Amy's words were a bit of milk, but with a serious attitude.

Two small hands raised, two blue and purple flames suddenly rose, the air was burned out two white gas, and then suddenly collapsed into two fist sized fireballs.

Hearing the conversation, gudinia was a little surprised and said, "is there anyone in the restaurant?"

"People are better. Don't worry. Gabriel has the most experience in solving this kind of problem. After a while, let them kneel down and kowtow to you." Devo waved his hand indifferently, and his expression became a little excited. Bullying the weak is really an interesting thing. Every time he does this, he will feel inexplicably excited.

"Oh, little boy, do you think you can scare me away with such a small flame? Although I used to be a knight, Gabriel has never been a child free bullshit, which annoys me and cuts you as well. " Gabriel looked at the fireball in Amy's hand with disdain, looked at MEG who was still sitting at the table, and said sarcastically, "are you the boss of this restaurant? It's said that you beat my boss's friend. I'm here to find a place for him. Do you take this little bastard out on your knees, or do you want me to do it? "

"The fireball?" Johnny looked at the fireball in Amy's hand, but his eyes were slowly widened, and subconsciously stepped back.

McGonagall looked into Gabriel's Scarlet eyes, his expression was still cool, but his hand did not know when he had grasped a chopstick.

"Red eye rabbit, I don't scare you. I want to hit you." Amy looked at Gabriel and shook her head seriously. Then she threw two fireballs out of her hand at the same time and cried, "go! Little fireball

The two little fireballs, the size of a child's fist, fluttered toward Gabriel and Johnny. Looking at the speed, they came to them in the blink of an eye.

"Bang!" Gabriel laughed a little sarcastically. He raised his sword casually and patted it gently. This kind of fireball is not even a firework. Can a four-year-old boy still be magic? It's just the light of the fire that can be easily put out. If they don't know what's good or bad, they have to suffer.

"Be careful!" But Johnny's face changed dramatically, his body was shining, a red magic shield had been raised, and his magic wand was waving out, as if he wanted to release some magic. At the same time, he was retreating towards the door.

But it's too late.

"Bang bang!"

The two blasts were almost simultaneous.

Gabriel's sword just touched the fireball, and the fireball had already exploded. The long sword of Bailian broke instantly. The terrible wave with the flame directly blew him out of the restaurant. He fell on the street outside with a slap. He was black all over. He was lying on the ground with terrible wounds all over his body. His mouth was foaming, and his scarlet eyes were unwilling to look at the direction of the restaurant door.

At the same time, another fireball exploded in front of Johnny. After barely supporting for a while, his magic shield completely disappeared. However, the magic he wanted to release didn't have time to read it out. The black magic wand broke into pieces in the heat wave, and man was also blown away. He only had time to lose two water polo skills and one freezing skill in the last moment, Embarrassed on the ground rolled a few circles, kneeling on the ground, a mouthful of blood spit out, a hand on the ground, already can't stand up.

The tables and chairs in the restaurant were also overturned by the terrible waves, but the amazing thing is that the floors and walls of the tables and chairs are not damaged at all, but they look like a mess on the surface.

"Good... Good!" Abelmia opened her mouth wide and looked at the scene in surprise.

"Only four years old, the power of instant fireball is approaching the level Four magician!" Sally also looks at Amy in shock. She suddenly understands why the two Great Magicians want to take Amy as their apprentice. I'm afraid there's no second one in Nolan for such a terrible talent.

"Gabriel! John... Ni... "Deword looked at the two people flying out of the restaurant, their faces turned pale. This is the strongest swordsman and magician in his pub. What happened when he arrived in the restaurant just now? What caused the terrible explosion?

But anyway, he knows that this time, they are kicking on the iron plate! I'm afraid this new restaurant is not that simple.

"Well, devo, let's run away first. The father and daughter are lawless!" Gudinia's face also changed dramatically. He patted devo on the shoulder and climbed up to the carriage first.

"Well, it's you again! Don't run, villain, eat me a little fireball Amy went to the door and looked at gudinia, who was climbing up to the carriage. With a wave of her hand, a small fireball flew towards the carriage.

"Be careful! The power of this fireball is terrible Cried Johnny with all his strength. The coachman jumped out of the carriage and rolled into the trees.

Devo and gudinia looked at the fireball with wide eyes. Their thoughts and actions seemed to be frozen. The fireball passed between them and exploded directly in the carriage.


There was an explosion, and the flames rose up. Gudinia and devo, who were standing beside the carriage, flew out at the same time. They both fell to the ground, their clothes were destroyed, and there were scalds and explosive wounds everywhere. They were lying on the ground and looking at Amy standing at the door of the Maimi restaurant, their faces were full of fear, and then they fainted one after another.

"Remember, I, Amy, am really fierce! In the future, we should be obedient and not make trouble! It's really annoying to disturb my meal Amy looked at the four people who fell at the door and said seriously.

"Little... Little bastard..." Gabriel looked up at Amy, fingers slowly toward the broken sword falling on one side, there was a crazy color in his scarlet eyes.


A shoe stepped on the broken sword, and MEG didn't know when to go out.

"Xiaomi, go to dinner first." MEG looked at Amy and said with a smile.

"Good." Amy nodded happily and turned into the restaurant.

"A guy who only dares to hide behind a woman..." Gabriel looked up at MEG madly.

"You don't deserve the title of knight. You don't have the eight virtues of humility, integrity, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul and knight." McGonagall didn't become angry because of Gabriel's words. Instead, he became more calm. He looked at him with a bit of irony and pity. He slowly bent over and whispered in his ear, "for a real knight, you should be in awe. I stand behind her, but I have the courage and determination to die for her. I'm McGonagall Alex, of course, only the dead, To hear that. "

"You..." Gabriel suddenly widened his eyes, but the later ones were stuck in his throat by the chopstick stuck in his throat. He followed the figure of the restaurant with desperate eyes. He could not believe the last sentence he heard until he died

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