Tempting fragrance floating in the restaurant, the eyes of the guests can't help watching Carl put mushrooms in his mouth, subconsciously swallow saliva.

"The smell!"

With a bite of the mushroom, Carl's eyes suddenly lit up. The thick and delicious chicken soup overflowed from the mushroom, and the delicious food bloomed in his mouth.

It's the unique delicacy released by the mellow chicken soup and delicious mushroom flavor. The taste buds are activated almost instantly, as if dancing on the tip of the tongue.

"Although it's dried mushroom, it doesn't show any hardness, softness and smoothness in the taste. When you bite it gently, the special flavor of mushroom goes straight to your mind. This flavor not only doesn't destroy the strong taste of chicken soup, but also promotes the delicious of chicken soup to the extreme. The mushroom that absorbs the strong chicken soup also becomes more delicious, which is a complementary feeling." Carl tasted it carefully, but he couldn't help thinking. His throat moved and he swallowed it.

"Compared with the mushrooms I used to eat, they are really far worse. Boss Mai is really a genius in terms of quality and cooking methods. He has brought the delicious flavor of mushrooms to the extreme. If it was introduced earlier, the little old man would not have to go to the trouble to find mushrooms these years." Carl sincerely praised that he picked up chopsticks and put a piece of mushroom in his mouth. He chewed it slowly and enjoyed it. Then he picked up his rice bowl and took two mouthfuls of rice. His expression was more pleasant.


There was a sound of swallowing in the dining room. Looking at Carl who picked up a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth, the guests were swallowing wildly.

If you don't know that Carl has been a little famous in Aden square for more than ten years, as long as you start telling stories, people who come to listen to the stories will soon be able to surround them with peace badges, and they will all listen with interest. Many people will put gold and silver coins in front of him, but he has never collected them. Every time he tells a story, people will get their money back, The rest of the unclaimed money goes directly to the homeless children.

Such a person who doesn't care about money at all can't be trusted by boss Mai.

Of course, after seeing him eat a mushroom and a hundred gold coins today, people also understand one thing. It's not necessarily that money is like dirt, but that more than a dozen gold coins are not worth bending over.

"Boss, give me a stewed chicken rice."

"I want one too!"

"Here, too!"

People's orders were heard one after another, and McGonagall's face was also smiling. The advantage of meeting professional eaters is that they don't need to explain themselves, so they can let the guests know how powerful this dish is.

With the stewed chicken coming out, the delicious chicken soup filled the whole restaurant, attracting more guests to order.

"Sorry, guest, because the cooking time of stewed chicken is long. If you order now, it will take half an hour. Are you sure you want to order?" After the 16 orders of braised chicken were served, abemia said with a smile to a guest who wanted some braised chicken.

"It's worth waiting half an hour for a good meal. Order it." The guest laughed.

"I'd like to pack one to go, OK?" Looking at abelmia, geerji asked. In front of him, there is a portion of stewed chicken rice. Although there is not much chicken soup, the wonderful taste has convinced him that Miranda will like it very much. After eating it, she feels warm and comfortable, and the nourishing effect is very good.

"Well... I need to ask the boss." Abemia's face was a bit hesitant. Although MEG didn't set a limit on the purchase of stewed chicken, with the speed of ordering and Meg's cooking, the guests in the restaurant may not be able to supply it.

"Stewed chicken for one person. I hope your wife will like it." McGonagall stood at the door, looking at jergi and smiling. During this time, he knew that jergi had three sons, and his wife was pregnant with a child of more than six months.

"Thank you, boss Mai. I think Miranda will like it very much." Jergi looked at MEG gratefully and said.

Some time ago, because Miranda had no appetite and vomited everything she ate, she was so weak that she seemed to fall down at any time. But this time, after eating Yangzhou fried rice made by McGonagall, her appetite has completely recovered and her body has become much better. Two days ago, even the medical students were surprised by her body, saying that her child is developing very well and continues to keep on, There should be no problem with production.

This is absolutely good news for jergi. His biggest worry is Miranda's physical problems, and McGonagall's appearance is like a savior.

McGonagall smiles and turns back to the kitchen to continue cooking. Geerjee's son and Amy are half classmates. Of course, they can't be too stingy.

"Check out, two." A demon called out.

"Ten gold coins in all." Sally came forward, glanced at the two porcelain bowls and two rougamo bags on the table, and said in a cool voice.

"You waiter, why don't you smile? You see how beautiful miss MIA smiles. Only in this way can people feel warmth and love. Come on, smile." The evil looking devil stares at Sally and says something seriously.

"Here are ten gold coins." The fellow devil quickly took out 10 gold coins and put them on the table. He dragged the devil to the door and said in a low voice: "you are crazy! I dare to tease other people's waiters. I don't want to follow you on the blacklist! "

"I'm not teasing. I'm serious. Don't talk nonsense!" The devil's face changed slightly when he heard the words.

"Look at the obscene way you talk. You're serious..."

"You say who is obscene!"

Two demons quarrel and go out. Sally's eyes stay on their backs for a while. Hanging on one side of her hand, a group of blue and purple light slowly fades away and puts away the gold coins on the table. Suddenly, she thinks of something and shouts to the two demons who are about to open the door: "stop!"

"Well?" The guests were all puzzled. It seemed that they didn't know how the two guests provoked this beautiful fairy waiter.

Holding the door handle, the two demons suddenly froze and looked at each other. Their faces suddenly collapsed. They turned around with bitter faces. The former demon looked at Sally with a smile worse than crying and said, "girl, I'm wrong. Even if you don't smile, you make me feel infinite warmth and love. Let us go. Don't go on the blacklist..."

"You, fill in this before you go." Sally looked at them, a little nervous, and took out a ticket from the tray.

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