It was a huge rooster, full of 1.5 meters. Its flaming red feathers covered its whole body. Its bright red comb was very dazzling in the sun. With one wing, the golden red flame rose from its wings and flowed on its wings. A pair of small black eyes were staring at McGonagall, as if they were hostile.

When McGonagall saw it for the first time, he thought it was a hybrid of rooster and ostrich. It must be the legendary Huolie chicken. The living Warcraft and the chicken legs in the refrigerator were really different. The hot smell came to his face.

I thought it was going to be a different place, but I didn't expect that this guy was hiding behind the stone and jumped out of it by himself. While McGonagall got up, he protected Amy behind him and stepped back five or six steps.

"Wow, what a big rooster. Shall we roast it or steam it?" Amy's eyes were wide open. She looked at the fiery chicken and swallowed. There were little stars in her eyes.

"Goo Goo!" The fiery chicken seems to feel a huge threat. It looks at Amy in horror. Although it's a little bit, it has a kind of irritating feeling.

"It's better to stew it." McGonagall couldn't help laughing. For snacks, Warcraft is just food.

"Xiaomi, stand aside and wait for me to solve it." MEG handed Amy the ugly duckling in the bag and told her seriously.

"Well, father, come on. Is the stewed chicken really delicious? Xiaomi really wants to eat Amy held the ugly duckling in her arms and said expectantly.

The ugly duckling just looked up at the fiery chicken, and then went on sleeping in Amy's arms, as if he couldn't lift his strength at all.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The fiery chicken raised its neck again, and its voice was very powerful. Its eyes turned to stare at MEG. With some contempt and provocation, it flapped its wings a few times, and the flames rose and condensed on its wings. It seemed that something big was brewing.

"Why? Is that the sound of the fiery chicken? Did someone find a fiery chicken on the west slope At the foot of the mountain, many people look at the west slope unexpectedly. Generally speaking, there are few Warcraft on the west slope.

"I remember just now a little white faced man went up the mountain with a little girl on his back, right? Did they meet you? "

"That's too bad. The fighting power of Huolie chicken is in the first level of Warcraft, especially the flame. If ordinary people are burned, they will turn into coke!"

"That man is too unreliable. Do you want to take the little girl to the hot spring? Now it's dangerous

Many people are counting and sorting out the booty at the exit of thorn ridge. Before they saw MEG carrying Amy up the mountain, there will be a lot of discussion.

For experienced mercenaries, a Flamingo is nothing, but for novice mercenaries, a Flamingo is enough to scratch their scalp or even kill them.

However, they are used to life and death. It may be a pity that they don't have the leisure to run up the mountain to confirm the safety of two strangers.

"You mean a man in grey went up the mountain with a little girl in a wizard's robe on his back?" Guy just rode by. Later, he took on several other tasks. His level can take on several tasks at the same time. If he is lucky, he may be able to finish several tasks in one day. Hearing their conversation, he stopped and asked.

"Yes, it's not multi-level. There's the cry of fiery chicken on the top. I don't know which guy can beat it." A middle-aged mercenary nodded.

"Fiery chicken! Bad With a worried look on his face, guy got off his horse, tied the reins to the tree, and ran up the hill with a black javelin and a bow and arrow.

That half elf girl is very cute. His little granddaughter is about the same age as her. When she doesn't do tasks, she pesters him to play games at home every day.

His son is also a mercenary, but he never thought of bringing his little daughter to the thorn Valley to play. This is the age when he should go to school. Isn't he blindly taking care of his children? The cry of the chicken can still be heard. I hope I can get there in time, and my pace has quickened a bit.


McGonagall looked at the fiery chicken standing on the big stone and took a few steps to the front left with his sword. This was the first time he faced Warcraft. But holding the sword, he was not half afraid, but a little excited?


It's just the feeling of excitement. The heart is beating faster and the blood in the body is flowing faster. But it's definitely not because of fear.

Is the body in the desire to fight, a long lost battle.

"I'm really sorry for you." McGonagall took a look at his hand and said silently in his heart that such a body that almost reached the limit of human beings could not even lift the sword in the past three years. Maybe that's the feeling of the Pearl covered with dust.

Now, it's like he's unlocking the seal on his body, unveiling the first seal, holding the sword again, and fighting again.

A sense of war rose from the bottom of his heart, strange and familiar feeling, once the battle scene flashed in his mind, those are the most valuable combat experience.


With a shrill cry and a flapping of wings, the six fireballs on the wings flew towards McGonagall. It seemed that they were ready to burn McGonagall to death.

The fireball of Basketball Size flies, and the temperature rises a lot. This is the natural ability of firecock. If fireball can't be avoided, even the knight's armor will be melted. This is also the reason why firecock can get into the upper middle level in the first level Warcraft.

"That's not enough." McGonagall's mouth was raised, his legs slightly bent, his steps moved gently, and his body jumped to three meters easily.

Six roaring fireballs hit the ground where McGonagall was standing, making a deep hole. The soil and stones on the edge were even melted.

"My father is so powerful, come on! Come on Amy clapped her little hand and cried happily.

When he failed to hit the target, the fiery chicken was also annoyed. However, the fiery ball was obviously not able to be released indefinitely, so he flapped his wings and flew straight up. Like an eagle, he dived towards McGonagall. His sharp claws were shining with cold light. It seemed that he was going to attack McGonagall directly with his body.

McGonagall narrowed his eyes slightly. The chicken had a wingspan of more than two meters, strong legs, and black claws like a black knife.

McGonagall knows better than anyone about the hardness of the bones of the fiery chicken. The ordinary kitchen knife can't cut a dime when it cuts to the blade. This kind of claw can easily break the knight's armor and break the man's head.

MEG stood where he was, then swung his sword forward.

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