Luna couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Looking at the children's complete immersion in the delicious food, she also picked up chopsticks and took a bite of a piece of chicken.

"What a thick and delicious chicken soup. The chicken is tender and smooth. It's really delicious!" Luna's eyes suddenly lit up, the delicious taste spread in her mouth, you can taste this is the muscle of Huolie chicken, but how to improve the taste of chicken soup to such an extreme, which also contains an attractive fresh flavor, which she has never tasted.

"What's this?" After eating a piece of chicken, Luna picked up a piece of Lentinus edodes. The strong fragrance came to her nose. It was not as introverted as ordinary mushrooms. It seemed that she wanted to let everyone know the general fragrance, and did not hide it at all.

"Maybe the secret to improving the taste of chicken soup is here." Luna is full of expectations, put the mushrooms in her mouth, gently bite, chicken soup from the absorption of very full mushrooms overflow, although it is dry mushrooms, but the taste is not stiff, still refreshing and smooth.

The full-bodied mushroom fragrance is rampant in the mouth. After swallowing, there is a lingering fragrance in the mouth, which makes people nostalgic and intoxicated.

"It's really delicious! Mr. McGonagall, you're really good at cooking Luna couldn't help praising that the first time McGonagall cooked Yangzhou fried rice brought her a sense of surprise, then the rougamo, bean curd, and now the stewed chicken and rice, McGonagall has been breaking his own thinking, each dish has brought people extraordinary enjoyment, this talent can only be described as genius.

"Miss Luna is over praised." McGonagall said with a smile. Being praised by a beautiful lady is naturally a happy thing.

A dinner ended in the children's laughter. Every box was eaten clean. There was not even a drop of chicken soup left. Only a child about seven years old in the corner had half left. He carefully closed the box and looked at MEG and asked, "uncle, can I borrow this box for one night? My sister hasn't eaten yet. I want to take this delicious food home and let her have a taste

"Of course, this box is disposable. You can lose it when you use it. You don't have to give it back to me." McGonagall nodded with a smile, took out one of the two portions of stewed chicken rice left in the bag, put it in the other bag, and handed it directly to the child, saying, "also, take this portion of stewed chicken rice back to eat with your sister, half of it is not enough."

"Throw it away? Uncle, can I keep it? I've never had such a good bowl before? " Jessica looked at the smooth, soft transparent bowl in her hand and looked at MEG expectantly.

"I also want to keep it for dinner. My bowl cracked again yesterday, and it can't hold water any more. This bowl is really good!" Other children are also one after another should be together, holding the hand of the takeout box, like holding a baby in general.

McGonagall watched this scene, his heart suddenly tightened, disposable hard plastic take away bowls and boxes, in the eyes of these children is like a baby in general, poverty let them earlier experience the hardships of life, with a weak body struggling to survive in this world.

"Well, you can all keep it." McGonagall forced a smile on his face and nodded.

"Yes! Thank you, uncle The children immediately cheered, and the box in their hands was raised above their heads, as if they had been rewarded.

"It's getting dark, Miss Luna, uncle. Goodbye, Amy. I'm going home." A child with a bowl in his arms said hello and ran away.

Other children also bid farewell one after another.

"Children, be careful on the road. Take the crowded road." Luna quickly reminded, watching the scattered children away.

"Amy, I'm going home too. My mother is still waiting for me at home. Your little skirt today is so beautiful and the ugly duckling is so cute. I hope I can play with you next time." Jessica holds the lunch box in her hands and looks at Amy. Her smile is clean and lovely. She reaches for the head of the ugly duckling and looks forward to it.

"Jessica, is your mother still coughing every day? How are her eyes? " Amy also looked at Jessica reluctantly and asked with concern.

"Well, it seems to get worse in autumn." Jessica nodded a little dejectedly, but she soon showed a smile and said, "but my mother said that when winter comes, it will be better. When her eyes are better, I can sew things for others again, so that I can stay at home in winter and it will be warmer at home."

"Sick?" McGonagall looked at Jessica's dirty clothes and the fine stitching. It turns out that her mother is good at sewing, but if she can't get out of bed now, it will be very difficult to get through this winter.

Looking at the clean smile on the little girl's face, McGonagall frowned. I'm afraid Jessica's situation is similar to that of Amy. But if her mother really doesn't survive the next winter, no one can take care of her.

"Well, it will be fine." Amy put out her little hand, patted Jessica on the shoulder like a little adult, touched her pocket, took her fist out of the pocket, carried it behind her, looked at Jessica mysteriously, and said, "Jessica, I want to give you a gift, guess what?"

"Beautiful stone?"

"No way."

"Roots of love?"

"It's not right either." Amy shook her head and took out her little hand from behind. There was a small yellow butterfly hairpin in the palm of her hand. She said with a smile, "it's a butterfly hairpin, your favorite yellow."

"Wow! How beautiful Jessica's eyes suddenly lit up and looked at Amy's hairpin happily. However, after hesitating for a while, she shook her head and said, "no, this is too beautiful. I can't take it. It will look better with your skirt."

"No, it looks good if you wear it. I'll put it on for you." Amy shook his head, picked up the hairpin, tiptoed to Jessica's hair, nodded his head happily and said: "really good look, Jessica, you are so beautiful."

"Really?" Jessica also had a smile on her face, trying to turn her eyes and look up.

"Well, Jessica is really beautiful." Luna said with a smile. She was also moved by Amy's feelings for her friends.

"Thank you, Amy." Jessica gave Amy a happy hug and touched her hairpin with a smile on her face.

McGonagall looked at Jessica, yellow butterfly hairpin clip in the short hair, with that clean bright smile, really lovely, hesitated for a while, hand in the pocket touch, clip out a dragon coin, quietly put the stewed chicken and rice in the middle of the box.

"It's getting dark, Jessica, let's go home first, so that your mother won't worry. You can take this stewed chicken rice back to your mother." McGonagall tied up the bag and handed it to Jessica. He said with a smile, "be careful. Chicken soup spills easily."

"Thank you, uncle. Mother will get better soon after eating the delicious food made by uncle." Jessica took the bag, looked at MEG and said gratefully.

"It's not good to eat a stewed chicken. You must let your mother go to see a doctor. Only when you are well, can you work and let you have a warm winter at home." MEG shook his head and said earnestly.

"Well, I'll tell her." Jessica, also a sensible child, nodded her head cleverly, then waved her hand and said, "goodbye, Miss Luna and uncle."

"Goodbye, Jessica." Luna replied with a smile.

"Goodbye, Jessica." Amy waved, too.

"Goodbye, Amy." Jessica also said to Amy, carrying the stewed chicken, holding the box in one hand, walking carefully.

"When the children grow up, they can live independently. I believe they will be kind-hearted." Luna looked at Jessica's back and said with a smile.

"Yes, you planted the seeds of kindness in their hearts, which will benefit them all their lives." MEG nodded, too.

"Father, will Jessica's mother get better?" Amy looked up at MEG and asked with some worry.

"Certainly." McGonagall touched Amy's hair with a smile, without paying attention to the system he had been comparing in his mind.

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