"In other words, this person is most likely the murderer of the three murders?" Brandley's face changed slightly, but he soon frowned and said, "although the murder is extremely bad, if the dead are ordinary people, it is at most a level three incident. How can it become a level Four incident?"

"Three years ago, there was a massacre in the city of chaos, in which four members of a family were killed. The male owner was a deputy examiner of Knight test, and a fourth rank knight. He was just promoted to be the main examiner that day. After attending the celebration, he got drunk and went home. There was a massacre. The female owner was killed with two children under the age of ten. Only a black cross was left at the scene." Bazer clenched his fist, looked at Gabriel's corpse and said, "the black cross and the killing technique left at the scene are the two cases that were merged and committed by the same person."

"Jia... Gabriel... Serial homicide case..." devo's eyes stare at Gabriel's body, and fear envelops him. No matter what the result is, he will not be able to retreat. After so many years of opening a pub, his staff are not clean. If they are thoroughly investigated, they will spend the rest of their life in Basti prison.

"This... How is this possible..." gudinia, with the same look of fear, staggered back two steps, with some unsteady steps. Originally, he just wanted to find a place and let McGonagall and his daughter bow their heads to make amends, but now even the fourth level events are involved. Once this level event is involved, the immortal will take off a layer of skin.

"Take the body back, take good care of it and identify it." Brandley's face also became extremely dignified. He looked coldly at devo and gudinia, and said, "take them back, and put them in Basti prison first. They will be severely interrogated to see if it is a gang crime."

"Yes The members of the public inspection department answered and directly took out the rope to tie devo, gudinia and Johnny.

"Lord blandley, we are from duchess. We have received the third level incident report..." just at this time, a team of six people came to the gray temple on horseback, with a silver word "Du" embroidered on their chest. The first one came forward and arched to blandley.

"The right time is coming. You are responsible for the inspection of the corpse and bring the corpse back to the forensic medical center for immediate investigation. This is a suspect in the four level case." Brandley interrupted the man directly.

"Yes The man was stunned for a moment, but after his eyes fell on the black cross in Basil's hand, his face suddenly awe inspiring. Someone took out a simple stretcher from the horse's back, covered the body with a layer of white cloth, and then directly escorted him away.

"Wronged, my Lord! Wrong! We are all good people, good people! The black cross must belong to the owner of the restaurant, who planted us... "Dewo was pulled up, and a rousing spirit came back to himself, shouting at the top of his voice.

Basil walked over with a cold face, raised his knee and put his foot on his belly. With a dull sound, devo covered his stomach and squatted down slowly. He stared and opened his mouth wide. Tears were streaming down and he couldn't speak.

"Bob, shut them up and take them back." Bazel said coldly.

"Yes." The magician standing on one side quickly replied that this was the first time he saw Basil unable to control his emotions. He lifted the magic wand in his hand and recited two incantations in his mouth. Two pieces of mossy green things pasted on devo's and gudinia's mouth. They escorted the three to leave.

"Oh..." gudinia struggled hard, looking back at the direction of the Maimi restaurant, looking at MEG standing at the door of the restaurant, suddenly regretted provoking this terrible man.

"Watch the way!" The monkey with him left no trace of an elbow hit him in the face, the expression is also a little cold.

"Monkey, how did the boss react so much today?" Bob followed, looking at the monkey in a puzzled way.

"The knight examiner was the boss's best friend. On the night of the accident, they had a second round of drinking." The monkey's voice was a little low. He stopped and looked back at Bob with his mouth wide open. He warned, "don't mention this in front of the boss."

"I understand!" Bob nodded seriously and said nothing more.

"On behalf of the grey temple, I would like to express my gratitude to boss Mai and boss Xiao for their contributions to subduing the thugs. Once it is verified that he is the murderer of the serial homicide case, the grey temple will send the reward of the two cases together as a reward." Brandley turned to McGonagall and said seriously.

"You're welcome... You're welcome." McGonagall quickly waved his hand. This sudden reversal also made him a little confused. He was thinking about how to get away from this incident safely. As soon as he turned around, he became a great hero to get rid of the bad and put an end to the good. What's more, did he get a reward?

What's more, after hearing what Barzel said before, the knot in his heart completely disappeared. He stabbed the chopstick into Gabriel's throat. It was a mad dog, a mad dog that ate people.

"Thank you. There are four of them. They can go to sleep." Basil came forward, reached out to Meg, looked into his eyes and said sincerely, "I'm basil. If I have a chance, I hope I can have a drink with you."

"I've been sober lately, but welcome to the restaurant." McGonagall held out his hand. Bazel and the four members of the family who had been killed seemed to know each other, but McGonagall didn't ask much.

"I said that what little Amy did was right. Her eyes can distinguish good from evil and know the weight of her hand." Krasu said with a smile, his words full of pride.

"If I teach them for one day, they will die with one move." Julian curled his lips.

"Both of you are right. If it's urgent, I'll go back to the ash temple to help. Please forgive me for the inconvenience." Brandley said with a smile, looking at McGonagall again and saying, "boss McGonagall, thank you for me..."

"I hear you! I don't know what you're thanking, but you're welcome. " Amy's voice came from behind.

MEG looks back. Amy is holding the duckling in one hand, and the other hand is stuffing the dried fish into his mouth. When he sees MEG turning back, his hand and expression suddenly become stiff, as if he was caught doing something wrong. He slowly takes down the bit of dried fish and hands it to the aggrieved duckling.

"Meow ~!" The ugly duckling gave a cry to MEG.

"Kua Amy beat a bad man today. He did a great job." McGonagall said with a smile, sure enough, let the little guy himself to feed the cat is not very reliable.

"Really?" Amy's eyes lit up.

"Yes, the little boss is a little hero." Brandley nodded with a smile, nodded at MEG, and then followed Basil into a carriage and left.

"It smells good, boss Mai. I haven't eaten yet. Would you like to make a new product for me?" Krasu naturally turned to the restaurant and said.

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