"Aden square food list" MEG opened the door, looked at the two middle-aged men in red waistcoats, shook his head and said, "no interest." Then he closed the door.

"Well?" Alvin and Luther took a look at each other, but they were all surprised. Most new restaurants are very keen on the food list. After all, as long as they are in the top 100 of the list, they will have an advertising opportunity for all customers, which can directly increase their business.

Of course, it's almost impossible for a new restaurant to be in the top 100, but there has never been such a boss who refused without thinking about it.

"Luther, let's go. It seems that the boss knows himself very well. If a restaurant that has only been open for more than ten days can be on the list, it's time for someone to doubt the authority of our food list." Alvin closed the book in his hand, a little unhappy.

"Don't mention that no restaurant in Aden square has such a large piece of crystal as decoration. Maybe they have plenty of money." Luther pointed to the glass beside him, a little surprised.

MEG is really not interested in the so-called food list. These things have always been prepared for those guests who have no opinion and are looking for food themselves. What's more, the restaurants on the list are not the best and most unique ones, but the ones with medium consumption price and the largest number of diners, because only they can have a large number of votes.

And the real food is often hidden in the restaurants in the middle and lower reaches, and even some restaurants will not appear on the list. They are hidden in a corner of the city, waiting for the guests to dig and discover.

Of course, the most important thing is that McGonagall is no longer worried about the source of tourists. Instead of welcoming a large number of tourists every day because of the top of the list, he prefers to receive those familiar faces who have the ability to consume every day. Anyway, he can provide so much food every day. Why should he pay so much attention?

"Ding! The system released a new task: Please host in this month's Aden square food ranking, the restaurant has a dish into the top 30, task success reward: Haagen Dazs ice cream set recipe! Penalty for mission failure: 10000 gold coins fine! " Just then, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Wait a minute, system, what did you just say was the penalty for mission failure?" McGonagall stopped, feeling as if he had heard something wrong.

"Mission failure penalty: 10000 gold coins fine!" The system then repeats itself.

"I wipe the system. Although I know you like money, can you not be so obvious! Who is fined for the failure of the system McGonagall couldn't help roaring in his heart, but he opened the door and said to the two men who were turning around and ready to leave with an embarrassed expression: "wait a minute, I'm still a little interested."

"Well?" Alvin and Luther turn and look at MEG in disbelief.

"Boss, do you mean you are going to take part in the competition for the food ranking of Aden square this time?" Asked Luther.

"Yes, do you need to do something?" McGonagall nodded with a smile, MMP in his heart, poverty is the original sin, in order to 10000 gold coins, also had to bow to the system.

Of course, Haggards ice cream set meal is also a little attractive to MEG. It's the children's favorite. Amy will like it very much. It must be lovely to watch the kids eat ice cream.

"Should the top 30 be easy?" McGonagall was also full of confidence. He didn't believe that there were more delicious dishes in Aden square than he could cook. Let alone the top 30, he thought the top three would be OK.

Both men are of medium height, about 40 years old, with bulging stomachs. It seems that they usually eat a lot. A pot and a spoon are embroidered on the chest of their little red waistcoat, and a line is embroidered on the back: Aden square Catering Association. The one on the left is still carrying a cloth bag.

"If you want to participate, you need to pay the registration fee of five gold coins first, and then we will add your restaurants to the preliminary list of this ranking. Starting tomorrow, customers will vote with small votes for 10 days, and finally choose the 100 restaurants with the highest number of votes and scores as the selected food in this month's ranking." Alvin looked up at the name of the restaurant, opened his notebook, wrote it down, and naturally extended his hand to MEG.

"That's it?" McGonagall was not in a hurry to pay. He wrote down the name of the restaurant in his notebook and asked him to pay five gold coins. That's a bit of a hole.

"Of course not, but the latter process has to wait until the registration fee is collected." Luther said with a smile.

"Hardware coin." McGonagall hesitated for a moment, but he took out five gold coins from his pocket and handed them to Alvin. It seems that they are very skilled in this process. They hold it once a month, and they can receive a lot of registration fees.

"Very good, and then this is the special vote. After you check out, the boss can send this ticket to the guests. With this ticket, the guests can evaluate and vote on the food in the restaurant. The final voting result is to count the evaluation of all the customers who come into the restaurant, and then give a final cumulative score based on the number of customers and the amount of consumption, So we can get the ranking. " Luther took out two stacks of five centimeter wide and ten centimeter long small cards from the cloth bag in his hand. At the same time, he held out his other hand to MEG and said with a smile, "this is the ticket paper with the special magic anti-counterfeiting logo of the association. One hundred pieces in a stack, one stack of gold coins. How many stacks do you need, boss?"

"The trough! There is definitely an interest chain behind this. A ticket costs a copper coin. Those restaurants with high passenger flow can't afford to spend tens of thousands on buying tickets. It doesn't count the cost of asking for help. It's estimated that they can't take down the top ten or two hundred thousand on this list, right McGonagall raised his eyebrows. It seems that he thought too simply about the problem and too simple about the foreign businessmen. They played this trick more smoothly.

"How many tickets do you usually need to get into the top 30?" MEG asked tentatively.

"The top 30, I'm not sure. If the price of the dishes in the restaurant is relatively expensive, two or three thousand pieces may be enough. If you take five copper coins as a slice of shallot cake, ten thousand pieces are hard to get into the top 100. But if it's your restaurant, I suggest you buy less. It's a waste if you can't use it up. " Luther looked at McGonagall in surprise. He didn't expect that when the boss was young and not interested, he even wanted to touch the top 30 of the list.

You know, in the top 30 of this month's list, every restaurant is more than three years old, and the size of the restaurants is not small. Most of the doors are still decorated with the badge of Aden chamber of Commerce. It's just a dream for a small restaurant that just opened to take a share from the inside.

"Well, give me two thousand first." MEG thought for a moment and nodded.

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