Molton manor is located in the northwest corner of the rich area of the chaotic city. It covers an extremely large area. The gray and white architectural style is luxurious, but the founder's architectural style and single color also look serious and rigid.

At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, the servants in the manor went in and out solemnly with silent steps. There was no verbal communication between them. It seemed that they were performing a silent play.

In a luxurious hall, around a long mahogany ring table sat more than a dozen people in gorgeous clothes. In front of each person, there was a fried steak with caviar. However, everyone's hands were placed under the table and no one spoke. The atmosphere was a little depressing.

The crystal chandelier above lights up the hall with oil lamp. On one side, there are several servants, with serious expression.

Geoffrey sat at the top of the table, glancing over his wife, Denise Marquez, who was sitting next to him. He stopped on his second son, Cyril, who was sitting next to his wife, with his head slightly lowered. He passed his daughter-in-law and fell on his eldest son, lance, who was sitting a little farther away and sitting upright.

The eldest son, who is famous for his obstinacy in the city of chaos, does not dare to look at him. Jeffrey frowns, sweeps his eldest grandson Mickey, who is sitting next to him, and finally falls on the girl in the gauze hat who is sitting at the bottom of the table. He is not happy to say: "if you have no face to take it off when you eat, don't sit on the table, Molton family, Never fear the eyes of others. "

Everyone's eyes looked at the girl sitting in the corner.

"Sister Gloria, I'm afraid she's afraid she'll frighten us. I haven't seen that beautiful sister for many years." Sitting next to Cyril, Hetty's mouth curled and her words were a bit ironic. A girl of sixteen or seventeen years old was pretty and put on heavy make-up.

"Yes, I remember my sister was beautiful when I was a child." Henny, as like as two peas, sitting beside her, followed the same way. The two looked almost the same, staring at the girl in the corner with great eyes.

"No, my sister-in-law said at the beginning that she was born beautiful. When she grew up, she must be one of the best beauties in the chaotic city. Now why don't you dare to see anyone?" Aurora, who was sitting in the middle, said with a smile. The face with a lot of white powder on the red lipstick was even more pale and frightening. She was only 30 years old and had many fine lines around her eyes.

The girl in the gauze hat was obviously stiff. Her hand clenched and became a fist, but she was still silent.

Sitting beside her, the gentle looking lady looked at her with some worry and anxiety. Her lips moved, but she didn't dare to speak.

"Father, Gloria has been used to wearing a gauze cap since she was a child. This is her freedom. I think you should respect her." Lance looked up at Geoffrey and looked him in the eye without any sign of regression.

"Freedom?" Jeffrey's smile was a little ironic, and his face suddenly cooled. He put his hands on the table, leaned forward slightly, looked at lance, and his voice increased a little: "I gave you what you call freedom, and then you ran to be a poor teacher, which made me the biggest joke in the city of chaos. Everyone said behind my back that Jeffrey had a good son and a good family property, I'm going to play with a bunch of kids. Now, how dare you tell me about a girl's freedom? Women in this world are just men's accessories! If you can't get married, you don't even have the value of being an accessory. "

Cyril looked up at lance, and the corners of his mouth rose, but he soon drew back his eyes, still drooping his eyes, as if he were obedient.

Aurora, Hetty and Henie gloated at Gloria, as if the woman Jeffrey spoke of had nothing to do with them.

"Teaching and educating people is a noble thing and a cause I love. This is my choice and my freedom." Lance suddenly got up, looked at Geoffrey with burning eyes, looked back at Gloria, his voice also increased a few minutes, and said: "as for women, they are not the vassals of anyone, they have their own ideas, they have the ability to do the same things as men, the world has prejudice against them, and we are the so-called fools in your words, That is to correct the wrong view of the world! "

With her head down, Gloria suddenly looks up at Lance's side face. There seems to be a light in her purple eyes under the hat. His father, who gave up his status as the successor of the Morton family, went to chaos school to become a teacher of common language. Is that the real reason?

"Arrogance depends on the view that you want to correct the world." Jeffrey took back his hands and leaned on the back of his chair, looking at the eldest son who had placed infinite hope in him. A trace of deep disappointment flashed through his eyes, but his smile became more sarcastic. "Don't mention correcting the view of the world. If you were not born in the Molton family, you would even give your daughter the money to see a doctor. How can you correct the world?"

"Elder brother, if father is not in good health, don't make him angry." Cyril looked at lance sincerely and said, with some helplessness.

"I..." lance clenched his fist, but he couldn't speak any more. He froze for a while and sat back in his seat. Yes, if he wasn't born in the Molton family, how could he, as an ordinary teacher, have any money to see Gloria?

Gloria's hand was trembling slightly, and the flame suddenly rose in her heart was more and more bright. There was a kind of power running out of her heart, trying to break free from those shackles.

Mickey was a little worried. He took Gloria's hand and shook his head. He was only ten years old. He didn't know what the adults said, but he knew that his grandfather was angry. It was better not to talk at this time, or he would be scolded.

"The world will never change. The Aden chamber of Commerce will always rule the economy of the chaotic city. The rich will always be the rich, and women will only be vassals and vases after all." Geoffrey took his eyes away from lance, picked up the knife in front of him, and said in a low and confident voice.

The others were all relieved and picked up the knife and fork in front of them.

"Grandfather, I believe my father's words, women can do all the things that men can do, we can not be vases, we can do anything we want to do, I will not become anyone's vassal, I want to be an independent and free person." At this time, Gloria, who had been silent, suddenly got up, and said in a quiet voice.

All the people's actions suddenly froze, and they all had incredible expressions. Unexpectedly, Gloria, who was so clever that she didn't even have a word, dared to refute Geoffrey's words on the spot, which was almost impossible in the Morton family.

Lance also looked back at Gloria with an unexpected face, as if he knew his daughter for the first time.

"Sorry, I'm full." Gloria said, a little flustered. She moved her chair and trotted towards the door.

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