"Sunspot, which direction do you smell?" Ansem asked, looking at the middle-aged hunter with a slightly excited look. The other hunters looked at him with almost the same expression on their faces, full of expectation.

"Here, here, and here... All of them." The hunter, who was called sunspot, pointed to the left, then to the right, and finally to the inside of the square.

"Nonsense, you might as well say they are in the sky." Ansem slapped him on the head, a little annoyed.

"Boss, it's really everywhere, and according to the residual breath, it shouldn't be too long, which means that they are probably still around now." Sunspot some grievance way.

"Yes, who of you can write down this list? We'll go to each family directly according to the ranking above." Said Ansem, nodding.

"This..." people's faces suddenly showed the color of embarrassment, let them remember these things, it is really embarrassing.

"Boss, this is like the top 100 restaurants on the list. It's in the same order as the above. We can find them by family. I think they probably eat by family." At this time, the youngest hunter took a piece of golden red paper from the side of the ballot box, with a list of restaurants on it and a detailed address on the back.

"Well, let's look for it according to this. I'll be wide eyed." Ansem nodded, waved and walked to the first Ducas restaurant.

"Captain, those guys look a little suspicious." Not far away, the monkey looked at the hunters who were walking quickly with their horses and whispered to basil.

"Yes, that guy just killed a woman." Bazer's expression is also a little dignified. Just now those guys made him instinctively feel the threat of bloodthirsty. This kind of situation will only appear in people who lick blood at the edge of the knife all the year round.

And the strength of these guys is absolutely not weak, especially the bearded man. I'm afraid his strength is still above him. He should have just come to the city of chaos.

These people who come to the city of chaos for the first time are the monitoring objects of the grey temple, because the order of the city of chaos is still different from that of the whole continent of Nolan. Even in the city of lodu, which is known as an orderly city, the crime rate is more than ten times that of the city of chaos, and killing is nothing but a common thing.

But in the city of chaos, it's different. As long as you violate the laws and regulations of the city of chaos, no matter what your status is, the city of chaos will never ignore you.

Just now those guys have the intention to kill people in the street. This is a dangerous signal and we need to be alert.

"Monkey, you go to the Macy's restaurant and wait for Lord brandley to come out and report this to him. Although they haven't done anything extraordinary yet, they are listed as dangerous targets and need to be monitored." Bazel's face was heavy.

"Yes The monkey answered and trotted to the direction of the Maimi restaurant. If the target is dangerous, it means that the strength of these people has reached level 5 or above, and there is a strong instability. This kind of target appears in a crowded place like Aden square, which is not a small matter.


"Boss Mai, remember to pick up Amy early in the evening." Crassus settled and said to MEG.

"All right." MEG nodded. In the morning, Crassus said that he couldn't send Amy back because of something.

"Goodbye, master halfbeard." Amy waved to crassus.

"Goodbye, little Amy." Krasu nodded with a smile and turned out of the restaurant.

During the busy business hours at noon, after seeing off the last guest, McGonagall looked at Sally and asked with a smile, "how many tickets will be sent out at noon?"

"380 at noon." Sally counted the remaining votes in her hand and replied with a calm expression, but her eyes were still a little excited. After all, these are the tickets sent out from her hands, which will determine whether the restaurant's food can be on the food list.

"Sure enough, two thousand pieces are not enough. It's estimated that more than half of them will be sent out today." McGonagall didn't nod too unexpectedly. The business hours at noon are half an hour longer than in the morning, so there will be more guests and more in the evening.

"Boss, I think all the delicious food you make should be in the top ten. There is nothing more delicious than what you make." Abelmia looked at MEG and said sincerely.

"The top ten are not easy." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. The passenger flow of Aden square is more exaggerated than that of Chunxi Road in Chengdu on holidays. The scale of the top ten restaurants on the list is not small. It is absolutely not difficult to issue thousands of tickets a day. Moreover, the unit price of some dishes in high-end restaurants is more expensive than that of Maimi restaurant. It is not easy to enter the top ten.

However, McGonagall doesn't care much about this. After all, the task of the system is to make a dish into the top 30. According to the current progress, it should be possible to complete it. McGonagall vaguely thinks that the system will release the task of food ranking in the future, so he has to control the ranking now. If he goes too far the first time, Maybe the kengdai system will lose the first task in the ranking list, which is not very fun.

"I think my father's cooking should be ranked first. It's really delicious." Amy looked at MEG and said seriously.

"Sooner or later." MEG touched Amy's head with a smile, then picked her up and said with a smile, "OK, take a nap. Father will take you to class."

"All right." Amy lay on Meg's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Meow, meow." The ugly duckling scratched Meg's trouser legs and looked at him pitifully for fear that he would be left behind.

"Then go to bed with you." MEG squatted down to pick up the ugly duckling, looked at abemia and Sally, and said with a smile, "it's troublesome for you to finish your work. If you're tired, you can rest first and then work."

"All right." Sally and abelmia nodded at the same time, watching MEG go upstairs.

"Aisha, you're doing better at noon. You're making rapid progress." Abemia looked at Sally and said with a smile, giving her a thumbs up.

"You have done much better than me. I have to continue to study." Asha was modest, but she was still happy in her eyes.

By the time MEG takes Amy downstairs, the restaurant is completely new, Sally is gone, and abelmia is sleeping on the table.

"Shh, let MIA sleep again. Let's go out quietly. She works very hard." MEG whispered, taking Amy out with her bike.

"Well." Amy nodded cleverly and warned the ugly duckling with her eyes. She didn't wake Sally.

McGonagall rode his bike with Amy to the direction of chaos School Park. After dinner, there were fewer pedestrians on the road. Riding slowly, the bike could pass smoothly, but the rate of turning back was very high.

"The father and daughter?" On the second floor of a teahouse in the distance, Elizabeth, still dressed in a snow-white dress with a standing collar, looked at the McGonagall and his daughter passing by on their bicycles. Her face was a bit surprised. She had seen them at the city gate that day, and she still had some impression.

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