"This... This... This is impossible!"

Richie looked at the bottom two typesetting on the first magic screen, his hands trembling slightly, and cried with emotion.

Dream of 29 No, now even 30 are lost!

And it was the same restaurant that gave him a fatal blow one after another! A restaurant I've never heard of!

Just yesterday, he even got the personal confirmation of secretary general Mars that there must be a seat in Richie's barbecue in the top 30.

But what the hell is going on now? An unknown restaurant was born and occupied two seats in the top 30, pushing Ritchie barbecue to the 31st place!

This kind of gap makes rich hard to accept for a moment. He thinks that all the envious eyes before have turned into ridicule, and his expression has become particularly ugly.

"Boss... What's going on?" The guy looked at Rich's barbecue shop, which ranked first on the second magic screen, with the same look of confusion.

The people around him are also gloating at rich, including some restaurant owners. Before listening to rich's chattering about entering the top 30, now watching him eat, they feel quite happy.

When I opened a restaurant in Aden square, I had heard about Aden chamber of Commerce's manipulation of the list. I had a lot of resentment in my heart, but the other party was very rich, and he was in collusion with the Catering Association, so I dare to be angry.

Now this restaurant, called Maimi restaurant, is out of the world. It has two dishes in the top 30. It has successfully invaded the private land of Aden chamber of Commerce. Whether the other party brushes it or not, as long as it is not a restaurant of Aden chamber of Commerce, it makes them feel bad.

"Well, you don't have to look at it. It must be some guys who deliberately put their place in front of us by dirty means. I believe that the Catering Association will give us a fair explanation for this shameful behavior." Richie snorted coldly and tried to calm down. Looking at the eye-catching ranking, he was more confident and said: "I've never heard of this name in an unknown restaurant, and I've never been on the food list before. It's strange that there are two dishes in the top 30. If the ranking is real and effective, I'll run around Aden square naked! "

"The trough! It's only 29, so delicious stewed chicken rice didn't reach the top? This is a list of bullshit food

"First, it should be rougamo, OK! The king of pancakes, sausage and rougamo, let you experience the true meaning of life and regain the feeling of surging blood! It's only in the thirtieth place? "

"At least they are in the top 30, and the sweet bean curd, which is so sweet that people forget to breathe, is ranked 99th. This is the most intolerable, OK! This is an insult to my faith

"The heresy of sweet bean curd should not be on the list! You heretics gave me a star to my favorite salted bean curd, which dish can match the delicious salted bean curd? This is forcing me to vote with my feet! "

"I'm not happy that my favorite Yangzhou fried rice is only ranked 72. I've eaten all the restaurants on the list, and none of them can reach the level of Yangzhou fried rice. I don't know the ranking!"

As soon as the ranking came out, the crowd standing in front of the magic screen suddenly blew up the frying pan. Except for the restaurant owners who were not on the list, the most noisy ones were basically the customers of Maimi restaurant. Looking at the ranking on the list, no one was satisfied.

In particular, after seeing the sweet and salty tofu ranked in 99 and 100, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became full of gunpowder, but now the sweet party and salty party are scattered, and it's hard to separate the enemy from ourselves, so they are all suppressing their anger.

"The top 30 and last month are basically unchanged, but the last two have entered a restaurant that they have never heard of. Since they can count the votes through the Catering Association, it shows that there should be no problem with the votes, then this restaurant is most likely to be the biggest black horse in this competition for the ranking."

"That's not necessarily. Maybe the name of this restaurant won't be on the list tomorrow. Although we all know that this list can be listed with money, if it's too obvious, the face of the Catering Association won't be able to hang on."

"Does the restaurant association still have faces? It's been gone since about 15 years ago. "

Outside the crowd, several restaurant owners looked at the scene coldly and spoke in a slightly sarcastic voice.

"If I hear you right, it seems that what they are arguing about is that the Maimi restaurant can make customers care so much about the restaurant's ranking and have such a strong sense of honor. This restaurant is definitely not simple. I believe it will be a dark horse, a big dark horse that will disturb this year's food ranking." Among them, a young man with red hair and a pretty face said with a smile.

Hearing the words, everyone fell into silence. Listening to the words of those people's argument, the expression on their faces gradually became wonderful.

Although it is not clear what salty and sweet bean curd they are arguing about, they are really arguing about the Maimi restaurant.

And even if the fight is full of gunpowder, there is a point of view of both sides is surprisingly consistent - ranking low!

A restaurant on the food list for the first time, all the five dishes entered the top 100, and two of them entered the top 30! How can these people think that their ranking is too low?

You know, even the Ducas restaurant, which ranked first with roasted whole sheep, only ranked 38th in the second dish, with only three dishes in the top 100.

"Did that restaurant even look for such a public opinion maker?" An idea flashed through everyone's mind for the first time.

"No! The one over there is the owner of the biggest cloth shop in Aden square, the one with red face is the owner of the gold shop, the one with sleeves rolled is the grey temple, and there is an adult of the city Lord's mansion... How can these people be Tuo! "

Soon, people recognized the identity of these guests. They were rich or expensive. They could not afford to be invited by a small restaurant, unless the restaurant was opened by the son-in-law of the Lord of the city.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with a restaurant that can make these distinguished guests crazy and become the dark horse in the competition for the ranking.

"Well, I'm going to see what backstage there is in this restaurant. I dare to swipe the list so arrogantly. I'm going to expose his details and let the guests have a look. Not everything can be listed in the food list, let alone the top 30 Ritchie squeezed out of the crowd with a black face, looked left and right, grabbed his fellow's collar, and said angrily, "where's the Maimi restaurant?"

"This... I don't know." He said innocently.

"Yading square has been going west to the end. If you are going to make trouble, good luck to you." Said Harrison, smiling and pointing to the distance.

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