"System, can you do it?" McGonagall looked at the expectant Amy and asked.

"This..." the system pondered for a while, a little sorry, said: "really not."

"Well? It's not like I don't give money. " McGonagall was a bit surprised that the system, which always claimed to be omnipotent, even admitted to counseling.

"The magic wand is something that goes against the principles of science. It can be used to stimulate the body's potential, and then use the magic wand as a medium to perform magic. It can even open the door of time and space. This is an ability that cannot be explained by science. The problems that can be solved by this system are all based on scientific research and reasoning. Things like magic are not involved in this system. " The tone of the system is somewhat helpless, "in short, the system can't do it."

"Cash?" McGonagall tried again.

"This system can customize the magic wand according to the requirements of the host, but the magic wand made by this system can only be a semi-finished product. At last, it needs to engrave magic lines on the magic wand. This step needs a real magician to do, and it's best to use the corresponding attributes of the magician." There is a strong reluctance in the sound of the system.

"Well, I won't trouble you. Just let Amy's two masters do it." McGonagall's mouth started, but he almost forgot Amy's two level 10 magicians, masters, magic wands and other things. They should be more active than him.

"Well, I'll take one for you as a magic wand. I'll go to school tomorrow and ask Krasu to do it for you." McGonagall nodded with a smile, then turned to guy and asked with a smile, "Uncle guy, these tusks need to be paired to sell for a good price, right?"

"Yes, a pair of tusks like this can sell at least 60 gold coins, but if they are sold individually, they can only sell 20 gold coins." Guy nodded.

The most precious thing on the copper boar is the pair of tusks, and the second is the copper skin that can be made into soft armor. However, in terms of price, the two or three thousand catties of copper boar meat can sell for the most money. In the vegetable market, it is at least twenty copper coins a catty. They can get two or three hundred gold coins if they change hands and go out for half the price.

However, the copper skin of the wild boar they killed was almost melted, and no one dared to ask for the half cooked pork. Only a pair of tusks were left.

This is also the general restaurant when offering a reward for copper boar meat, it will mark that it can't be killed by magic, because there is something in the body of the beast killed by the magician, and the restaurant can't afford such a joke.

"So." McGonagall nodded. Such a pair of third level Warcraft tusks can only be sold for 60 gold coins. It's really hard to earn money. He almost lost his life to kill the boar. In the end, it's better to make 30 rougamo at home without a sword. He just went over and broke the pork. The pork was still very well roasted. Two children's tusks, which are about half a meter long and thick, were directly broken off by him.

It's a bit hot and heavy to start with. The material is similar to ivory. It's as white as jade. The surface is very smooth without any impurities. One of them weighs nearly ten jin.

"Father, give it to me." Amy opened her hands to MEG with bright eyes.

"Just one wand is enough." MEG put his tusk on the ground and let Amy hold the tip. It would be too heavy to give it to her.

"But we have two?" Amy looks at Meg's other tusk.

"Uncle guy, I'll give you this tusk. It's not convenient for us to take it back. One is enough." McGonagall turned to look at guy and said with a smile, for this kind-hearted uncle, he still has a good feeling.

If Amy's fireball didn't kill the copper boar, his timely appearance might save their lives. For people who meet by chance, this friend is worth making.

"For me?" Guy looked at McGonagall a little surprised, then he waved his hand with a smile and said, "no, my goal today is big pigs. Maybe I can get two by myself later."

"A little heart, as a friend, I opened a restaurant in the west of Aden square, if you have time, you can come and sit down." McGonagall said with a smile, or come forward to the pig teeth to guy, a fiery chicken, a pig teeth, but also carry Amy, he really can't take away.

"OK, then I'm not welcome. My granddaughter also wants to have a magic wand." Guy took the pig's tooth, felt it in his pocket, and found a purple crystal ball the size of his thumb. He handed it to Amy with a smile and said, "this is the eye of the second level Warcraft purple eagle. It's said that the purple eagle can see prey a hundred miles away. It's a pair. I was going to give my granddaughter a birthday present, but I don't know how to deal with this one, Just give it to the little girl. "

"Wow, purple. Take a good look. Thank you, tiger." Amy took the ball, put it in front of her and said happily.

"You're welcome." Guy said with a smile that he was in a good mood. He took pig's teeth away from the arrow bag at his waist, looked at MEG and said, "well, you'll go down the mountain as soon as you have a rest. Although it's the periphery of bramble mountain, with the mercenaries constantly entering bramble Valley, some Warcraft will be scared out, and it's not very safe here."

"Well, we'll go down the mountain in a moment." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Goodbye, little girl." Guy waves at Amy and walks down the hill with his javelin. His hunting has just begun.

"Goodbye, tiger Amy waved, and the other hand was still holding the eagle's eye. Suddenly, she was surprised and said, "my father, I see a bird in a tree far away. It's still combing its feathers."

"Well?" MEG was surprised.

"Look, it's true!" Amy handed MEG the eagle eye in her hand.

McGonagall took it and put it in front of him. He squinted slightly. Through his lavender eyes, he could see the Seven Star Ladybug rolling on a leaf, and even the little black spots on it. McGonagall moved left and right for a while, then put down his beads and looked far away. He asked in his heart, "system, how far can the hawk eye see?"

"The limit distance is 30 Li. Because I can't focus, I can only see things 30 li away." The system replied.

"That's like chicken ribs?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows, but no enemy would stay still for 30 miles.

"Magic may be able to reactivate the eagle's eye. If it can focus, it's a miniature high power spectacle." The system achieves the goal.

"Father, can I put this purple ball on the magic wand?" Amy asked, looking at MEG expectantly.

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