Facts have proved that it's really a technical job to tie a little girl's hair. McGonagall looked at her hair, which had become more messy. He withdrew his hand awkwardly and said, "in fact, I think Xiaomi's hair looks pretty even if it's covered."

"But miss Luna wears cute little pigtails." Amy looked up at MEG and blinked pitifully.

"Cough, let's go out and see if we can buy the ugly duckling." McGonagall coughed twice, jumping over the subject of hair pricking.

"Yes, yes, I want to buy the ugly duckling!" Amy didn't care about her hair immediately and urged MEG to start.

McGonagall combed Amy's hair in order again. The two hairs still curled up, so he pretended not to see them. Because the business hours were not over, Amy had to wait patiently for a while. By the way, she continued to recite more than ten items in the multiplication table.

"We may not be able to buy ugly ducklings when we go out. If we don't have them, why don't we buy them next time?" When going out, MEG locked the door and said to Amy, get a vaccination first.

"Mmm, Xiaomi knows." Amy nodded obediently. Her face was full of joy. First, she was going to buy an ugly duckling. Second, her father hadn't taken her out for a long time, and she could hold a warm hand.

"Let's go." McGonagall takes Amy's hand and holds it soft. When he looks at the smile on Amy's face, he feels better.

"System, do you sell hair binding experience packs? Like the experience pack of Yangzhou fried rice McGonagall couldn't help but ask that Amy's resentful little expression just now really hurt him.

Now he wants to be both a father and a mother, and the skill of hair binding is very necessary.

"Host, I warn you again: please don't insult this system with this kind of problem! This system does not sell experience packs that have nothing to do with recipes! " The system seems a little angry.

"Ten gold coins will do?"

System silence.

"No? The thirty? "

The system remains silent.

"A hundred, that's all. Think for yourself." McGonagall's face was calm in his heart.

The system was silent for a long time, and then a line passed silently: "fancy hair tying experience bag - 120 gold coins."

"Sorry, I don't want it now. I don't have any money." McGonagall took a look at the experience pack. It's a pity. However, since the system is available and there will be money sooner or later, we must have a hairstyle that makes Amy's eyes shine. I feel better when I think about it.

"..." the system passed a string of ellipsis. Of course, McGonagall didn't care about the feeling of the system. Anyway, this guy only knows money.

Yading square is the center of the city of chaos, and it is also the commercial center. The crescent shaped houses are curved in an arc. It's two or three thousand meters from the restaurant to the other end. There are all kinds of strange shops along the way.

So there is a saying in the city of chaos that as long as there is something on the mainland and you have money, you can buy it in Aden square.

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated, but from a perspective, the prosperity of Aden square can be seen.

"Father, that black bird is bad." As soon as she went out, Amy went to Meg's side and pointed to the two cages hanging in the magic potion shop nearby.

"Well?" MEG was a little surprised to see that the magic potion shop and the restaurant were separated by five or six shops. In his memory, the boss was an old man, a human magician, tall and thin, with a little hunchback. He didn't usually contact with others, so he liked to tease his two birds and teach them some strange things.

Two cages, a black crow and a green haired red Billed Parrot, are jumping up and down in the cage. They notice that MEG and Amy, who come to the side, both look over their heads.

"Wow... Ugly little thing, you pass by my noble palace again. Now I allow you to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me three times, so that I wish you could look more like an elf in the future." The black crow cocked his head, looked at Amy, and said in a low voice.

"You're ugly. You're black all over." Amy said angrily, holding her fist and looking up at McGonagall, some wronged and unsure, "father, is Xiaomi really ugly?"

"How can it be? Xiaomi is beautiful. Didn't the fairy sister also say that yesterday?" MEG shook his head with a smile, pointed to the crow and said, "you see, this stupid bird is really ugly."

McGonagall's face is smiling, but his eyes are a bit murderous. This dead crow dares to say this to Amy. Isn't it disturbing his plan to improve Amy's self-confidence? And it doesn't look like it's the first time he's been taunting Amy.

"That is, ugliness is dead, ugliness is dead, and I call myself the king all day long. I'm very upset when I listen to you." One side of the green parrot nodded, the voice sounds like a girl, the tone is full of helplessness.

"Human, take away your mean fingers, don't think you will be afraid of you if you become half disabled from a disabled person..." crow turned to MEG and said.

"Amy, do you remember fireball yesterday?" MEG looked at Amy and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded and looked at MEG suspiciously.

"For those who like to talk cheap, the easiest way is to shut it up and try to give it a fireball." Meg said with a smile.

But the crow was more dignified and said, "hum, do you think I will be afraid? The birdcage was blessed by the old man with magic, and the mantra of fireball could be carried upside down by the king... "

But before it finished, there was a blue and purple fireball in Amy's hand.

"Instant?" The crow was stunned for a moment.

Then the fireball was thrown over by Amy and immediately wrapped in the birdcage.

"I'm just... Ah... Help The magic cover outside the cage was instantly melted. After the film disappeared, the steel bar on the cage began to melt. The blue and purple flame wrapped the black crow in, leaving only a scream.

McGonagall was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Amy's first use of fireball was more powerful than he thought. Of course, this is a good thing.

With a smile, he took Amy's hand and continued to walk forward, saying, "remember, if you meet such a guy in the future, just throw him a fireball."

"Mmm, Xiaomi remembers." Amy nodded hard and happily grabbed Meg's finger. She felt that all the anger she had suffered from the crow came back today. Sure enough, she didn't have to worry about being bullied when she went out with her father.

"Fire, fire fighting!" The green haired parrot cried a little flustered.

A skinny old man came out of the shop in a hurry. Looking at the bird cage on fire, he was surprised. He recited a mantra and lost a water polo.

With a stab, a faint smell of barbecue wafted away. A black, hairless crow was excited. Standing on the only remaining crossbar, he spread his wings and covered his crotch. He vomited a mouthful of black smoke and roared up to the sky: "tianlalu, I burned my Wang Huagui's robe..."

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