"Stop your step! Otherwise, it will be regarded as a great threat to us! " Looking at the approaching big foot, Captain goblin's expression was more and more dignified. His hand was on the hilt of the sword and he cried out.

Goblin has already pulled out his sword and raised his magic wand. It seems that a battle is imminent!

At this time, the forest trolls who had been turning a deaf ear and raised their right legs to walk towards goblin team suddenly felt something. They stopped walking, looked down at the forest trolls at their feet, scratched their heads, turned their steps to the side and continued to walk in.

"Captain, I think that big guy is insulting us!" Goblin, the first one to draw his sword, said angrily. He had the momentum to rush up to chop him twice with his sword.

"Let's go. Fighting is not allowed near the chaos guild, or you will be permanently disqualified. The big guy just has bad ears." The captain let go of the hand holding the sword and said calmly, leaving first.

"But..." the young man still wanted to talk.

"Come on, can you really fight with him?" A middle-aged goblin patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"I..." the young man looked back at the huge figure of the Forest Troll, hesitated for a moment, or chose to follow quickly, looking a little dejected.

"Rules, order, strength... Interesting." McGonagall looked at the scene with his mouth slightly raised. If he changed his place, he might watch a battle first and then go in.

"Let's go." MEG took Amy's little hand and continued to walk in.

"Father, who would have won if the big guy had fought with the little ones?" Amy looked up at MEG curiously and asked.

"It should be big." Meg said with a smile.

"But little red riding hood has more of them." Amy was still puzzled.

"The real power can make people give way without making a sound." MEG shook his head.

"Oh." Amy nodded thoughtfully, looked back at the Goblins who had gone away, and said with a smile, "they are also very brave. It's the big guy who gave in to them."

"Yes." McGonagall was a little surprised by Amy's understanding, but when he thought about it, there was really no problem.

"Wow, what a big house!" As soon as they entered the hall, Amy couldn't help but shout and looked around.

McGonagall's eyes are also a bit surprised. Although his memory has all the memories of McGonagall Alex about the chaotic guild, he is still a little surprised to see the superb architectural skills of the craftsmen in the alien world.

The hall has two floors, 10 meters of ash. It looks like a busy airport. In the middle of the hall, there is a magic crystal wall rolling with information. Mercenaries and adventurers of all races look up at the numbered task. After selecting the right one, they go to the next registration office to collect the task.

There are dozens of such crystal walls. The mercenary guild has classified the information in advance and released the information according to the daily plate, combat plate, spirit beast plate, material plate, food plate and so on.

For example, in the daily section, tasks such as debt collection, finding pets and taking care of children are generally released. Even MEG saw a task of sending flowers to a girl he liked. The reward for the task is ten copper coins, which was quickly taken away by a little girl.

MEG and Amy come to the food plate and look up carefully.

In front of the two five meter high magic crystal plates, there are many mercenaries, including elves, humans, orcs and demons. Some of them are in groups of three or five, and some of them are alone. They are all choosing the right tasks.

Some restaurants in the city of chaos like to make some high-grade Warcraft food, and the guests have the idea of novelty, even if the price is high and the taste is average, they will try it.

It's almost the same as those rich people who ate game in previous lives. It's just that no one protects these animals in a different world. It's all up to them to protect themselves.

Because of its strong strength, the reward of advanced Warcraft is also very high. For example, the first level eight Warcraft, three silver maned leopard, has a reward of 10000 gold coins, which is the net profit of Maimi restaurant in the past half a month.

Further down, level 7, level 6, level 5... All kinds of Warcraft are on the list, clearly priced, so that McGonagall can see the great potential of different world eaters.

After all, some people offered a reward for catching the dead leaf cicada of Warcraft. MEG was afraid of the dark fried food. He didn't expect that the world would be good. He just didn't know how to cook it?

McGonagall, who was carrying a strange backpack and a little Lori, could not even see a weapon on his body, attracted the attention of many mercenaries and adventurers.

It's rare to bring a little loli out to do some daily tasks. Generally, on the other side of the daily plate, occasionally there will be women who bring their children out to do some daily tasks.

However, the food materials released here are generally all kinds of food materials that are not easy to buy in the market, and most of them are Warcraft meat.

Even the first level Warcraft can easily turn over ten ordinary people. The dead leaf cicada is not common to provoke. The dead leaf cicada's wings can fly out like two throwing knives in a critical moment, easily penetrating the throat and causing a fatal attack.

And this guy came here with nothing and a child?

"This autumn is coming. Are you going to take your children for an autumn outing?" On one side, a simple and honest looking uncle looked at MEG and asked with a smile. The little girl is so watery that she can't bear to be taken to the pit by the father who looks a little stunned. She is ready to say something.

"Yes, I'm going to take the children out of town." McGonagall nodded with a smile.

He didn't pay much attention to people's eyes. Anyway, he would not lose a piece of meat if he was seen more. Moreover, he has found the task of Huolie chicken, food: task 256: catch a wild Huolie chicken alive, with a reward of 10 gold coins.

"Autumn tour, go to the north. There are beautiful scenery everywhere outside the city. Don't you see the spring and autumn tours of chaos school go there every year? The scenery there is beautiful and there is no danger. The children must like it. It's a task that can be done at any time. It should be fun to take your children with you. " The uncle frowned. I didn't expect that the boy was really taking the child to the autumn outing, and he was really ready to take over the task and do it together.

The task above is not simple. There are no food materials available in the market. No one releases the task here.

"Well, take her North next time." McGonagall nodded with a smile, took Amy's little hand and walked to the registration office. He came to the conclusion that the rough looking uncle was kind enough to remind him not to take Amy to dangerous places.

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