"How come sister Xixi and big bear haven't come yet?" Amy sat on the high stool with the ugly duckling in her arms, chin on the counter, looking at the direction of the door. It was dark outside, but Lulu and Xixi still didn't come.

"It seems that Amy really likes the Druid girl." McGonagall also noticed Amy's look of expectation. Apart from being very dependent on him, the little guy seldom had much expectation of other people.

"I miss my mother, don't I?" McGonagall sighed in his heart. Although he wanted to give Amy all his love, as he grew up, he would be more and more eager for maternal love.

"The elves... It seems that they work hard to cook. If they have no strength, they can't find Xiaomi's mother." McGonagall thought in his mind that the speed of his kitchen knife is getting faster and faster. Now the fastest way to improve his strength is to buy physical fitness points from the system. However, it is necessary to adapt and exercise his body at night.

"Lulu, I'd like to have two portions of stewed chicken rice, one portion of sweet bean curd and one portion of Yangzhou fried rice tonight. Do you agree?" Xi Xi is walking backwards in front of Lu Lu, his face is full of happy and expectant expression.

"Well, cut down on two bowls of rice so that you can finish it." Deer is full of doting nodded, behind the bamboo box do not know where, raised his hand to pull away the willow branches behind Xi Xi, followed her slowly, eyes around scanning, it seems that always on guard against something.

"We may have to eat faster in the evening. If those guys follow us to the city of chaos, they are probably looking for us now." Lu Lu whispered.

"Well, I will." Xixi nodded seriously, but there was no perfunctory about it.

It's almost eight o'clock, so the long line at the door of McMillan's restaurant is gone. There are still guests waiting for seats in the restaurant, but it doesn't take much time for the guests to come and go.

"Sister Xixi, you are here at last!" Amy looks at Xi Xi who pushes the door in. Her face suddenly looks happy. She slips down the high stool with the ugly duckling in her arms and comes forward with her short legs.

"Little Amy is so good. Of course we will come for such delicious food." Xi Xi smiles, reaches out and touches Amy's head, squats down and says naturally.

"Well, my father's food is the best in the world." Amy nodded, and the ugly duckling happily played around Xixi.

"I didn't expect the little boss to have such a side? But how lovely After all, in the eyes of many people, this little girl dares to burn lava demons with fireball.


"Novan, that's a good deal. I'll let the old man Julian come over in two days. You use space magic to cooperate with us and make a magic wand of three in one." In the headmaster's office of chaos school, Krasu waved away the complicated drawing on the desk and looked at novan sitting behind the desk.

"Of course, there's no problem, but you promise to explain half an hour's melee magic to the students of chaos school every month, but you have to count it." Novartis looked at Crassus and said seriously.

"Do you really want those kids to learn? Don't be afraid to bear the name of misusing people's children? " Krasu looked into Novak's eyes and asked, equally seriously.

"If it's wrong to learn melee magic with Krasu, the God of fire, then I've missed thousands of students in chaos school." Asked Novartis with a smile.

Krasu just kept looking into Novak's eyes and didn't answer.

"I think melee magic is a new way for magicians. As a leader, you have successfully come out. At the same time, it has been proved for more than 100 years that melee magic can also kill dragons and gods. Only with this, melee magic should be given enough attention. Whether children choose melee magic or long-range magic, I think this decision should fall in their own hands. Maybe one day, magicians can completely throw away the embarrassing situation that they have no power to fight back after being close to them. " Novartis also took away the smile on his face and looked at Krasu calmly.

"If someone else said these things to me, I would only listen as a joke, but I believe what you said." Krasu showed a smile on his face, nodded and said, "but I said that I only teach my apprentices some things. Those little guys can come to class and learn melee magic, but they are not my apprentices. I only accept one apprentice."

"OK, but Amy is also a student of our chaotic school." Novartis nodded with the same smile.

"I have another condition, give me a piece of land, I want to build a magic room." Krasu continued.

"How old is it?" Novartis asked directly.

"Bigger than this one." Krasu is not a guest at all.

"Ten times is enough?" There was a light in Novak's eyes.

"What do you want to do so big? Do you think I can really bring the wizard tower here?" Crassus said.

"If anyone in the world can do it, you are the only one." Novartis also laughed, nodded and said: "you decide how old you want. The houses on the street outside the magic academy are all school property

"OK, that's enough with you." Krasu nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and said, "let's go. I'll treat you to dinner today, so that you can see what's really delicious."

"The city of chaos, what delicious food I have never tasted." Although he showed little interest, he got up and came out from behind the table.

"Don't be so confident, boy. It's a delicious food you've never experienced before." Krasu was in the way, and he was not angry, so he went out first.

"It's so delicious?" Novartis looked at Krasu's back, showing a trace of doubt, and then went out.


"Belch... Belch... Belch..."

A series of hiccups came out from the hunting crowd, and all the bellies were bulging. Suddenly, they came to the west of the square.

"Boss, according to the description of those bosses just now, they are really here today, but we have searched all the 100 plus restaurants on the list, but we still haven't found them. What should we do now?" The youngest Hunter looked at Ansem a little helpless.

"Well, it tastes delicious! It's not the same as what I ate before. " At this time, the sunspot suddenly sniffed his nose, looked left and right, fixed his eyes on the bright sign of the Maimi restaurant not far away, his eyes suddenly burst out a touch of scarlet color, his hand pointed: "they are in that restaurant!"

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