, "what I'm going to say next may be beyond your understanding, but everything is true. You're a little prepared."

"Good." Dexter nodded, McGonagall to them, Landis has a unique grace, is also a very trustworthy friend.

"Randister sank again." Said Meg.



Dexter and Gina's eyes widened.

"In fact, below the continent of Nolan, there is another world. They call themselves dungeons.

In the past two days, the strange movement below landist is the sealed nest of kesulu, where there are many small demons. Then the forces of the underground city blew up the nest, but it also led to the overall fall of landist into the world of the underground city. " MEG explained.

Rao is with Dexter's insight and determination, after hearing McGonagall's words, he still looks confused.

How can there be a world under Nolan? And... Good randist, fell from the continent of Nolan to another world?

"Then... What about our people?" Gina asked about her worries.

"They are very safe now and don't have to worry." Meg said with relief.

Gina was relieved and said, "can they come back?"

Dexter also came back to himself and looked at MEG nervously.

If we can get through the two worlds, the so-called underground city must be very powerful.

Randist went out to the front line of the northern frontier. Now the left behind people are not very strong. They suddenly enter another world. I don't know what the situation is.

"Yes, that's the point." McGonagall nodded. "Now it's up to you to decide whether you want to stay there or go back to Nolan."

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