The warm feeling moistens the world tree in the body. Xixi can clearly feel the connection that has been broken for 30 years is reestablished.

Although very weak, fragile as if all of a sudden will die, but it is like a small life in her body re pregnant in general, let her think of the child in the stomach, there is a trace of happiness in her heart.

The world tree was bred in her body at that time. It was like a child who accompanied her for decades. Later, she was seriously injured and died. It was also the world tree that took the initiative to import all the sources of life into her body and kept her life.

Now, the child has come back to life. It's a very special feeling for her. The gap in her heart begins to heal with the recovery of the world tree.

Lu Lu sat on the opposite side and watched quietly. From time to time, he picked up chopsticks to pick up vegetables for Xi Xi. When she finished eating, he changed a bowl of rice for her, but he didn't eat at all.

"Lu Lu, you can eat too. There are many meals anyway." Xi Xi mouth full of rice, looking at the deer said.

"It's OK. You're good to eat first. I'm not hungry. It's good for my health to eat more." Lu Lu smiles and shakes his head. Looking at Meg's busy back, he sighs: "this boss is really good. He can make a dish so delicious, but at the same time, he has such a magical effect. If the world tree can grow by eating stewed chicken rice, we will bring them to eat stewed chicken rice every day when we have children, The speed of cultivation and growth will certainly increase a lot. "

"Yes, it's delicious, and I feel warm and comfortable. I think I can eat ten more bowls!" Xi Xi swallows the rice in his mouth, says happily, then lowers his head and continues to eat happily.

Lu Lu looks at the smile on Xi Xi's face and looks out of the restaurant. With a little vigilance and worry, those guys... Don't know when they will appear.


Robert and Luther belched at the same time, looked at the clean bowl in front of them as if they had been licked, and looked up at each other, with a trace of embarrassment on their faces.

"My Lord, this... Sweet bean curd is really delicious. It's the same level of food as rougamo. I don't think it's a problem that these two dishes even rank first and second. It makes people reluctant to give up after eating. 200 copper coins and 300 copper coins are simply super value!" Luther looked at Robert and said seriously that all the guesses and doubts before he went to the restaurant had been forgotten by him, but his expression was a little embarrassed. After all, it took courage to hit him in the face.

However, as a man of integrity, after he tasted the delicious rougamo and bean curd, Luther could not say that the delicious food was not delicious, which made him feel better than beating his own face.

"I still agree with you on rougamo, but I think salty bean curd and stewed chicken rice are more suitable. For such delicate and soft food as bean curd, salty taste is better." Robert shook his head.

"My Lord, you haven't tasted the sweet tofu in your heart, but it doesn't have a half dull taste. If this taste is changed to salty, I can't imagine what a strange taste it is." Luther didn't mean to give in this time and argued for it.

"It's wrong for you to say that. The bean curd itself has the fragrance and sweetness of soybeans. It's delicious with refreshing sauce, chopped mustard and small shrimp. It's an absolute delicacy." Robert shook his head, but he still insisted, but after all, it's the leader who can't argue with Luther in this restaurant. He raised his hand and said with a smile, "OK, you eat your sweet, I eat my salty, don't argue in the restaurant."

Luther was not a person who didn't know how to advance or retreat. When he heard this, he stopped. However, looking at his expression, he didn't give in to the taste of bean curd because of Robert's identity.

"Waiter, check out, two people." Robert said.

"You had a stewed chicken with rice, two portions of bean curd and one portion of rougamo. The total amount is... 1550 copper coins." Amy came over with the ugly duckling in her arms, counted the bowls on the table, and held out her little hand.

"All right." Robert was a little surprised to see Amy. He took out a dragon coin, five gold coins and five coins from his purse and put them on her little hand. He didn't expect that the little girl would not only eat them, but she was very good at counting when she was young. After a while, he could figure out how much it would cost. Most adults are not as fast as her.

"Well." Amy nodded, put the duckling on the ground, and walked toward the counter with the money in her hands. More than ten coins were a lot for her.

When Robert is ready to get up, he turns over the menu at hand, and suddenly finds that there are many words written behind the menu. With a glance, he can't help showing his interest.

There are many rules in the back of the menu: 1;

2. All cash transactions in the restaurant, no credit;

3. It is strictly forbidden to fight or threaten the boss and employees in the restaurant, otherwise, they will be blacklisted and forbidden to enter the restaurant forever

Rules and regulations are written in gilded handwriting, which makes his eyes bright.

It's not unusual for restaurants to have rules, but the restaurant rules in Aden square are generally forbidding the entry of a certain race, or forbidding the taking out of drinks. It's the first time that Robert has made rules for guests like McMillan.

"A boss who dares to use semi racial waiters, a restaurant that dares to put forward its own requirements to customers, a chef who can make delicious food with no taste to the extreme and with the effect of conditioning the body, such a restaurant should be at the top of the food list." Robert put down the menu and looked at MEG in the kitchen. He thought to himself, he got up and walked towards the door. When he left the door, he stopped and looked back at the Maimi restaurant. He said with a smile: "Luther, if one day a restaurant that does not belong to the Aden chamber of Commerce monopolizes the top five in the food list, is it a very interesting thing?"

"If such delicious food can't be ranked in the top five, I think our food list has completely lost its credibility." Luther also looked at the sign of the restaurant and said seriously.

"Yes, whether guests are willing to choose restaurants according to the food list, the most important thing is credibility, and now we are losing such things." Robert nodded solemnly and looked back from the restaurant, but with a smile on his face, he said: "but now it's different. The emergence of Maimi restaurant may be a way to break the deadlock. The eyes of the guests are bright. If the angry guests vote with their feet, the association may also start a new round of reform, a war with Aden chamber of Commerce, Maybe it will be a sharp knife. "

"A war?" Luther looked at Robert striding away, his eyes gradually became fanatical, and he also quickly followed.

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